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OpenAIRE coffee break on the role of MOOCs in open science training

Reflections on the trends, strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs and the case study of NAU platform in Portugal

  • Tuesday, 21 November 2023

The OpenAIRE AMKE Training & Support Standing committee is organizing a new session of the OpenAIRE coffee break series. Please join us on November 21 at 10h30 CET to discuss on the following topic: "The role of MOOCs in Open Science training: reflections on the trends, strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs and the case study of NAU platform in Portugal. 

Pedro Barbosa Cabral, the NAU platform at FCT-FCCN and e-Learning Consultant & Educational Designer and MOOC Specialist, will share his reflections on the trends, strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs in open science training and will talk about the case study of NAU platform in Portugal. 

OpenAIRE Explore & Open Science Lens: discovery tools for research results and data (In Greek)

OpenAIRE Explore & Open Science Lens: discovery tools for research results and data (In Greek)

  • Thursday, 05 October 2023

OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus invite you to participate in the webinar that focuses on OpenAIRE tools for searching interconnected scientific information organised on Thursday 5th October 2023 at 11:00 am EEST. The presentations will be made by Konstantina Galouni, manager of the EXPLORE discovery portal, and George Papanikos, CTO of CITE SA.

The webinar will describe the OpenAIRE Explore service and the Open Science Lens (OSL) plugin application. It will explain their functions and highlight the ways in which they can be used by the research community. The main subject of the presentations is the exploitation of the OpenAIRE Graph, the pan-European knowledge graph for scholarly communication, which is enriched with 169 million publications, 59 million research data, 366 thousand research software components, 129 thousand data sources, which are linked to 3 million grants and 194 thousand organizations. In addition, presenters will perform demos of the services focusing on the easy search and access to scientific results which are interconnected: activity-article-data-software.

At the end of the webinar, the participants will be able to: 

  • search for scientific articles, data, software and other results which are available in the OpenAIRE Graph
  • have a more comprehensive picture about the research production of the scientific results 
  • link their own scientific articles to ORCID
  • install the Open Science Lens app in their browser

RAISE Science Webinar: a transparent way of sharing and processing data

  • Thursday, 13 July 2023

RAISE's mission is to provide an infrastructure that facilitates a decentralized system for processing data through crowdsourcing. This involves transitioning from utilizing open data to enabling open access data for processing. Instead of sending the data to the algorithm, RAISE enables the algorithm to be sent to the dataset. In this workshop, stakeholders will be introduced to an initial mock-up of RAISE’s unique approach that brings the processing algorithm (small in size) directly to the dataset (large in size), instead of requiring the dataset to be downloaded to the computer where the algorithm is located. An initial demonstration using wireframes will be done. The current mock-up is an interactive version that demonstrates the basic functionalities of the Research Analysis Identifier System. The navigation through basic features will help the participants understand better the system and, also, provide valuable insights for the improvement of user experience. The goal is to appreciate the value of not only accessing data, but also processing it conveniently: RAISE minimizes the time required to obtain results and enhances overall productivity, while simultaneously promoting transparency in sharing and processing data, as well as empowering researchers to publish their work with authenticated data analysis. Additionally, it ensures that their work receives proper accreditation. The mock-up presentation will be followed by a discussion to navigate stakeholders needs and requirements in processing data.


  • 11.00 – 11.05 Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop Objectives and Participants (Panagiotis Bamidis)
  • 11.05 - 11.15 Open Science and RAISE presentation (Evdokimos Konstantinidis)
  • 11.15 – 11.25 RAISE Demo (Despoina Petsani)
  • 11.25 – 11.55 Interactive presentation(Despoina Petsani/Eleni Bolieraki)
  • 11.55 – 12.00 Q&A

Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice

Join us to learn more about how to successfully implement Open Science requirements in Horizon projects

  • Monday, 03 July 2023

Have any doubts or questions about your obligations as a Horizon Europe (HE) grant holder in terms of Open Access to publications and Research Data Management? We will present the HE requirements, followed by some time for your questions to our experts. You will also get a preview of the main tools and services OpenAIRE provides to help project coordinators and research support staff on the requirements' compliance. Learn about: Mandatory and recommended Open Science requirements in HE. Compliance with the HE Open Access to publications mandate. Managing and sharing Research Data in HE projects. Delivering Data Management Plans and reporting publications and datasets in HE. OpenAIRE tools and services to support HE projects.   OpenAIRE is a not-for-profit organisation that is supported by several HE grants. This webinar is organised as part of an effort to make Open Science practices easier to understand and implement.   *This webinar will be recorded and the recording will be shared via the OpenAIRE channels. By registering you accept the terms on which it will take place.

Open Research Europe: Presentation of the open access platform of the European Commission (In Greek)

  • Thursday, 29 June 2023

OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus are pleased to welcome Dr Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission, DG RESEARCH, on Thursday 29th June 2023 at 11:00 am EEST.

The focus of the webinar is the Open Research Europe platform for peer-reviewed open access publications. The platform allows publishing of original research articles resulting from Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 funding, without charging any fees to the authors, e.g. article processing charges. The platform is supported by the European Commission to help the researchers in meeting their requirements for immediate open access to publications.

The webinar will present in detail the publication model of the platform and the submission and evaluation process, according to which open assessment follows the publication of articles (post-publication open peer-review). It will also present the EC's policies under which the platform was created in 2021 and the future plans to transform it to a publication platform that will be funded by the countries.

OpenAIRE coffee break on e-accessibility

It’s all about the tools!

  • Wednesday, 07 June 2023

Tim Berners-Lee once said, “The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” Yes, well, but why is much of the data on the web still not accessible to people with disabilities? Some might blame a lack of knowledge by authors of content, which may be compensated by training. But actually, authoring tools turn out to be a major culprit, as long as research data like tables or forms for data collection cannot usually be created accessible with common office tools.

Andreas Jeitler, responsible for Accessibility Services at Klagenfurt University Library, and Susanne Blumesberger, an academic librarian at the University of Vienna,  discuss e-accessibility tools. 

OpenAIRE EXPLORE: Improvements and new information available

  • Tuesday, 23 May 2023

20230523 EXPLORE small


Short description & Agenda

This webinar will focus on the latest improvements of the Explore portal to better facilitate user needs in terms of easy search and best exposure of the metadata of the desired research results.

It will also be presented where the users can find the impact factors, usage counts, and citation scores of the research results in the search pages as well as in the detailed pages.

Progressing Open Science in Greece and Cyprus: local initiatives and next steps (In Greek)

  • Thursday, 04 May 2023

Webinar May 2023 small

OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus continue to organise webinars on Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud - EOSC.

Athena Research Center and the Library of the University of Cyprus invite you to participate in the webinar that takes place on Thursday 4th May 2023 at 11:00 am EEST. The purpose of the webinar is to inform about the ways in which Open Science has been applied in the Greek and Cypriot research ecosystems, emphasizing on the latest developments and upcoming actions. In these efforts, the contribution of National Initiatives has been significant, namely the Hellenic Open Science Initiative (HOSI) and Informal Consultative Group for Open Science in Cyprus.

OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers: National and Regional CRIS

  • Wednesday, 19 April 2023

20230419 OPENAIRE CRIS GuidelinesWebinar 1

Joint Webinar organised by OpenAIRE and EuroCRIS focusing on how CRIS Systems can be compliant with OpenAIRE Guidelines as well as on the workflow to register in OpenAIRE.

This webinar provided a follow-up to the Oct 5th, 2022 session on the same topic. The April 19th specifically targeted national and regional CRIS systems, including brief presentations on the procedures followed and the lessons learnt by national-level initiatives who have already managed to become OpenAIRE-compliant such as VIRTA in Finland and FRIS from Belgium.

Institutional CRIS managers may also be interested to join, since the workflows for CRIS registration and to set up the OAI-PMH endpoint that will allow the CRIS to be harvested by OpenAIRE are largely common. These was discussed with the OpenAIRE colleagues at the University of Bielefeld who are currently providing technical support to interested parties in this domain.

WHEN: April 19th, 11:30 - 12:30 CEST


  • Introduction
  • Guidelines
  • On-going projects and lessons learned
  • Discussion
  • Closing

OpenAPC - Open minds towards transparent publication fees

  • Tuesday, 04 April 2023

 20230404 OpenAPCWebinar 1


In 2014 the OpenAPC project was launched at Bielefeld University Library and has received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2015 - 2018), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (2018 - 2020) and the European Commission through the OpenAIRE Nexus project (2021 - 2023).

In this online event, the presentation focused on the benefits of transparent publication fees and on how institutions can become part of the global acting OpenAPC project.

We briefly discussed the data format and processing, how transparency is applied to all steps of the data lifecycle in OpenAPC, and the benefits of participating.

The presentation closed with a brief outlook.

Finally, time for discussions and further explanations after the presentations.