This proposal is about the implementation of a permanent, scalable and real-time laboratory (AIRE Lab) which stems from the current state of the art but is independent from the current DAW and its deployment.
The concept of the solution is based on the instrumentation of the current DAW with Event Probes (EP). EPs represent information collectors injected into significant functional joints of the DAW. Useful information will be collected at the finest possible grain and propagated, in the form of a continuous event stream into the AIRE Lab. The information will be encoded according to the current Open AIRE data model but possibly enriched with typical event attributes such as timing, correlation ids, error or success status.
The AIRE Lab will be equipped with the concept of Functional Toolkit (FTk) in order to favour loosely coupled, scalable and composable functional components and services to take advantage of the information generated by EPs.
An Initial FTk will be implemented with the twofold objective of providing immediate value to the AIRE Lab and foster and promote the growth of a whole new ecosystem of tools in the near future. The Initial FTk will comprise functions to record events in time series, generate per-record real-time monitoring and reporting.
With the first execution of the DAW, after the realization of the EPs and the Initial FTk, computer scientists will already be able to work and experiment on a complete and uniform although prerecorded session of DAW executions from all the different OpenAIRE data sources.
Attention will be put into limiting the impact on the current code in order to not compromise the production deployment.
Tender priority topics addressed: The proposal addresses the vision of the Topic #3 focusing on the enhancement of current OpenAIRE services, expanding their operations, functionalities and outcomes. In addition it could also lead to the creation of new value added services.
This proposal matches this vision realizing a significant improvement at the very fundamental level of the OpenAIRE infrastructure: enhancing the DAW with new monitoring and reporting functionality. Content-providers and research communities will directly benefit from the Initial FTk.
A much more significant benefit, and for a much wider audience of stakeholders, is represented by the concept of AIRE Lab as a whole. AIRE Lab opens up for a real, concrete exploitation of the results in the future, providing open space for experimentation, prototyping and deployment.
Phase 1 budget: 7,060 €
Nubisware S.r.l. was born in 2016 from the awareness that developing software at a different level is possible. The team’s twenty year long experience and the vocation for Research and Development drive us towards cutting-edge solutions along the path of technological, industrial and service innovation. We proactively cooperate with our customers to develop new ideas and re-engineer, extend or integrate existing software systems. Our natural enthusiasm pushes us towards sharing, disclosure and teaching of everything related to computer science methodologies and technologies involving advanced web services, system integration, interoperability, security and data management.