The National Research Environment
How are Research Institutions (universities, research centers) organised nationally?
Public entities: research-development institutes, centers or stations organized as public institutions, research-development institutes or centers organized within national firms, national companies and regies autonomes or the ones belonging to public central and local administration, international research-development centers created on the basis of international agreements, other public institutions or their components that have the research-development activity in their statutes.
Private entities: research-development entities organized as firms, firms and their components that have the research-development activity in their statutes, private accredited universities or their departments.
Major research funders
Who are the major funders of research nationally and do any have OA policies or mandates?
The funding agencies within the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation include: The National Centre for Programme Management for RDI programmes, The Executive Unit for Funding Academic Research (as part of the National University Research Council) for RDI programmes in universities, The Managerial Agency for Scientific Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer (part of the Polytechnica University), Ministry of Labour, Family and Equal Opportunities through Sectorial Operational Programe Human Resources Development - Priority Axis 1: Education and training in support for growth and development of knowledge based society - Doctoral and postdoctoral programmes in support of research.
There are no open access policies and mandates in Romania.
EC research funding
What is the dimension and importance of EU funded research for national researchers/institutionsRomanian partner institutions and project leaders are involved in 273 FP7 consortia where 21 institutions are lead partners and 252 partners play an active role (10 projects started in 2007, 47 projects started in 2008, 103 projects started in 2009 and 14 started in 2010).
Open Access and Repositories
Is there an awareness of Open Access within the research community nationally?
There is a low level of awareness of Open Access within the Romanian research community.
Open Access repositories
What is the current status and distribution of OA repositories nationally?
ASPECKT is an institutional repository of the Transilvania University of Brasov, that at the moment functions as a repository for the doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate theses from the Transilvania University of Brasov. In the future the content will be enriched with technical reports and conference papers, with the ultimate goal ASPECKT becoming a trusted repository for all the research activity carried out at the Transilvania University of Brasov.
Open Access publishing
What is the current status of OA journals published nationally?
There are 93 open access journals listed in the DOAJ.
Open Access organisations and groups
Kosson library and information science community: and
Useful links and resources
National websites, blogs, wikis and email lists etc. in the area of OAOpen Access Disc – a preliminary collection of documents – an introduction to Open Access for all interested in scholarly communications and new publication models. – a portal designed to be the future central point for Open Access dissemination and also the seat of the OpenAIRE liaison office.
A group on Google Groups: acces-deschis[@]
Contributors Contact Details and Contact details of the National Open Access Desk
Constantinescu Nicolaie – information architect, Kosson, kosson[@]