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OpenAIRE participates in the International Open Access Week

Open for Climate Justice

24 - 30 October 2022

As per tradition, OpenAIRE will actively contribute to the International Open Access Week 2022 initiatives with interactive sessions and thought-provoking panel discussions connected to the theme of this year “Open for Climate Justice”.

Climate change is probably the greatest human rights challenge of the 21st century.
Mary Robinson, former UN high commissioner for human rights

But what does climate justice mean and how “open” can be a facilitator for climate justice? We have prepared two series of webinars that will showcase the different ways in which we can all work together and make Open Science a means to tackle the challenges ahead of us.

OpenAIRE services and Climate Justice

Series 1

Join us in series of webinars and find out how our services can contribute to Climate Justice. We will showcase examples of  how the power of collaboration can advocate for openness and inclusion in research related to climate change, to research that matters for our lives.

Open Science impact in policy making for climate change

Series 2

We have joined forces with key organisations and projects, NEANIASEGIC-SCALE, INTELCOMP and DECIDO. This series will showcase how Open Science infrastructure and practice support evidence-based policy making related to climate.  

Check the detailed programme below!

All sessions will be virtual, free and open to all.

Monday 24

11:00 – 12:15 CEST

The OpenAIRE Research Graph, supporting evidence based R&I indicators

The OpenAIRE Research Graph (ORG) is an Open Access dataset including metadata about different entities that are part of the research lifecycle, such as publications, dataset, software, RPOs, grants, with links among them. This session will highlight how the information in the ORG can support the calculation of Research and Innovation indicators focusing on the use cases under development in the IntelComp project, where the indicators will allow to get insights from current practices, assess the impact and spot the trends in Science, Technology and Innovation.

- Claudio Atzori, CNR-IT
- Ioanna Grypari, ARC



Tuesday 25

11:00 – 12:15 CEST

Aurora and OpenAIRE: CONNECTing research and SDG

OpenAIRE CONNECT enables institutions, universities, or lead teams on a scientific domain, to easily create, configure and manage their own customised web portals (aka gateways) for the discovery of research outcomes that are of interest to their audiences. 
Thanks to its high configurability, a CONNECT Gateway can be customized with the community identity and be a single entry point to the research products relevant for the community among everything that is available in the OpenAIRE Research Graph. 
Monitoring the contribution to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is now easier than ever thanks to the specific filter, but more amazing features are yet to come thanks to the collaboration between Aurora and OpenAIRE. 
Aurora is a partnership of like-minded and closely collaborating research intensive European universities, who use their academic excellence to drive societal change and contribute to the sustainable development goals.

Discover the Aurora gateway ( and how the teams are collaborating to monitor Open Science and the research impact on SDGs.

- Alessia Bardi, CNR-ISTI
- Maurice Vanderfeesten, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam



14:30 – 16:00 CEST

Knowledge Café:
Research communities & climate action; being open to drive change

This session will invite expert researchers to discuss their scientific impact in climate related topics. Why are they embracing open science practices in their current research workflows? How are they using the resources provided in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)? Is open access enabling researchers to contribute better to Climate Change solutions? If you’re curious about these innovative initiatives by the research communities, make sure you attend!

- Anne Fouilloux, Head of the Nordic Earth System Modelling Hub, RELIANCE Project
- Anabela de Oliveira, National Laboratory for Civil Engineers, Portugal, EGI-ACE Project
- Bjorn Backeberg, Senior Researcher at Deltares, Marine & Coastal Systems, the Netherlands, C-SCALE Project
- Prof Spyridon Rapsomanikis, Athena RC, NEANIAS 

- Shanmugasundaram Venkataraman, Training Officer, OpenAIRE



Wednesday 26

11:00 – 12:15 CEST

OpenAIRE EXPLORE: Discovering research with focus on Sustainable Development Goals and Fields of Science classifications

OpenAIRE EXPLORE is a discovery portal of Open Science scholarly works that is built on top of the OpenAIRE Research Graph.  OpenAIRE embraces the need of open scholarly works mapping with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) classification and the Fields of Science taxonomy. These classifications assist to view contributions of research towards complex challenges for  humanity such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and poverty reduction.

In this workshop you will find out how SciNoBo - the Science No Borders team from our partner, Athena Research Center and its Artificial Intelligence stack - applies advanced Natural Language Processing and Graph Machine Learning technologies to provide  FoS and SDG annotations to enhance the research products of the OpenAIRE Research Graph and how this new knowledge discovery pathway is now available through OpenAIRE EXPLORE.

- Konstantina Galouni, OpenAIRE 
- Haris Papageorgiou, Athena RC



14:30 – 15:30 CEST

Knowledge Café:
Open Data in the forefront: driving policy decisions for climate justice

During this session, discussion will be focused on how open access is contributing to Climate Justice at policy level. Why is the scientific contribution fundamental for policymakers? Natalia Manola, CEO of OpenAIRE, will interview experts who are fully involved in using the open data to support strategic policy decisions to understand what the current status of opening data is and what they envision in the future.

- Cecilia Cabello, Director of Operations, FECYT, Spain, IntelComp Project
- Antonio Filograna, Senior Researcher at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A, Italy, DECIDO Project
- Davide Prette, CEO of Kpeople Research Foundation, Malta, DECIDO Project
 Fabio Perossini, Kpeople Research Foundation in Malta
- Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, AUEB & DTU, Director SDU, ATHENA RC, Lead of Living Lab on Climate Changen - IntelComp Project

- Natalia Manola, CEO, OpenAIRE



Thursday 27

11:00 – 12:15 CEST

The OpenAIRE MONITOR Institutional dashboard

The reliable and timely monitoring and evaluation of research activities is indispensable for the efficient allocation of resources and the overall decision-making processes for every organisation conducting scholarly research. Built upon the OpenAIRE research graph, the OpenAIRE Monitor Institutional Dashboard, a tailor-made data and visualization service of OpenAIRE allows organizations to get a 360º view of their research outcomes, monitor their Open Science compliance, discover Open Science trends, measure impact, discover trends, connections and collaborations and overall turn data into insights, so as to improve and optimize their future actions. The data from repositories and other content providers, passing through the OpenAIRE Research pipeline to be aggregated, deduplicated, enriched and cleaned, is the steppingstone for providing accurate and timely indicators, and a well-rounded monitoring dashboard.

- Ioanna Grypari, ARC
- Leonidas Pispiringas, OpenAIRE



Friday 28

11:00 – 12:15 CEST

Discover OpenCitations, an infrastructure for open bibliographical metadata

OpenCitations has been established as a community-guided open infrastructure to provide access to global scholarly bibliographic and citation data. Its role within the OpenAIRE-Nexus project is that of providing open bibliographic citations, and interconnecting data and integrating functionalities with the OpenAIRE Research Graph and more OpenAIRE-Nexus services. In this talk, OpenCitations’ Responsible for the Technical Infrastructure Ivan Heibi will present the integrations that have already been accomplished, and the future integrations and developments.

- Ivan Heibi, OpenCitations



We are looking forward to welcoming you all to discuss and exchange ideas.

Watch the message for the International Open Access Week 2022 from the Chair of our Executive Board, Inge Van Nieuwerburgh.

Our member events for #OAWeek2022

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Stay tuned!