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Intellectual Property and Open Science: Legislation - Practices

  • Thursday, 09 July 2020

IPR webinar final

The National Open Access Desks in Greece and Cyprus organise the last webinar of the Summer season. NOADs will be back with new webinars with the start of the academic year 2020-2021, in September.

This month the focus is on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for the academic and research community to learn about latest developments at policy level and how they are applied.

OpenAIRE Webinar: “Intellectual Property and Open Science: Legislation - Practices”

When? Thursday, 9 July 2020

Time? 11.00 am - 12.00 pm EEST

Language of the presentation: Greek

Audience: Researchers, Research Performing Organisations, Research Funding Organisations, Librarians

We are pleased to announce that guest speaker of this webinar is legal expert Prodromos Tsiavos, Legal Adviser of "Athena" Research & Innovation Center.

The purpose of the webinar is to provide a brief overview of policies and the European legislation around IPR as well as to show how these might influence the designing of institutional and national Open Science policies. In this regard, emphasis will be given to Directive 2019/790 on intellectual property in the Digital Single Market, Directive 2019/1024 on Open Data, the European Data Policy, the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, and the European Commission's proposal for the EOSC Partnership. All of the aforementioned policy and legislative texts will be discussed in the context of broader European Digital Policies. Finally, it will be examined how they can lead to concrete actions for improving and strengthening policies at institutional and national level.

The webinar will be recorded and all related material (slides, recordings, Q&As) will be shared with everyone afterwards.

For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

      - Ελλάδα   openaire['at']

      - Κύπρος   openaire-cy['at']


Interoperability in EOSC: OpenAIRE Guidelines for repositories

  • Thursday, 11 June 2020

Athena Research Center and University of Cyprus Library, in the context of joint activities performed for OpenAIRE and NI4OS-Europe, organize a webinar to inform about repositories’ interoperability within the EOSC ecosystem. The webinar is part of the regular series of the Greek and Cypriot NOADs that aim to spread awareness to and facilitate adoption of important and relevant Open Science principles by their academic and research communities. 

This month the focus is on best practices for institutional and thematic repositories and on compliance with standards and protocols that enable effective and lossless information exchange between heterogeneous systems.

When? Thursday, 11 June 2020

Time: 11.00 am - 12.00 pm EEST

Language of presentation: Greek

Target audience: Repository managers

We are pleased to announce that guest speakers of this webinar are Antonis Lempesis and Stefania Martziou, Research Associates at Athena Research Center and members of the OpenAIRE technical team. 

Accessing scientific results which are available on digital infrastructures, such as repositories, is an important Open Science practice. Adoption of policies and standards as well as training for using repositories enhance, among other things, accessibility, findability and reusability of scientific outputs. Lately, there is a growing need for research data and services/ infrastructures which produce, share and preserve this data to follow the FAIR principles. However, data heterogeneity could have a negative effect on interoperability of systems. A solution to this challenge is provided by OpenAIRE for over ten years now, through specialised services which are also supported by NI4OS-Europe and EOSC. 

Repository managers will have the opportunity to be informed and explore:

  • the OpenAIRE Guidelines for enhancing interoperability
  • the Validator service for assessing repositories’ interoperability
  • the Repository Dashboard: a web service for content providers