Legal issues in Dealing with Research Data
New guides for researchers and project coordinators
Date(s): 29 March 2019
OpenAIRE has released guides for researchers who want to know more about the legal issues related to their research data.
During this webinar, Prodromos Tsiavos and Thomas Margoni take you through this guides and answer questions (pre-submited during registration and asked live during the webinar Q&A).
The first guide is called 'How do I know if my research data is protected?' and teach you about research data and their protection by intellectual property rights. If you want to know more about what types of data are protected by copyright, learn about Sui Generis Database Rights and their influence on your research - this guide is for you. You can access it here:
A second guide deals with research data licensing. What licenses should you use if you want to make your research data as open as possible? What is the meaning of different Creative Commons licenses and what are the consequences if you apply them to your research data? What licenses should be avoided? Does OpenAIRE make any specific recommendations? You can access the guide here:
Our third guide answers all your questions you might have about reusing someone else's research data. What data can you reuse, how to interpret copyright licenses, how to combine different datasets? Access the guide here:
creative commons | FAIR data | legal and policy | OA to research data | repository