Open Innovation Call
Applicants that entered the Open Call

Give researchers the power to produce, publish and discover the world's best research
What if researchers could use an Open Science platform enabling them to seamlessly write with colleagues and instantly publish both their Articles and Definitions without leaving it? And what if the wider community of peers could then give the most transparent and diverse feedback by openly review both Articles and Definitions? With Qeios, researchers can experience a totally new way of integrating scholarly Definitions as the building blocks of their new piece of research, and have the approval of the wider community of peers. The overall result is research of increased quality, comparability and reproducibility, freely discoverable by all.
Entered Phase 1

Enrich local data via the OpenAIRE Graph
Integration of the Notification Broker Service in DSpace 7 and DSpace-CRIS 7. This proposal is about the development of two data products for the repository community, built on top of the OpenAIRE Graph and the OpenAIRE Broker Service to enrich the data locally available and identify new data of interest reducing the friction of deposit. Establishing a data flow from OpenAIRE back to the repositories is clearly one of the objectives of the OpenAIRE Provide Dashboard. Having a deeply integrated solution in the Repository Platforms (this proposal includes an end-to-end integration for DSpace, transferable later in other platforms) will increase the adoption of such services making the OpenAIRE content provider network stronger. Moreover, having the OpenAIRE data back in the local repository will open to the introduction of mechanisms of auto-correction of the inferred information and chances to further improve existing data by new institutions joining the network.
Entered Phase 1 | Completed Phase 1 | Entered Phase 2 | Completed Phase 2 | Entered Phase 3 |Completed Phase 3

Enhancing the food & cosmetics OpenAIRE Research Graph for consumer health
We propose to use the OPENAIRE data and enhance the OPENAIRE graph by developing novel algorithms and supporting data curation for chemical ingredients in food and cosmetics and to disseminate this open, peer-‐reviewed information through the Ingredio mobile app and through OpenAIRE activities for actively protecting consumer health.
Entered Phase 1 | Completed Phase 1| Entered Phase 2 | Completed Phase 2 | Entered Phase 3 |Completed Phase 3

New generation mining service
This proposal aims to develop a stand-alone Text and Data Mining module that will extract named entities from XML (or PDF) files (publications, projects). Our project will come in addition to OpenAIRE mining service by adding new types of entities.
Entered Phase 1 | Completed Phase 1

Open Science Lens
Exploiting the OpenAIRE graph data, the Open Science Lens offers tools that can be integrated in a browser or a science oriented page to enhance the user experience with regards to Open Science exploration, offering direct access to all information related to a context, be it Publications, projects, calls, datasets, researchers, research topics etc. Not only the proposal promotes open science but also motivates 3rd parties in engaging with open science topics yielding a strong sustainability model for the offering.
Entered Phase 1 | Completed Phase 1| Entered Phase 2 | Completed Phase 2 | Entered Phase 3 |Completed Phase 3
OpenAIRE Person Name Resolution Service: Biodiversity
Provide a Canonical Person Entity (CPE) resolution service for the biodiversity community—free to scientists, and via API to institutions—developed using data from Plazi and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). We will also redeliver existing taxonomic treatments in the Biodiversity Literature Repository (BLR - hosted on Zenodo), enhancing significant persons (authors, collectors, identifiers etc.), which are currently unstructured person instances, using a CPE identifier or ORCID linked to a profile. Through subsequent collaborations we will extend person resolution services to other domains in natural sciences such as bioinformatics and infectious disease control, as well as in the humanities and information technology.

DRIS+: Enhancing the euroCRIS Directory of Research Information Systems (DRIS)
The project aims to enhance the euroCRIS Directory of Research Information Systems (DRIS) and make it automatically searchable via a dedicated API. This will promote CRIS systems becoming OpenAIRE data providers and simplify the process for harvesting their metadata.
Entered Phase 1 | Completed Phase 1| Entered Phase 2 | Completed Phase 2 | Entered Phase 3 |Completed Phase 3

This proposal is about the implementation of a permanent, scalable and real-time laboratory (AIRE Lab). AIRE Lab enables transparent, unlimited experimentation through forking and replaying data aggregation workflows. Event probes (EP) are injected into the Data Aggregation Workflow (DAW) capturing fine grained events which are fed to a Functional Toolkit (FTk). FTk is designed and implemented to favour loosely coupled, scalable and composable functional components and services to take advantage of EP data. An initial set of functions, (Initial FTk) adds immediate value to the AIRE Lab and demonstrates its usage by providing functions to record EP data in time series in addition to real-time per-record monitoring and reporting of DAW executions.
Entered Phase 1 | Completed Phase 1

Opscidia’s ontology generator
Opscidia promotes the reuse of research results for innovation and society by developing both an Open Access and APC-free publishing platform and artificial-intelligence based tools to analyze automatically scientific publications. A key problem in building efficient text-mining tools is to have proper domain-specific ontologies that can be used as building blocks for other text-mining applications. In this project, we aim to build a tool that enables to produce semi-automatically domain-specific ontologies and representations of OpenAIRE graph according to these ontologies.
Entered Phase 1 | Completed Phase 1| Entered Phase 2 | Completed Phase 2 | Entered Phase 3 |Completed Phase 3

OFSET - OpenAIRE for the space/geospatial sector
The proposed service will aim at integrating the OpenAIRE infrastructure to a dynamic learning platform dedicated to the space/geospatial sector, developed by Planetek within EO4GEO project ( The proposed solution aims, in principal, at reaching the space/geospatial community, allowing easy access to a vast amount of scientific and scholarly records, raising at the same time the impact of Open Science and OpenAIRE within this community. The proposed service module, in the form of a plugin, will create a bridge between the OpenAIRE infrastructure and the EO4GEO open educational resources. Through this plug-in, users of the EO4GEO platform will be able to use an advanced search engine and receive filtered and very well-structured results. The activity will capitalize Planetek’s previous relevant experience in e-learning, OpenAIRE, Marine_EO PCP and the EO4GEO H2020 Erasmus project.
Entered Phase 1 | Completed Phase 1| Entered Phase 2 | Completed Phase 2 | Entered Phase 3 |Completed Phase 3
The Open Call Overview
The OpenAIRE open call is challenging you to work on one of the three topics that are closely related with the OpenAIRE application boundaries (see image below).
The Budget
Through this Open Innovation Call process, OpenAIRE will allocate a total budget of €360,000 to successful project proposals shaped into products/services. Applicants and their products will also get recognition and be promoted within OpenAIRE ecosystem.
The OpenAIRE Topics
OpenAIRE Open Innovation programme is launched to discover, support and fund innovative ideas and implementations of software in the Open Science domain. This is achieved by the mingle of external and internal ideas that will lead to the co-creation of fresh business ideas and the formation of an innovation ecosystem with would-be-entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs, closely related to OpenAIRE. The Open Innovation programme selects innovative projects in the field of Open Science to develop products and services linked to scholarly works, repositories, data management, OpenAIRE infrastructure and OpenAIRE services. Ideas that make use of current assets available within OpenAIRE and create new services for the Open Science ecosystem (and EOSC) are welcomed!
Important: The services must build upon the OpenAIRE APIs ( Since OpenAIRE open innovation call is requesting teams to work on ideas and services/products that will integrate in OpenAIRE, any interoperability standards and technical requirements should be fulfilled.
The criteria to successfuly participate in the Open Innovation call, are to submit the submission template (provided by OpenAIRE) and describe all the neccessary elements required in a clear and direct manner so that evaluators can comprehend the value of your idea, its technical feasibility and the overall impact it will have within the Open Science ecosystem and OpenAIRE. Do not forget though that team is also important so try to showcase how and why your team should be accepted. What makes your team and your idea so special? Try to implement solutions for currrent and future useage that will affect various user groups.
There are three types of criteria that the OpenAIRE open call evaluators will judge upon each tender:
- Selection criteria that tenderers must comply with
- On/Off and Weighted award criteria that tenders would be evaluated upon for each phase
For a detailed view please download the OpenAIRE-Advance_Open Call document.
Rules and Conditions for OpenAIRE Open Call
All submissions should respect and fulfill the proposal submission process and requirements and noted in Annexes.
OpenAIRE reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the open call at any time. Applicants will be noted. Decisions made by the Procurer regarding the interpretation of these terms and conditions and the awarding decisions are binding and final. The evaluation committee acts in good faith in granting the awards, and reserves the right not to grant awards.
Eligibility criteria
Participation in the tendering procedure is open on equal terms to all types of operators EU member states and associated countries[1] .
Tenders may be submitted by a single entity or in collaboration with others. The latter can involve either submitting a joint tender or subcontracting (only up to 30% of total R&D can be subcontracted, more information below), or a combination of the 2 approaches. Teams should assign a person as a lead tenderer (contact point) and will be considered as the administrative contact responsible for communication. A signed agreement by all members of the team is required for the assignment of the lead tender.
Proposals must be submitted in English.
Applicant's cannot be associated to OpenAIRE partners, i.e. work for a partner of have other contractual relationship with them.
Applicants must apply by filling in all documents (Annexes) available online on the OpenAIRE portal.
A consultation team from OpenAIRE will be available to answer any inquiries on different kind of matters.
OpenAIRE will respond only to the lead tender, via OpenAIRE moodle, email, Skype/GoToMeeting.
Applicants are the only responsible for the content and nature of their submission to the OpenAIRE open call. No rights can be derived from suggestions and instructions provided by OpenAIRE.
Applicants are the only responsible for ensuring that no legal obligations, no rules of public order of decency and no rights of third parties are violated, according to the laws of the countries involved. They must also ensure that their submission results in no unlawful act and/or in no damage to others.
Teams will indemnify OpenAIRE from any and all costs and damages that could result from infringing their legal obligations.
OpenAIRE shall not be liable in the event of loss of submitted proposals namely due to network interruptions. In case of any failures of the OpenARE system or website, applicants will have to contact the OpenAIRE team.
OpenAIRE shall not consider late submission proposals as valid.
Once the tender is submitted, the applicant will receive the notification about the proposal registration.
The evaluation process is carried out following the evaluation criteria described in the relevant documents.
The information which has been specifically designated as "confidential" by applicants shall remain confidential.
Intellectual property
The ownership of the IP rights arising from the tender shall belong to the applicant(s). The results of the projects selected and funded by OpenAIRE are owned by the party that generates them, unless otherwise agreed. The party has the obligation to grant a non-exlusive license to OpenAIRE over the use, distribution, communication and further developement of the service. Moreover, all source code and accompanied documentation on a public free repository (i.e. GitHub, Gitlab, OpenAIRE, etc) under a free open source software licence.
OpenAIRE reserves the right to use the projects selected and funded for publicity and promotion of the project via different media channels. The winning teams should cooperate with OpenAIRE on publicity and communication and act as ambassadors for the infrastructure services.
Data protection
Personal data of the applicants shall be collected and processed only for the purpose of participation in the Open call by the OpenAIRE team which takes all appropriate measures for the safety of applicants data and respond to all the requests regarding data subjects rights.
Applicants acknowledge that providing their personal data in the Annexes is mandatory in order to participate in the open call.
Applicants allow OpenAIRE to disclose their name, as provided in the corresponding application form, in any form or by any means, for promotional purposes.
Personal data shall be kept, under the scope of this program, until its completion after which they will be erased.
Should there be any queries concerning the processing of personal data, these shall be addressed to OpenAIRE team.