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Making your OA repository or OA journal OpenAIRE compatible with OA Horizon 2020 requirements
Date(s): 25 November 2016
How to make your open access (OA) repository or OA journal OpenAIRE compatible with OA Horizon 2020 requirements - the webinar was a part of FOSTER e-learning course on Repositories and OA journals OpenAIRE compatibility with OA Horizon 2020 requirements. Webinar led by Pedro Principe (University of Minho) and Jochen Schirrwagen, (University of Bielefeld).
- The OpenAIRE infrastructure and content harvesting: how the OpenAIRE infrastructure harvests content & OpenAIRE's Content Acquisition Policy;
- The OpenAIRE guidelines, compatibility status/levels and OAI sets: the main Guidelines metadata specifications: for Funding info, Access rights and license info, Embargo date information, Referenced Publication, Related publications and datasets;
- Levels of compatibility based on specific needs and technical context: how to identify levels of compatibility and the needed OAI sets;
- System configurations, tools and facilities for repository/OA journals platforms: how to include the list of EC projects and the list of licenses, how to filter the results for newly created OAI-DC set, project types, access level;
- The OpenAIRE validator and registration tool: how to use of the OpenAIRE validator tool to run a compatibility test and to apply for the OpenAIRE registration.
Pedro Principe (University of Minho)Jochen Schirrwagen, (University of Bielefeld)
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