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COAR’s Next Generation Repositories (NGR) project positions repositories as the foundation for a distributed, globally networked infrastructure for scholarly communication.
NGR technical vision is to make the resource, rather than the repository, the focus of services and infrastructure.   Image courtesy of Patrick Hochstenbach

ResourceSync and signposting are the two supporting technologies, together with Creative Commons licenses, HTTP Signatures, International Image Interoperability Framework, Linked Data Notifications, ORCID, OpenID Connect, SUSHI, SWORD, Sitemaps, Social Network Identities, Web Annotation Model & Protocol, WebID, WebID/TLS, WebSub, Webmention and more.

Signposting signposting is an approach to make the scholarly web more friendly to machines exposing relations as Typed Links in HTTP Link headers, fully aligned with hypermedia (REST, HATEOAS) lines of thinking regarding web interoperability. Signposting is now implemented in DSpace-CRIS and OJS. DSpace 7 plans to provide Signposting support.

ResourceSync is a synchronization framework for the web consisting of various capabilities that allow third-party systems to remain synchronized with a server's evolving resources. As a successor of the OAI-PMH protocol it is faster, reliable, scalable and allows real-time notification (and recovering of missed messages). 4Science has releasead a ResourceSync implementation for DSpace 5, 6 and (future) 7 with the support from OpenAIRE.

A Next Generation Repository manages and provides access to a wide diversity of resources; is resource-centric; is a networked repository; is machine-friendly; and is active.

Image courtesy of Patrick Hochstenbach

Do you want to contribute to NGR? Support the implementation of the identified behaviours and technologies in your community (DSpace, Fedora, Dataverse, Samvera, VIVO, EPrints,
OJS, etc.). Keep the repository open to new kinds of content, facilitating the scholarly transformation. And join the conversation on GitHub at coar repositories.