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Cooperative Non-APC Publishing Models

Joint AmeliCA/Canadian Research Knowledge Network/Coalition Publica/OpenAIRE webinar

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Cooperative Non-APC Publishing Models

Date(s): 11 May 2020

Discussion about non-APC strategies, challenges and recommendations and a global collective action. Arianna Becerril-García (Executive Director, Redalyc, Professor, UAEM, Chair, AmeliCA) talks about AmeliCA - a multi-institutional community-driven initiative supported by UNESCO and led by Redalyc and CLACSO aimed to provide a cooperative, sustainable, protected and non-comercial infrastructure for Open Knowledge. Tanja Niemann (Executive Director, Érudit) and Jason Friedman (Manager, Member and Metadata Services, Canadian Research Knowledge Network) talk about Coalition Publica and the Partnership for Open Access: Canada's Cooperative Non APC Publishing Model. Jean-Claude Guédon discusses the current landscape, challenges, collaborations, "inside-out" libraries (Lorcan Dempsey's vocabulary), and provides recommendations about fostering a richer bibliodiversity and ensuring publication and access equality for all. And Iryna Kuchma (EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, OpenAIRE) presents the OpenAIRE report Towards Sustainable Cooperative and Non-APC Publishing Model

OA to publications | open access | policy

  • Arianna Becerril-García (Executive Director, Redalyc, Professor, UAEM, Chair, AmeliCA)

    Tanja Niemann (Executive Director, Érudit)

    Jason Friedman (Manager, Member and Metadata Services, Canadian Research Knowledge Network)

    Jean-Claude Guédon

    Iryna Kuchma (EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, OpenAIRE)

  • Participants: 146