Items starting with A
Amnesia: High-accuracy Data Anonymization
Friday, 10 February 2023
The webinar introduced the concept of anonymization of research data, including direct identifiers and quasi-identifiers using Amnesia, which is a flexible data anonymization tool that transforms sensitive data to datasets where formal privacy guarantees hold.
Amnesia transforms original data to provide k-anonymity and km-anonymity.
- Introduction to different anonymization techniques:
- k-anonymity and km-anonymity,
- Short demonstration of the tool.
Aurora and OpenAIRE: CONNECTing research and SDG
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Session held during the International Open Access Week 2022. View the OpenAIRE programme.
OpenAIRE CONNECT enables institutions, universities, or lead teams on a scientific domain, to easily create, configure and manage their own customised web portals (aka gateways) for the discovery of research outcomes that are of interest to their audiences.
Thanks to its high configurability, a CONNECT Gateway can be customized with the community identity and be a single entry point to the research products relevant for the community among everything that is available in the OpenAIRE Research Graph.
Monitoring the contribution to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is now easier than ever thanks to the specific filter, but more amazing features are yet to come thanks to the collaboration between Aurora and OpenAIRE.
Aurora is a partnership of like-minded and closely collaborating research intensive European universities, who use their academic excellence to drive societal change and contribute to the sustainable development goals.
Discover the Aurora gateway ( and how the teams are collaborating to monitor Open Science and the research impact on SDGs.
the OpenAIRE data anonymization tool
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Speaker: Manolis Terrovitis (Athena Research Centre)
Date: June 10th 2020
Time: 2 PM CEST
Amnesia is a flexible data anonymization tool that transforms relational and transactional databases to dataset where formal privacy guaranties hold. Amnesia transforms original data to provide k-anonymity and km-anonymity: the original data are transformed by generalizing (i.e., replacing one value with a more abstract one) or suppressing values to achieve the statistical properties required by the anonymization guaranties. Amnesia employs visualization tools and supportive mechanisms to allow non expert users to anonymize relational and object-relational data.
Amnesia is implemented in java and javascript and it can be used as a standalone application or as a service. Moreover, it provides a ReST service API to allow the incorporation of its anonymization engine to other information systems. The tool is available through OpenAIRE and it has been used in several research projects including MEDA and MyHealthMyData.
Dr. Manolis Terrovitis is a Researcher at the Information Management Systems Institute (IMSI) of Research Center Athena. His research work includes big data analytics, data privacy and anonymization methods. He received his PhD from the National Technical University of Athens (2007) and has been with the Department of Computer Science of The University of Hong Kong as a post-doctoral researcher (2007-2008). In 2009 he joined IMSI, first as a post-doctoral researcher and then as a Researcher. Google Scholar reports over 1900 citations to his work, which includes publications to some of the most prestigious venues in data management (VLDB, VLDBJ, TKDE etc). He has served as president of the Hellenic Accreditation System and a member of the Board of Directors of Information Society S.A. He head of Amnesia development in Athena RC and he has been involved in several national and EU funded R&D projects. He has worked as a consultant at the private and public sector on the design and performance optimization of information systems and he is working as a Data Protection Officer in the National Network for Precision Medicine in Cardiology and in Oncology. Moreover, he has extensive experience on the application of privacy-by-design principles in the information ecosystems.
Accesso aperto nelle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente
Un seminario sull’Open Science e gli strumenti per aprire la conoscenza
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Organizzato da IGG e ISTI attraverso il National Open Access Desk di OpenAIRE, il seminario intende guardare al mondo dell’Open Science dal punto di vista specifico delle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.
Quali sono le ragioni alla base delle politiche europee sull’Open Science e come si declinano nello specifico delle scienze della Terra? Nel seminario in programma per il 14 maggio si parlerà delle motivazioni che spingono ad adottare pratiche per rendere la scienza più aperta e trasparente, con un taglio disciplinare specifico, quello appunto delle discipline della Terra e dell’ambiente.
Il seminario Open Science: come dare accesso aperto alla conoscenza, Un focus sulle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente affronterà gli aspetti di base e fornirà alcuni strumenti pratici, tra cui:
- le motivazioni alla base dell’Open Science
- l’Open Access alla letteratura scientifica
- la gestione dei dati della ricerca (aspetti legali, dati FAIR e dati open)
- l’Open Science e le infrastrutture europee per le scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.
Saranno fornite indicazioni su strumenti e buone pratiche utili a inserire la scienza aperta nel ciclo quotidiano della ricerca, mostrandone i vantaggi e le implicazioni etiche. Una parte del seminario sarà dedicata agli obblighi previsti dai finanziamenti della Commissione Europea in H2020 e nel prossimo programma quadro Horizon Europe. Inoltre si getterà uno sguardo ai passi compiuti in questi anni dalla Commissione Europea a favore della Open Science, anche attraverso la costituzione di Infrastrutture di ricerca dedicata alle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.
Il seminario durerà 1 ora e 30 minuti, seguiti da altri 30 minuti per le domande e la discussione.
Il seminario è pensato per ricercatori afferenti al dipartimento di scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente del CNR e in generale per tutto il personale di ricerca che lavora su progetti finanziati dalla Commissione Europea.
Docenti: Emma Lazzeri (CNR-ISTI, Pisa), Mariasilvia Giamberini (CNR-IGG) e Gina Pavone (CNR-ISTI, Pisa)
Appuntamento al 14 maggio, dalle 11:00 alle 13:00.
Compilando questo form potrete registrarvi e ottenere il link per assistere al webinar
La registrazione del webinar, le slide e tutto il materiale di supporto saranno resi accessibili attraverso questa pagina.
- Recordings: RECORDING
- Slides: SLIDES - Emma Lazzeri SLIDES - Mariasilvia Giamberini Domande e Risposte
Aspetti Legali dei Dati della Ricerca
Monday, 29 April 2019
More Information about the 2019 webinar series.
AMNESIA: Data anonymization made easy
Monday, 23 April 2018