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Items starting with Z

Zenodo: open digital repository

  • Wednesday, 07 December 2022

20221207 Zenodo Webinar 1

This webinar aimed to present what Zenodo is, why and how to use it, and what future improvements are in the horizon.


  • Why Zenodo?
  • How to use Zenodo
  • Zenodo's features: communities, integrations with other services, etc.
  •  What's in the future?
  • demo


Open Access Week 2014

  • Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Open webinar about the Zenodo repository, by Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN) - October 2014. ZENODO - is a  simple and innovative service that enables researchers, scientists, EU projects and institutions to share and showcase multidisciplinary research results (data and publications) that are not part of existing institutional or subject-based repositories.