OpenAIRE has issued some recommendations for solidifying and advancing open science in FP9.
FP9 is about carrying out research through mission oriented goals, co-creation and co-design, and is about responsible and reproducible research that provides sustainable approaches to societal problems in an ever growing arena of data where fact-checking and evidence policy are in the centre.
It is thus more important than ever to strengthen Open Science in its many incarnations and empower Europe via a collaborative approach to open infrastructures for open science, across all borders and all domains.
OpenAIRE recommendations for advancing open science in FP9
The digital transformation of our culture, society, education system and funded research affects the way science is carried out and communicated at a global level. European engagement in open science activities is changing the landscape for future generations and the Horizon2020 funding programme and the EC's Open Science Agenda has so far had real success in terms of open access and intensification of interdisciplinary work . The establishment and smooth operation of infrastructures that address all areas of the scientific process, supporting researchers to manage, make open, and preserve all research outcomes for the benefit of society, are critical into increasing innovation and driving progress.
FP9 is about carrying out research through mission oriented goals, co-creation and co-design, and is about responsible and reproducible research that provides sustainable approaches to societal problems in an ever growing arena of data where fact-checking and evidence policy are in the centre. It is thus more important than ever to strengthen Open Science in its many incarnations and empower Europe via a collaborative approach to open infrastructures for open science, across all borders and all domains.
In this context, OpenAIRE reiterates some key messages as the EC lays out its planning for FP9 to ensure continuity and reinforcement of open science priorities. We recommend that the EC continues on the path started in Fp7 and H2020 and strengthens its position on open science by two key lines of actions:
Supporting infrastructures
Change the culture
Some highlights
- Contribute to the development of the global Scholarly Commons, an ecosystem of decentralized and trusted services to bring the true paradigm shift in scholarly communication, placing researchers back in the driver seat with total control of their information.
- Facilitate a pan-European research evaluation and metrics infrastructure setting in place transparent and trusted procedures for changing the reward system for research and effective incentives for researchers to adopt open science practices
- Coordinate efforts to embed data and open science skills in the European research ecosystem by equipping administrators and support staff in research performing organizations with the required tools (information, training, services) to facilitate a pan-European network of data experts.
- Promote efforts to engage non-research communities to research processes, i.e., government, citizen-scientists, educators, industry and the public, beyond the exploratory H2020 effort
Moreover, OpenAIRE proposes a set of practical recommendations to take place before, during and after the project lifetime. These actions aim a) to influence the behaviour of researchers and balance the culture towards openness, while sending clear signals to bidders and their organizations about the need to take open science seriously, and b) improve the monitoring and policy making decision process.