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Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice

  • Tuesday, 14 June 2022

 HorizonEurope OpenAIRE webinar

This webinar was about the Open Science policies for Open Access to scientific publications and Research Data Management and Sharing in Horizon Europe (HE), followed by a preview of the main tools and services from OpenAIRE to help project coordinators and research support staff on the requirements' compliance. 

Learn about: 

  • Mandatory and recommended Open Science requirements in HE.
  • Compliance with the HE Open Access to publications mandate.
  • Managing and sharing Research Data in HE projects.
  • Delivering Data Management Plans and reporting publications and datasets in HE.
  • OpenAIRE tools and services to support HE projects.

Target audience: project coordinators, researchers, research managers, librarians and data stewards. 

WHEN: 14 June 2022

TIME: 11h00-12h30 CEST

Diamond Open Access: the Action Plan and the overlay journal platform EPISCIENCES

  • Tuesday, 29 March 2022

29032022 Webinar EPISCIENCES 01

This OpenAIRE public webinar aimed to present the Episciences platform and associated services as well the use case of JTCAM overlay journal. It was also an opportunity to present the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access.

Episciences is a complete platform for editing and publishing scientific overlay journals covering all disciplines. An overlay journal is a scientific journal, with a unique editorial line and publication project, which relies on a diamond Open Access evaluation and publication platform.

An Episciences overlay journal has a complete publishing system on its own site which allows it to manage both the editorial workflow and the publication of articles. Know more about Episciences here.

WHEN: 29 March, 2022

TIME: 15h - 16h30 CEST


  • Presentation of the publishing platform and associated services
    Raphaël Tournoy, Céline Barthonnat, CNRS
  • Feedback and experience from the JTCAM overlay journal
    Mathias Legrand, McGill University
  • Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
    Bregt Saenen, Science Europe

OpenAIRE x NI4OS-Europe series: Designing privacy and repository policies with RePol

  • Monday, 28 March 2022

OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus continue to inform the research and academic community on important aspects related to Open Science, this time through a series of webinars run in collaboration with the NI4OS-Europe project.

March is dedicated to the presentation of the tools developed in the framework of NI4OS-Europe for various groups and individuals interested in Open Science policy implementation and optimal Research Data Management. The purpose is for Universities, Research Infrastructures and Research Services to prepare for the application of Open Science and for its implementation through the European Cloud of Open Science - EOSC. Similarly, researchers will be supported in Optimal Research Data Management, with an emphasis on legal issues pertaining to various types of copyright in data, multimedia, software and derivative content.

The presence of service policies, and privacy and repository policies in particular, is increasingly expected by end-users, mandated by regulators and assessors and required for service certification. They also define a set of rules and practices that the organisational management, repository administrators and the technical staff need to establish and enforce. Here, practical guidance on the use of RePol, an open-source web tool developed within NI4OS-Europe, will be provided. RePol helps the user to create and maintain a comprehensive and clear repository policy or privacy policy for a web-based service. Through a step-by-step wizard and self-explanatory forms, the user shapes a customised policy document formulated in line with the current best practice. With such a policy, the resource owner can more easily align the service with GDPR requirements as well as those for onboarding and participation in open-science infrastructures. The resulting document may be downloaded as an XML file, additionally customized or manually edited before it is integrated into the service or repository. Individual policy elements are provided in a machine-readable format, allowing for an automated interpretation of created policies and metadata extraction.

OpenAIRE x NI4OS-Europe series: License Clearance Tool

  • Wednesday, 16 March 2022

OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus continue to inform the research and academic community on important aspects related to Open Science, this time through a series of webinars run in collaboration with the NI4OS-Europe project.

March is dedicated to the presentation of the tools developed in the framework of NI4OS-Europe for various groups and individuals interested in Open Science policy implementation and optimal Research Data Management. The purpose is for Universities, Research Infrastructures and Research Services to prepare for the application of Open Science and for its implementation through the European Cloud of Open Science - EOSC. Similarly, researchers will be supported in Optimal Research Data Management, with an emphasis on legal issues pertaining to various types of copyright in data, multimedia, software and derivative content.

The lack of legal background on re-use and the high cost of license clearance are two common issues that researchers are concerned about regarding the content they produce and especially the creation of derivative results (eg data and multimedia). The "License Clearance Tool" (LCT) developed by ATHENA Research Center in the framework of the NI4OS-Europe project (National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe) supports researchers to meet these needs. LCT aims to facilitate and automate copyright clearing processes involving data, media, software and derivative content.

OpenAPC - Making costs of open access publishing transparent in the EOSC

  • Wednesday, 06 October 2021

OpenAPC webinar 2021

This webinar presented the OpenAPC, an OpenAIRE-Nexus service that collects information from organizations like universities and provides them detailed information on the publishing costs of an article or book (APC and BPC).

WHEN: 6 October, 2021

TIME: 11h - 12h CEST


Bring your data and learn how to effectively anonymize them with Amnesia!

  • Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Athena’ Research Center, as part of the activities of the OpenAIRE NOAD in Greece, launches yet another round of informative and educational online seminars, in support of research activities relevant to the coronavirus disease. The seminars will inform about new developments, promote know-how and familiarize the scientific community with the use of certain services. This seminar will run in collaboration with the OpenAIRE NOAD in Cyprus.

“Amnesia: anonymization of data with guarantees”

Date: Wednesday 30 June 2021

Time: 11.00 a.m - 12.30 p.m (EEST)

Language: Greek

Public: Researchers, Academic Staff, Research Infrastructures and Research Services, Librarians

The seminar concentrates on the processing of sensitive and personal data to show anonymization techniques and guarantees that are offered via the Amnesia tool.  Amnesia is an open source software that applies k- and km- anonymity techniques in order to achieve guaranteed irreversible anonymization of personal data. The techniques of anonymization that it offers convert the personal data into statistics with the least possible loss of information, allowing their processing without the restrictions of the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection.

During the seminar, participants will learn about the legal framework governing sensitive and personal data, as well as about alternatives that they can follow to achieve maximum compliance with Open Science conditions. There will be a presentation of the tool and then participants will have the opportunity to practice using Amnesia with their own data! 

For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

  • Greece
  • Cyprus

Open Research Europe: The EC’s platform for open access publications

  • Thursday, 08 April 2021

The National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus continue their joint efforts to inform and update the research and academic communities in their countries about important Open Science aspects. This time they partner with the Scholarly Communication Unit of HEAL-Link

The webinar presents the Open Research Europe platform which has been developed by the European Commission (EC) to support open access publishing for scientific publications of framework programme’s projects. The webinar aims to communicate the model and the ways in which the platform can be used by researchers.

When: Thursday 8 April 2021

Time: 11.00 a.m - 12.00 p.m 

Language: Greek

Target audience: Researchers, Academic Staff, Librarians

We are pleased to announce that the webinar will be delivered by Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission, DG RESEARCH. 

Victoria’s presentation is about the new platform for open access peer-reviewed publications that is promoted by the EC as a service for project coordinators of ‘Horizon 2020’ and ‘Europe Horizon’ programmes. In addition, the new Open Science policy framework of ‘Europe Horizon’ that the platform supports compliance with, will be analysed.

For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

  • Greece: openaire [at] athenarc [dot] gr
  • Cyprus: openaire-cy [at] ucy [dot] ac [dot] cy

Open Science Communities

Learn more about Open Science Communities in the Netherlands

  • Friday, 12 March 2021

On March 12 at 14:00 CET, Loek Brinkman, Assistant Professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht, will talk about Open Science Communities in the Netherlands. The first one, the Open Science Community Utrecht, was founded in 2018, and has now over 300 members, from all faculties and all career stages. The Open Science Community has three aims: 

  1. Reach and engage researchers to learn about open science;
  2. Inspire and enable to adopt open science practices; and
  3. Shape institutional policies to facilitate and promote open science.

There are now ten Open Science Communities in the Netherlands, one in Ireland and one in Sweden. And an Open Science Community Starter Kit is available to help institutions to set up a local Open Science Community.

Please read the Starter Kit before joining this webinar and Loek will answer any questions you might have after his presentation.

OpenAIRE and EOSC: interactions and contribution to Open Science

  • Thursday, 18 February 2021

For the third consecutive year, the National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus continue their joint efforts to inform and update the research and academic communities in their countries about important Open Science aspects.

This webinar presented the pan-European electronic infrastructure for Open Science - OpenAIRE and the European Open Science Cloud - EOSC. The webinar was supported also by the NI4OS-Europe project.

Lately, there is a rapid change in the field of Research and Innovation (R&I) in Europe. The adoption of the Open Science model by the European Commission has channelled open standards into national research settings. Complementary to new policies that are created, EOSC is being developed aiming to become the European research web which incorporates good practices and interconnects with national R&I ecosystems by design. Research infrastructures are called to support data-driven research and adapt to the new reality that adds value to their services.

The presentation informed about OpenAIRE, its continuous activity in the European Research Area for more than 10 years now and its evolution into a legal entity based in Greece. It also helped to provide a better understanding of EOSC and its operation, and communicated how OpenAIRE and NI4OS-Europe assist its implementation. In addition, it highlighted the changes brought by EOSC in various R&I areas and explained how everyday activities of researchers will be performed as well as what measures are underway to fully support the research process in all its dimensions.

OpenAIRE virtual coffee break

OpenAIRE virtual coffee break

Training assessment - what does it look like for online training delivery?

  • Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Involved in open science training and looking for ways to optimize assessment of online courses? Check out the virtual coffee break meeting notes.  

Galaxy: an open infrastructure for biological data analysis

  • Thursday, 03 December 2020

Athena Research Center (ARC), in the context of the new series of informative and educational workshops on COVID-19 research organised as part of the OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk and ELIXIR-Greece activities, invites you to an educational webinar on Galaxy - an infrastructure for biological data analysis. 

“Galaxy: an open infrastructure for biological data analysis”

When: Thursday 3 December 2020

Time: 12.30 - 14.30 p.m EET

Language of presentations: Greek

Target audience: Researchers, Health Professionals, Academic Staff, Librarians, Students

The webinar is held in collaboration with the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” and the Institute of Applied Biosciences of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. The purpose of the webinar is twofold: on the one hand to inform about best practices and tools developed for the scientific field of Biomedicine and Open Science, on the other hand to focus on implementation of best practices on data analysis through the Galaxy service while familiarising researchers with its functionalities and use. During the webinar, scientists and researchers will be able to understand the service’s basic functions as well as how they can use it in their research, focusing on COVID-19 activities. Furthermore, interactions with speakers are encouraged in the discussion session through posing questions and communicating use case scenarios that will strengthen compliance with global practices and will enhance the service’s utilization / exploitation by the Greek research community.


12.30 - 12.40


Elli Papadopoulou, Athena Research Center & OpenAIRE NOAD

12.40 - 13.00

Introduction to ELIXIR-GR and Galaxy

Alexandros Dimopoulos, Research Associate, Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming”

13.00 - 13.20

Presentation and demonstration of EG-CI

Thanasis Vergoulis, Research Associate, Athena Research Center

13.20 - 13.40

Demo of the Galaxy service

Fotis Psomopoulos, Researcher C’, Institute of Applied Biosciences / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

13.40 - 14.00

Discussion and Wrap-Up

If you would like to attend the webinar “Galaxy: an open infrastructure for biological data analysis”, please subscribe here

The link to connect to the online platform will be sent to registered participants one day before the webinar.

The webinar will be recorded and all related material (slides, recordings, Q&As) will be shared with everyone afterwards.

For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

  • OpenAIRE in Greece:  
  • ELIXIR-GR : link to contact
OpenAIRE virtual coffee break

OpenAIRE virtual coffee break

The Open Science Skills Curriculum: what does it look like at the institutional level?

  • Wednesday, 02 December 2020

The Open Science Skills Curriculum: what does it look like at the institutional level? This is a very practical question and we seek to find concrete answers that can be shared across countries and institutions. In particular, we focused on sharing information on:

  • The topics covered by Open Science skills courses at the different stages of the researcher career (R1-R4)
  • The learning objectives for these courses
  • The means of delivery of these courses (online only, blended, face-to-face only, etc).
  • The assessment of these courses (and any certification or accreditation).

A multitude of Open Science training courses are being delivered by institutions across Europe (and beyond) to researchers at different stages of their careers. Multiple agencies and groups described their much valuable work in reports and recommendations. However, basic information on curriculum specifics at the institutional level does not appear to be generally available.

It would be useful for those who are designing and updating these courses to be able to benchmark their offerings from the curriculum viewpoint, gaining an insight into the topics and levels of detail that are considered appropriate for doctoral students/early career researchers compared with more established researchers (for example), etc.

Session notes

COVID-19: best practices, tools and contact points in Greece

  • Thursday, 05 November 2020

    Friday, 06 November 2020

“COVID-19: best practices, tools and contact points in Greece”

Athena Research Center (ARC), in the context of activities undertaken between OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk, RDA National Node and ELIXIR-GR, organises a new series of informative and educational webinars around COVID-19 research. The digital events are taking place in collaboration with the following scientific institutions: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, National Center for Research & Technology Hellas, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming”, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Hellenic Academic Libraries Link, and the research infrastructure Inspired-RIs.

Τhe new series of digital events follows the first webinar held in April that aimed at collecting and promoting all efforts and knowledge around managing the virus crisis to the Greek scientific and academic community. This time, the purpose focuses, also, on knowledge exchange based on Open Science practices and on training in research data management and software development. Indicative subject areas to be covered are:

The first two informative events will be carried out on Thursday 5 November and Friday 6 November at 12.00 - 14.00 p.m EET. During these webinars, the above mentioned institutions and research infrastructures will present the latest developments regarding their activities. 

For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


covid nov 2020

GDPR and training

GDPR and training

How to organize GDPR compliant online events

  • Wednesday, 28 October 2020

The OpenAIRE Community of Practice for Training coordinators hosted this 1.5 hour-long webinar and collaborative writing sprint on organizing GDPR compliant online events.

Prodromos Tsiavos (Legal Adviser of "Athena" Research & Innovation Center and OpenAIRE) provided good practice advice and Walter Scholger (Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, Universität Graz) talked about the Consent Form Wizard  followed by  discussions on how to make sure that GDPR requirements are properly addressed and personal data is protected. It covered best practices for online event organisation, including pre- and post-event (registration, carrying out, evaluation, etc.). It also addressed the following aspects: how to inform correctly about a session recording and how to make the recordings available (e.g. with public chat messages, etc.), good practices on making collaborative documents (developed at online sessions) publicly available, issues to consider during large online events, how to optimize the online events workflows, whether national differences in Europe play a big role, etc. Plain language templates and checklists were discussed in breakout group writing sprints and will be shared with a wider training community. 

The following good practice recommendations are being developed during the writing sprints: 

  1. Before the event: Template/s: plain language wording for online registration forms (disclaimers, permissions, notice that consent could be withdrawn any time) and good practices for online events registration - e.g. a host organization manages registration on its website and has full control of data and a way to safely manage it, event access under password (not a direct link), etc.  Moderator: Rene van Horik (DANS, EOSChub) 
  2. During the event: Wording suggestions for recording announcements, disclaimers and permissions (e.g. what will be captured - video, webcam footage, audio, text chat messages and displayed username; inform participants on how to anonymize themselves - change names, blur video, etc; is the participant’s consent needed - in writing - accept and continue at registration or verbal expression is sufficient, etc.). Any other tips for running online events. Moderator: Ellen Leenarts (DANS, OpenAIRE) 
  3. After the event: Template/plain language wording to deal with personal data in evaluation/feedback forms. GDPR friendly tools and checklists for making online session materials publicly available - recording, collaborative documents, etc. Checklists/workflows for keeping online events documentation, registration and recording: e.g. beware of not keeping backups with actual names and email addresses; anonymize before backing up and storing, secure storage (encrypted?), etc. Retention period: for how long the data could/should be kept and when it will be deleted, etc. Moderator: Iryna Kuchma (EIFL, OpenAIRE)
Equity and inclusion: open science policies

Equity and inclusion: open science policies

A joint COAR/EIFL/OpenAIRE panel session

  • Friday, 23 October 2020

Webinar jointly organised by COAREIFL and OpenAIRE on Friday, October

23rd at 12:00 - 13:30 CEST. 

This panel addressed equity and inclusion in recent open science policy developments in Asia and Europe. 

 Moderator:  Iryna Kuchma (EIFL)

Open Access Week 2020 programme: