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OpenAIRE coffee break on the role of MOOCs in open science training

Reflections on the trends, strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs and the case study of NAU platform in Portugal

  • Tuesday, 21 November 2023

The OpenAIRE AMKE Training & Support Standing committee is organizing a new session of the OpenAIRE coffee break series. Please join us on November 21 at 10h30 CET to discuss on the following topic: "The role of MOOCs in Open Science training: reflections on the trends, strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs and the case study of NAU platform in Portugal. 

Pedro Barbosa Cabral, the NAU platform at FCT-FCCN and e-Learning Consultant & Educational Designer and MOOC Specialist, will share his reflections on the trends, strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs in open science training and will talk about the case study of NAU platform in Portugal. 

OpenAIRE Explore & Open Science Lens: discovery tools for research results and data (In Greek)

OpenAIRE Explore & Open Science Lens: discovery tools for research results and data (In Greek)

  • Thursday, 05 October 2023

OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus invite you to participate in the webinar that focuses on OpenAIRE tools for searching interconnected scientific information organised on Thursday 5th October 2023 at 11:00 am EEST. The presentations will be made by Konstantina Galouni, manager of the EXPLORE discovery portal, and George Papanikos, CTO of CITE SA.

The webinar will describe the OpenAIRE Explore service and the Open Science Lens (OSL) plugin application. It will explain their functions and highlight the ways in which they can be used by the research community. The main subject of the presentations is the exploitation of the OpenAIRE Graph, the pan-European knowledge graph for scholarly communication, which is enriched with 169 million publications, 59 million research data, 366 thousand research software components, 129 thousand data sources, which are linked to 3 million grants and 194 thousand organizations. In addition, presenters will perform demos of the services focusing on the easy search and access to scientific results which are interconnected: activity-article-data-software.

At the end of the webinar, the participants will be able to: 

  • search for scientific articles, data, software and other results which are available in the OpenAIRE Graph
  • have a more comprehensive picture about the research production of the scientific results 
  • link their own scientific articles to ORCID
  • install the Open Science Lens app in their browser

Open Research Europe: Presentation of the open access platform of the European Commission (In Greek)

  • Thursday, 29 June 2023

OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus are pleased to welcome Dr Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission, DG RESEARCH, on Thursday 29th June 2023 at 11:00 am EEST.

The focus of the webinar is the Open Research Europe platform for peer-reviewed open access publications. The platform allows publishing of original research articles resulting from Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 funding, without charging any fees to the authors, e.g. article processing charges. The platform is supported by the European Commission to help the researchers in meeting their requirements for immediate open access to publications.

The webinar will present in detail the publication model of the platform and the submission and evaluation process, according to which open assessment follows the publication of articles (post-publication open peer-review). It will also present the EC's policies under which the platform was created in 2021 and the future plans to transform it to a publication platform that will be funded by the countries.

OpenAIRE coffee break on e-accessibility

It’s all about the tools!

  • Wednesday, 07 June 2023

Tim Berners-Lee once said, “The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” Yes, well, but why is much of the data on the web still not accessible to people with disabilities? Some might blame a lack of knowledge by authors of content, which may be compensated by training. But actually, authoring tools turn out to be a major culprit, as long as research data like tables or forms for data collection cannot usually be created accessible with common office tools.

Andreas Jeitler, responsible for Accessibility Services at Klagenfurt University Library, and Susanne Blumesberger, an academic librarian at the University of Vienna,  discuss e-accessibility tools. 

OpenAIRE EXPLORE: Improvements and new information available

  • Tuesday, 23 May 2023

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Short description & Agenda

This webinar will focus on the latest improvements of the Explore portal to better facilitate user needs in terms of easy search and best exposure of the metadata of the desired research results.

It will also be presented where the users can find the impact factors, usage counts, and citation scores of the research results in the search pages as well as in the detailed pages.

Progressing Open Science in Greece and Cyprus: local initiatives and next steps (In Greek)

  • Thursday, 04 May 2023

Webinar May 2023 small

OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus continue to organise webinars on Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud - EOSC.

Athena Research Center and the Library of the University of Cyprus invite you to participate in the webinar that takes place on Thursday 4th May 2023 at 11:00 am EEST. The purpose of the webinar is to inform about the ways in which Open Science has been applied in the Greek and Cypriot research ecosystems, emphasizing on the latest developments and upcoming actions. In these efforts, the contribution of National Initiatives has been significant, namely the Hellenic Open Science Initiative (HOSI) and Informal Consultative Group for Open Science in Cyprus.

OpenAPC - Open minds towards transparent publication fees

  • Tuesday, 04 April 2023

 20230404 OpenAPCWebinar 1


In 2014 the OpenAPC project was launched at Bielefeld University Library and has received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2015 - 2018), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (2018 - 2020) and the European Commission through the OpenAIRE Nexus project (2021 - 2023).

In this online event, the presentation focused on the benefits of transparent publication fees and on how institutions can become part of the global acting OpenAPC project.

We briefly discussed the data format and processing, how transparency is applied to all steps of the data lifecycle in OpenAPC, and the benefits of participating.

The presentation closed with a brief outlook.

Finally, time for discussions and further explanations after the presentations.

OpenAIRE coffee break on the University of Vienna certificate course “Data Steward”

Thinking about designing a course for data stewards? Join us for a morning coffee with Monika Bargmann and Tereza Kalová from the University of Vienna who will share their experiences with developing and running the certificate course “Data Steward”

  • Tuesday, 04 April 2023

20230404 Datasteward event vienne


Thinking about designing a course for data stewards? Join us for a morning coffee with Monika Bargmann and Tereza Kalová from the University of Vienna who will share their experiences with developing and running the certificate course “Data Steward” - an overview of modules and contents, peer-to-peer learning approaches, initial curriculum review at data stewardship workshops and other tips.

When: Apr 4, 2023 09:00-10:00 CEST

Register in advance for this meeting here 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please create your calendar invite. 

Certificate Course “Data Steward”: The Basics

  • Academic degree: Certificate of the University of Vienna.
  • Language: English.
  • Course objectives: Competence acquisition; peer-to-peer learning and community building.
  • Duration and scope: 2 semesters part-time, 15 ECTS credits; blended learning - the modules are split into 2 to 8-hour sessions taught by experts from Austria and other European countries.
  • Target groups: People with research experience and research support staff that want to work as data stewards at research institutions.
  • Part of the continuing education program of the Postgraduate Center of the University of Vienna
  • The course consists of five obligatory modules:

Module 1 (2 ECTS): Basics of Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science

Module 2 (3 ECTS): Basics of IT and Data Science

Module 3 (6 ECTS): FAIR Research Data in the Research Data Lifecycle

Module 4 (2 ECTS): RDM Support

Module 5 (2 ECTS): Data Stewardship in Practice: Project Work

European Reform on Research Assessment (In Greek)

  • Thursday, 30 March 2023



OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus is organizing a series of webinars for the first half of 2023. We invite you to learn about the latest developments, tools and best practices that support the implementation of Open Science in the European and National Research Web and EOSC.

The first webinar takes place on Thursday 30th March 2023 at 11:00 am EEST, and focuses on research assessment processes. The goal is to clarify the concept of assessment in the field of research and to capture the current situation, highlighting the need for reform through the European Commission’s European Research Area policy and initiatives, such as COARA

We welcome as an honorary lecturer to transfer their knowledge, experience and actions on the research assessment, Dr Konstantinos Glinos, former Head of Department for Open Science, General Directorate for Research and Innovation, European Commission.

Date: 30 March 2023

Time: 11:00 am, in Greece

Language: Greek

At the end of the webinar, the participants will:

  • have a better picture of Research Assessment and how it develops in the European Research Area.
  • know the actions that Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) accomplishes and how they can contribute.

European Reform on Research Assessment (In Greek)

  • Thursday, 30 March 2023


OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus is organizing a series of webinars for the first half of 2023. We invite you to learn about the latest developments, tools and best practices that support the implementation of Open Science in the European and National Research Web and EOSC.

The first webinar takes place on Thursday 30th March 2023 at 11:00 am EEST, and focuses on research assessment processes. The goal is to clarify the concept of assessment in the field of research and to capture the current situation, highlighting the need for reform through the European Commission’s European Research Area policy and initiatives, such as COARA

At the end of the webinar, the participants will:

  • have a better picture of Research Assessment and how it develops in the European Research Area.
  • know the actions that Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) accomplishes and how they can contribute.

Amnesia: High-accuracy Data Anonymization

  • Friday, 10 February 2023



The webinar introduced the concept of anonymization of research data, including direct identifiers and quasi-identifiers using Amnesia, which is a flexible data anonymization tool that transforms sensitive data to datasets where formal privacy guarantees hold.
Amnesia transforms original data to provide k-anonymity and km-anonymity.


  • Introduction to different anonymization techniques:
    • k-anonymity and km-anonymity,
  • Short demonstration of the tool.

Zenodo: open digital repository

  • Wednesday, 07 December 2022

20221207 Zenodo Webinar 1

This webinar aimed to present what Zenodo is, why and how to use it, and what future improvements are in the horizon.


  • Why Zenodo?
  • How to use Zenodo
  • Zenodo's features: communities, integrations with other services, etc.
  •  What's in the future?
  • demo

Discover OpenCitations, an infrastructure for open bibliographical metadata

  • Friday, 28 October 2022

OAweek22 OpenCitations

Session held during the International Open Access Week 2022. View the OpenAIRE programme.

OpenCitations has been established as a community-guided open infrastructure to provide access to global scholarly bibliographic and citation data. Its role within the OpenAIRE-Nexus project is that of providing open bibliographic citations, and interconnecting data and integrating functionalities with the OpenAIRE Research Graph and more OpenAIRE-Nexus services. In this talk, OpenCitations’ Responsible for the Technical Infrastructure Ivan Heibi will present the integrations that have already been accomplished, and the future integrations and developments.

OpenAIRE EXPLORE: Discovering research with focus on Sustainable Development Goals and Fields of Science classifications

  • Wednesday, 26 October 2022


Session held during the International Open Access Week 2022. View the OpenAIRE programme.

OpenAIRE EXPLORE is a discovery portal of Open Science scholarly works that is built on top of the OpenAIRE Research Graph.  OpenAIRE embraces the need of open scholarly works mapping with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) classification and the Fields of Science taxonomy. These classifications assist to view contributions of research towards complex challenges for  humanity such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and poverty reduction.

In this workshop you will find out how SciNoBo - the Science No Borders team from our partner, Athena Research Center and its Artificial Intelligence stack - applies advanced Natural Language Processing and Graph Machine Learning technologies to provide  FoS and SDG annotations to enhance the research products of the OpenAIRE Research Graph and how this new knowledge discovery pathway is now available through OpenAIRE EXPLORE.

UsageCounts: Complementing traditional scholarly impact indicators with usage activity

  • Wednesday, 13 July 2022

 13072022 UsageCounts webinar


This is an informative and educative webinar, where we will present OpenAIRE's UsageCounts, the OpenAIRE service that contributes towards impact evaluation of usage activity in Open Access Content Providers.

UsageCounts gathers raw usage activity and consolidated usage statistics reports respectively, for OpenAIRE Research Graph products and from the network of OpenAIRE content providers (repositories, e-journals, CRIS, national aggregators, etc.). It builds and deploys usage statistics across the above distributed network and provides significant added value for different stakeholders.

Webinar Learning Outcomes (agenda):

  • UsageCounts service in OpenAIRE infrastructure.
  • UsageCounts service architecture and workflows.
  • UsageCounts service registration, configuration and deployment.
  • Usage Statistics as a tool for scholarly output assessment.
  • COUNTER CoP Standard.
  • UsageCounts service as an EOSC core service.
  • Discussion on engagement with UsageCounts, potential issues and user concerns.