Items starting with O
OpenAIRE virtual coffee break
Involved in open science training and looking for ways to optimize your online training delivery?
Monday, 29 June 2020
A virtual coffee break on Zoom - no presentations, just an informal experience sharing discussion, like you would have at your coffee break. Notes.
Open Science, Open Access FAIR data, EOSC: three webinars in Italian
Friday, 19 June 2020
Monday, 22 June 2020
Thursday, 25 June 2020
OpenAIRE in collaborazione con l’Unità di progetto Formazione dell’Università di Torino organizza un corso online sui tempi della Open Science, Open Access, dati FAIR e European Open Science Cloud.
In un ciclo di tre incontri della durata di 2 ore ciascuno vedremo insieme
- la crisi della attuale comunicazione scientifica e l’alternativa Open (con strumenti per aprire ogni passo del ciclo della ricerca)
- Open Access in pratica, con una panoramica sulle politiche europee per testi e dati e sulla European Open Science Cloud- come gestire i dati della ricerca, come renderli FAIR – ai fini della European Open Science Cloud – e come aprirli, se e quando possibile.
Open Science Open Access – 1° incontro
venerdì, giugno 19, 2020
10:00 | (UTC+02:00) | 2 ore
Open Science Open Access – 2° incontro
lunedì, giugno 22, 2020
14.00 | (UTC+02:00) | 2 ore
Open Science Open Access – 3° incontro
14.00| (UTC+02:00) | 2 ore
OpenAIRE PROVIDE Dashboard for Turkish repository managers
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
bilingual webinar (English and Turkish)
Open Research Gateway for the ELIXIR-GR Infrastructure
Wednesday, 06 May 2020
Athena Research Center and the Institute of Applied Biosciences of the Center for Research and Technology Hellas, in the context of collaborative activities undertaken between the OpenAIRE Greek NOAD and ELIXIR-GR, also supported by the RDA Ambassador programme, join forces to inform their communities about new services available for research and tailored support provided through their networks.
We invite you to take part in this collaborative webinar:
“Open Research Gateway for the ELIXIR-GR Infrastructure”
When? Wednesday, May 6 2020
Time? 11.00 - 13.00 EEST
Language: English
Target Audience: Researchers, Early Career Researchers, Health Sciences Librarians
The webinar will consist of a set of presentations, a demo and a virtual break out session. It will start with setting the scene by communicating work performed in OpenAIRE, RDA and ELIXIR-GR, both separately and collectively. It will then proceed to demonstrate the OpenAIRE Research Community Dashboard and provide hands-on exercises for participants to follow in groups.
The demo and the hands-on session will be about OpenAIRE services for Open Science offered to research communities and research infrastructures, with a focus on services for research performed in the ELIXIR-GR network. Moreover, participants will explore the possibilities of the Open Research Gateway for ELIXIR-GR (, developed in order to collect in one single entry point all research artefacts produced by various services and tools of the ELIXIR infrastructure. They will also have the opportunity to use the gateway, provide their feedback, suggest new functionalities and features, and discuss how Open Science practices can be promoted, implemented and monitored in their research field.
- General introduction, welcome, etc (Thanasis Vergoulis, ATHENA RC / ELIXIR-GR ~5')
- Introduction to RDA (Fotis Psomopoulos, INAB|CERTH / RDA Ambassador on Bioinformatics ~5’)
- Introduction to OpenAIRE and the Greek node (Elli Papadopoulou, ATHENA RC / OpenAIRE Greek NOADs coordinator~15')
- Open Research Gateway for ELIXIR-GR Infrastructure (Alessia Bardi, CNR / OpenAIRE RCD product manager ~30-45')
- Q&A (15'-30')
- Breakout sessions for practical use of the ELIXIR-GR Open Research Gateway (supported by OpenAIRE technical team colleagues: Pedro Príncipe and André Viera from UMinho, Miriam Baglioni from CNR ~30')
OpenAIRE Legal Policy Webinars
Register now for two webinars in our Legal Policy Webinar series!
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Monday, 04 May 2020
OpenAIRE is happy to announce two public webinars in our Legal Policy Webinar series: one on Wednesday April 29th, and the other on Monday May 4th, at 2 PM CEST.
How do you deal with sensitive personal data in biomedical research? What are potential privacy issues when using personal data for your research? What do you need to know about the GDPR and the new PSI directive?
In these webinars, our experts Prodromos Tsiavos (Senior Legal Advisor - ARC/ Head of Digital and Innovation - Onassis Group), Thomas Margoni (CREATE Glasgow) and Jacques Flores Dourojeanni (Research Data Management Consultant Utrecht University Library) will provide a legal perspective on research data management - both theoretical and practical. Given the current health crisis, the practical examples will focus on biomedical sciences and medical data - but the webinars will be relevant for researchers and research admin from all fields (including social sciences and humanities).
We invite researchers and research support staff to join these webinars. The webinar on April 29th will have a researcher-centered approach, while the webinar on May 4th will focus on research support and advice services. Of course , you are welcome to attend both webinars, but take into account that there might be some overlap.
Both webinars will allow for generous Q&A time, and you have the possibility to submit your questions at registration.
You will receive the webinar link upon registration and in the reminder email sent in the morning of the webinar.
29th April 2 PM CEST: Webinar aimed at PhD students/ researchers : recommendations for researchers on reusing data - legal aspects: what you need to know about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and PSI (Public Sector Information) Directive - common misperceptions and troubleshooting - practical examples.
4th May 2 PM CEST: Webinar aimed at research support staff: what are relevant things to know when it comes to GDPR, new PSI directive and IPR - how to advise researchers - common misperceptions and troubleshooting - practical examples.
- When: April 29th and May 4th at 2 PM CEST
- Recordings: Recording 29/4, Recording 4/5
- Slides: Flores 29/4 Tsiavos 29/4 Margoni 29/4 Tsiavos 4/5 Margoni 4/5 Flores 4/5
Open Science and Open Data in promoting research outputs
Thursday, 12 March 2020
The National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus are back with a new series of monthly webinars in the greek language!
We invite you to take part in our first webinar for 2020 that will be about open research data:
OpenAIRE Webinar: “Open Science and Open Data in promoting research outputs”
When? Thursday, March 12 2020
Time? 12.00 - 13.00 EET
Target Audience: Librarians, Academics, Researchers, Students
The OpenAIRE Team is happy to welcome as guest speaker Nancy Pontika, Open Science Aggregation Officer at Core, to talk about open science and open research data. During the webinar, Nancy will analyse the Open Science and Open Data principles as well as highlight the importance and benefits of communicating our research, also known as Scholarly Communication. The fact that Open Science is a priority for the EU, expressed in the recent years as precondition for funding, has resulted in integration of good practices for Open Science in national research ecosystems mostly by redefining workflows and enhancing current research support services.
By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:
- comprehend the concepts of Open Science and Open Data
- know of new resources and education material on both concepts
- know the latest developments and updates in the fields
- practice on applying or help others apply these concepts
- contribute to promoting Open Science and Open Data.
- Recordings:
Open Access, come e perché
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
A seguito del successo del webinar Open Access, come e perché del 6 febbraio scorso, che ha superato il limite massimo di 500 iscritti, riproponiamo gli stessi contenuti per chi non fosse riuscito a seguirlo.
Volete conoscere l'ABC dell'Open Access per districarvi con il Bando VQR 2015-2019, che prevede all'articolo 8 l'Open Access per i prodotti sottoposti a valutazione?
OpenAIRE organizza un webinar introduttivo su Cos'è e come si fa Open Access.
Scopo del webinar non è ancora di dare indicazioni operative sulla VQR ma solo di chiarire le logiche e le modalità dell'Open Access e fornire strumenti utili per esempio alla verifica delle politiche di copyright degli editori. Dalle politiche di copyright infatti dipende la versione che sarà possibile depositare per la VQR.
Il webinar avrà la durata di 30 minuti (+30 minuti di domande).
Il webinar è pensato per ricercatori, docenti, studenti di dottorato e in generale per tutto il personale di ricerca che lavora su progetti finanziati dalla Commissione Europea, il Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca, e che viene sottoposto a valutazione.
Docenti: Elena Giglia (Università di Torino) ed Emma Lazzeri (CNR-ISTI Pisa)
Appuntamento al 18 febbraio, dalle 15:00 alle 16:00, all'indirizzo
Gradita la registrazione su anche per eventuali contatti/approfondimenti futuri.
Elena Giglia
Emma Lazzeri
Gina Pavone
Open Access, come e perché
Thursday, 06 February 2020
Open Science and Research Results Exploitation: friends or foes?
Open Data, Open Science and Research Results Exploitation
Friday, 29 November 2019
This OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub webinar covers Horizon 2020 rules and good practices approaches to addressing Open Data, Open Science and research results exploitation in Consortium Agreements and in Data Management Plans. It also specifically covers the issues of concern between Open Science and exploitation (patents, spin offs/ outs, confidentiality), business planning and licensing strategies.
Date: Friday, 29 November at 2:00pm CET
This webinar is organised in collaboration with EOSC-Hub
- Recordings: LINK
- Slides: EOSC DIH IPR and exploitation DATA Ownership
OpenAIRE Guidelines V4: OpenAIRE content providers managers Community Call
OpenAIRE infrastructure updates, Guidelines V4: specifications, implementation roadmap and use case
Tuesday, 05 November 2019
- Provide Public Roadmap:;
- Guidelines V4 rules have been integrated in the validator tool - check them out in the validator tool available in provide dashboard; and
- Provide Dashboard User interface improvements: in collection monitor the indexed version of the repository content is now explicitly presented; and there is My datasource in a glance - a new box on the homepage to present the main figures.
- Recordings:
- Slides:
Open Market Consultation
OpenAIRE Open Innovation Call
Tuesday, 05 November 2019
In the framework of the OpenAIRE Open Innovation call, the start of the procurement phase was preceded by an open market consultation.
This process represents a specific phase during the overall Open Call preparation, aiming at actively approach the market to find out about the state of the art and current development in the related sector.
The market consultation phase is the initial core activity where the first dialogue between demand and supply-side takes place.
OpenAPC - cost transparency of Open Access publishing
Monday, 21 October 2019
OpenAPC - cost transparency of Open Access publishing by Christoph Broschinski and Andreas Czerniak (UNIBI)
In 2014 the OpenAPC project was established at Bielefeld University Library and has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2015 - 2018) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (2018 - 2020).
In this webinar we focus on how institutions can become part of the OpenAPC project. We briefly discuss the data format and processing and how the concept of transparency is applied to all steps of the data lifecycle in OpenAPC.
In addition, we also focus on benefits for participating institutions. Finally, the re-use of OpenAPC data in other projects is shown, in particular the integration of the OpenAPC data set into the OpenAIRE research graph.
- Recordings: LINK
OpenAIRE internal webinar for NOADs and consortium partners: OpenAIRE in EOSC
Wednesday, 05 June 2019
The integration of OpenAIRE’s services and network into EOSC is priority. For us to understand better how OpenAIRE is involved in this new research environment, both at project and national level, we propose a webinar to discuss these issues. Aim: Answer your questions about EOSC. National level involvement. Present the status of EOSC, the Governance model, the Secretariat and the working groups.
The webinar is internal for OpenAIRE NOADs and consortium partners.
Take aways: Pointers for how you at national level can be involved in EOSC
When: June 5th at 13-14 CEST. The meeting will last one hour. You are more than welcome to send questions beforehand via the registration form.
OpenAIRE Services for Repository Managers
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
36 participants that are already (almost all) real users of the OpenAIRE Dashboard for content providers and will implement soon the new CAP and guidelines V4.
Webinar in Portuguese
OpenAIRE internal webinar for NOADs and consortium partners: Literature Repositories Guidelines
Friday, 05 April 2019
During this internal OpenAIRE webinar, aimed at NOADs and consortium partners, the new OpenAIRE literature repository guidelines will be discussed. We will also discuss how partners and NOADs can disseminate the Guidelines in their communities, but we also want to gather feedback from about challenges in countries and repository communities about issues to make their repositories compatible to OpenAIRE.
This webinar is internal, upon registration you will be asked about your role within the OpenAIRE network.