Items tagged with FAIR DATA
OpenAIRE Explore & Open Science Lens: discovery tools for research results and data (In Greek)
Thursday, 05 October 2023
OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus invite you to participate in the webinar that focuses on OpenAIRE tools for searching interconnected scientific information organised on Thursday 5th October 2023 at 11:00 am EEST. The presentations will be made by Konstantina Galouni, manager of the EXPLORE discovery portal, and George Papanikos, CTO of CITE SA.
The webinar will describe the OpenAIRE Explore service and the Open Science Lens (OSL) plugin application. It will explain their functions and highlight the ways in which they can be used by the research community. The main subject of the presentations is the exploitation of the OpenAIRE Graph, the pan-European knowledge graph for scholarly communication, which is enriched with 169 million publications, 59 million research data, 366 thousand research software components, 129 thousand data sources, which are linked to 3 million grants and 194 thousand organizations. In addition, presenters will perform demos of the services focusing on the easy search and access to scientific results which are interconnected: activity-article-data-software.
At the end of the webinar, the participants will be able to:
- search for scientific articles, data, software and other results which are available in the OpenAIRE Graph
- have a more comprehensive picture about the research production of the scientific results
- link their own scientific articles to ORCID
- install the Open Science Lens app in their browser
OpenAIRE EXPLORE: Improvements and new information available
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Short description & Agenda
This webinar will focus on the latest improvements of the Explore portal to better facilitate user needs in terms of easy search and best exposure of the metadata of the desired research results.
It will also be presented where the users can find the impact factors, usage counts, and citation scores of the research results in the search pages as well as in the detailed pages.
OpenAPC - Open minds towards transparent publication fees
Tuesday, 04 April 2023
In 2014 the OpenAPC project was launched at Bielefeld University Library and has received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2015 - 2018), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (2018 - 2020) and the European Commission through the OpenAIRE Nexus project (2021 - 2023).
In this online event, the presentation focused on the benefits of transparent publication fees and on how institutions can become part of the global acting OpenAPC project.
We briefly discussed the data format and processing, how transparency is applied to all steps of the data lifecycle in OpenAPC, and the benefits of participating.
The presentation closed with a brief outlook.
Finally, time for discussions and further explanations after the presentations.
Amnesia: High-accuracy Data Anonymization
Friday, 10 February 2023
The webinar introduced the concept of anonymization of research data, including direct identifiers and quasi-identifiers using Amnesia, which is a flexible data anonymization tool that transforms sensitive data to datasets where formal privacy guarantees hold.
Amnesia transforms original data to provide k-anonymity and km-anonymity.
- Introduction to different anonymization techniques:
- k-anonymity and km-anonymity,
- Short demonstration of the tool.
Zenodo: open digital repository
Wednesday, 07 December 2022
This webinar aimed to present what Zenodo is, why and how to use it, and what future improvements are in the horizon.
- Why Zenodo?
- How to use Zenodo
- Zenodo's features: communities, integrations with other services, etc.
- What's in the future?
- demo
UsageCounts: Complementing traditional scholarly impact indicators with usage activity
Wednesday, 13 July 2022

This is an informative and educative webinar, where we will present OpenAIRE's UsageCounts, the OpenAIRE service that contributes towards impact evaluation of usage activity in Open Access Content Providers.
UsageCounts gathers raw usage activity and consolidated usage statistics reports respectively, for OpenAIRE Research Graph products and from the network of OpenAIRE content providers (repositories, e-journals, CRIS, national aggregators, etc.). It builds and deploys usage statistics across the above distributed network and provides significant added value for different stakeholders.
Webinar Learning Outcomes (agenda):
- UsageCounts service in OpenAIRE infrastructure.
- UsageCounts service architecture and workflows.
- UsageCounts service registration, configuration and deployment.
- Usage Statistics as a tool for scholarly output assessment.
- COUNTER CoP Standard.
- UsageCounts service as an EOSC core service.
- Discussion on engagement with UsageCounts, potential issues and user concerns.
MONITOR – Institutional Dashboard: tailor-made monitoring, made easy
Tuesday, 21 June 2022
The aim of this public webinar was to present the Monitoring Dashboard ( that allows institutions to track research activities, their performance, and ultimately their impact across key dimensions such as Open Science policy uptake, European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), collaborations, reach and visibility, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and so on.
As part of the OpenAIRE Monitor – an on-demand service, built upon the OpenAIRE Research Graph, with the mission to offer reliable and timely monitoring and evaluation of research activities for different types of organizations - The institutional Dashboard aims to assist institutions to turn data into insights, thus revealing weak spots and hidden potential and leading the way to evidence-based decision making.
WHEN: 21 June 2022
TIME: 11h00 CEST
- OpenAIRE Monitor presentation 10'
Ioanna Grypari, Athena Research Center - Institutional Dashboard demo 20'
Leonidas Pispiringas, OpenAIRE - Q&A
Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice
Tuesday, 14 June 2022
This webinar was about the Open Science policies for Open Access to scientific publications and Research Data Management and Sharing in Horizon Europe (HE), followed by a preview of the main tools and services from OpenAIRE to help project coordinators and research support staff on the requirements' compliance.
Learn about:
- Mandatory and recommended Open Science requirements in HE.
- Compliance with the HE Open Access to publications mandate.
- Managing and sharing Research Data in HE projects.
- Delivering Data Management Plans and reporting publications and datasets in HE.
- OpenAIRE tools and services to support HE projects.
Target audience: project coordinators, researchers, research managers, librarians and data stewards.
WHEN: 14 June 2022
TIME: 11h00-12h30 CEST
OpenAIRE x NI4OS-Europe series: License Clearance Tool
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus continue to inform the research and academic community on important aspects related to Open Science, this time through a series of webinars run in collaboration with the NI4OS-Europe project.
March is dedicated to the presentation of the tools developed in the framework of NI4OS-Europe for various groups and individuals interested in Open Science policy implementation and optimal Research Data Management. The purpose is for Universities, Research Infrastructures and Research Services to prepare for the application of Open Science and for its implementation through the European Cloud of Open Science - EOSC. Similarly, researchers will be supported in Optimal Research Data Management, with an emphasis on legal issues pertaining to various types of copyright in data, multimedia, software and derivative content.
The lack of legal background on re-use and the high cost of license clearance are two common issues that researchers are concerned about regarding the content they produce and especially the creation of derivative results (eg data and multimedia). The "License Clearance Tool" (LCT) developed by ATHENA Research Center in the framework of the NI4OS-Europe project (National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe) supports researchers to meet these needs. LCT aims to facilitate and automate copyright clearing processes involving data, media, software and derivative content.
OpenAIRE virtual coffee break
Training assessment - what does it look like for online training delivery?
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
Involved in open science training and looking for ways to optimize assessment of online courses? Check out the virtual coffee break meeting notes.
Open Science e finanziamenti europei
Come ottemperare agli obblighi nei progetti H2020 e in Horizon Europe.
Tuesday, 02 February 2021
Thursday, 04 February 2021
Tuesday, 09 February 2021
Thursday, 11 February 2021
Ciclo di 4 webinar per conoscere i principi della scienza aperta e approfondire aspetti e strumenti specifici per ottemperare agli obblighi della Commissione Europea. Il corso è riservato ai beneficiari di progetti di ricerca H2020 o Horizon Europe.
Da tempo la Commissione Europea ha abbracciato l’Open Science e la sua visione partecipativa e collaborativa del lavoro scientifico. Tutti i beneficiari di fondi europei per la ricerca sono tenuti a rispettare le richieste in fatto di Open Access alle pubblicazioni, ai dati o ad altri prodotti del lavoro di ricerca.
In concreto rendere disponibili i prodotti della ricerca significa fare scelte ponderate, saper distinguere le alternative disponibili e gli strumenti da usare. Nonché conoscere le motivazioni che guidano la scelta di un modello aperto e trasparente di comunicazione scientifica tra pari.
Il National Open Access Desk di OpenAIRE per l’Italia organizza, in collaborazione con il Competence Center di ICDI, un corso indirizzato ai coordinatori di progetti H2020 e Horizon Europe, in cui approfondire tutte le principali questioni su Open Science e Open Access legate ai finanziamenti europei.
Il corso è articolato in un ciclo di 4 webinar, in programma a febbraio 2021. In ciascuna lezione è previsto ampio spazio per la discussione e per rispondere alle domande dei partecipanti.
Programma del corso:
2 febbraio, 14.00-16.30 - Introduzione e motivazioni
- Motivazioni: come funziona la scienza oggi, valutazione della ricerca, problematiche
- L’alternativa Open Science
- La Commissione Europea e l’Open Science
- Servizi e supporto per i ricercatori in Italia e in Europa: ICDI e OpenAIRE
- Domande e discussione (30 minuti)
4 febbraio, 14.00-16.30 - Open Access e Open Data
- Cos’è e come si fa Open Access alle pubblicazioni
- Open Data Pilot
- L’importanza di gestire i dati della ricerca
- Domande e discussione (30 minuti)
9 febbraio, 14.00-16.30 - Research Data Management e DPM
- Principi FAIR
- Cos’è e a cosa serve il Data Management Plan
- Esempi di DMP
- Strumenti per il DMP
- Domande e discussione (30 minuti)
11 febbraio, 14.00-16.30 - Sessione pratica
- Uso di strumenti e servizi per ottemperare agli obblighi
- Integrare le buone pratiche di open science nel proprio quotidiano
- Domande e discussione (30 minuti)
Emma Lazzeri, Isti-Cnr
Gina Pavone, Isti-Cnr
Catherine Bosio, Isti-Cnr
- Slides: Slide complete del corso
CHIST-ERA Course on Open Science and Research Data Management
A course on Open Science and Research Data Management for CHIST-ERA beneficiaries
Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Friday, 04 December 2020
Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Friday, 11 December 2020
The Course on Open Science and Research Data Management organised in the framework of CHIST-ERA in collaboration with OpenAIRE NOADs is dedicated to CHIST-ERA funding programme beneficiaries and call applicants.
Given the engagement of CHIST-ERA in Open Science, a new Open Science policy will come into effect starting from the next CHIST-ERA Call, with new tools, standards and support.
In collaboration with OpenAIRE, the training course has been tailored to the new CHIST-ERA policy as well as to the needs of CHIST-ERA project participants. It consists of the following 4 modules:
- Module 1 (2nd December): Introduction and motivations
- Module 2 (4th December): Open Access to Publications, Open Data and FAIR Data, Open Software and FAIR software
- Module 3 (9th December): Research Data Management and Data Management Plan
- Module 4 (11th December): Hands-on session with the provided tools
The course covers all modern aspects of Open Science (Publications, Open Data, FAIR principles, DMP, etc.) and familiarise you with the tools and standards now required by the new calls of CHIST-ERA.
You will find all course material linked at the bottom of this page.
OpenAIRE virtual coffee break
The Open Science Skills Curriculum: what does it look like at the institutional level?
Wednesday, 02 December 2020
The Open Science Skills Curriculum: what does it look like at the institutional level? This is a very practical question and we seek to find concrete answers that can be shared across countries and institutions. In particular, we focused on sharing information on:
- The topics covered by Open Science skills courses at the different stages of the researcher career (R1-R4)
- The learning objectives for these courses
- The means of delivery of these courses (online only, blended, face-to-face only, etc).
- The assessment of these courses (and any certification or accreditation).
A multitude of Open Science training courses are being delivered by institutions across Europe (and beyond) to researchers at different stages of their careers. Multiple agencies and groups described their much valuable work in reports and recommendations. However, basic information on curriculum specifics at the institutional level does not appear to be generally available.
It would be useful for those who are designing and updating these courses to be able to benchmark their offerings from the curriculum viewpoint, gaining an insight into the topics and levels of detail that are considered appropriate for doctoral students/early career researchers compared with more established researchers (for example), etc.
Praticare l’Open Science nelle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Thursday, 03 December 2020
Un ciclo di 4 webinar per conoscere i principi della scienza aperta e approfondire aspetti e strumenti specifici per le Scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.
L’attuale sistema delle riviste ad abbonamento con cui i ricercatori si scambiano informazioni e conoscenze limita e impoverisce il meccanismo di verifica e controllo dei risultati ottenuti da parte dei “pari” e di tutta la comunità scientifica, nonché la fertilizzazione di nuove idee. Inoltre in questo sistema si trascura di dare accesso a una parte fondamentale per il sostegno di quanto si riporta negli articoli pubblicati: i dati.
L’Open Science è un modo di fare ricerca improntato alla trasparenza e alla collaborazione che ha l’obiettivo di eliminare le barriere di accesso e facilitare la diffusione della conoscenza. In concreto, nel quotidiano del lavoro scientifico, applicare i principi della scienza aperta può comportare l’esigenza di dotarsi di metodi e strumenti adatti che spesso sono specifici per discipline e aree di ricerca.
Questo corso intende fornire le conoscenze di base per applicare i principi dell’Open Science e dell’Open Access alle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente. Rivolto a docenti, ricercatori, tecnici, studenti di dottorato, assegnisti di ricerca che lavorano in questo settore, il ciclo di webinar prevede quattro lezioni di due ore e mezza ciascuna, di cui mezz’ora riservata alle domande e alla discussione. Attraverso specifici software si cercherà di favorire l’interazione e lo scambio con i partecipanti, i quali alla fine di ciascun modulo e dopo aver completato un breve questionario sugli argomenti trattati, potranno avere un attestato di partecipazione.
Obbiettivi di apprendimento. Alla fine del corso i partecipanti:
- saranno in grado comprendere le motivazioni alla base dell’Open Science/Open Access e le sue dinamiche;
- conosceranno le attuali iniziative europee sull’Open Science/Open Access, e in particolare quelle legate alla loro area disciplinare;
- avranno gli strumenti per implementare le buone pratiche dell’Open Science/Open Access nel quotidiano delle loro attività di ricerca (per esempio per la gestione e la condivisione dei dati secondo i principi FAIR, per rendere Open Access le pubblicazioni, eccetera);
- avranno gli strumenti necessari per ottemperare agli obblighi della Commissione Europea in materia di Open Access ai dati e alla letteratura scientifica;
- avranno le competenze di base per interagire con le infrastrutture di ricerca nel loro settore specifico.
24 novembre, 14.00-16.30. Introduzione e motivazioni: Open Science e accesso ai dati scientifici.
26 novembre, 14.00-16.30. Approcci federati all’integrazione di dati scientifici multidisciplinari e servizi per l’accesso e l’utilizzo: l’esperienza dell’infrastruttura di ricerca EPOS.
1 dicembre, 14.00-16.30. Gestione dei dati della ricerca: dati Open, FAIR e DMP.
3 dicembre, 14.00-16.30. Dimostrazione pratica con strumenti e servizi per l’Open Science.
Daniele Bailo, INGV
Massimo Cocco, INGV
Emma Lazzeri, CNR/ISTI
Mario Locati, INGV
Alessandro Sarretta, CNR/IRPI
Comitato tecnico scientifico:
Maria Silvia Giamberini, CNR/IGG
Gina Pavone, CNR/ISTI
COVID-19: best practices, tools and contact points in Greece
Thursday, 05 November 2020
Friday, 06 November 2020
“COVID-19: best practices, tools and contact points in Greece”
Athena Research Center (ARC), in the context of activities undertaken between OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk, RDA National Node and ELIXIR-GR, organises a new series of informative and educational webinars around COVID-19 research. The digital events are taking place in collaboration with the following scientific institutions: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, National Center for Research & Technology Hellas, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming”, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Hellenic Academic Libraries Link, and the research infrastructure Inspired-RIs.
Τhe new series of digital events follows the first webinar held in April that aimed at collecting and promoting all efforts and knowledge around managing the virus crisis to the Greek scientific and academic community. This time, the purpose focuses, also, on knowledge exchange based on Open Science practices and on training in research data management and software development. Indicative subject areas to be covered are:
- information about the current status in Greece, such as the Flagship Action or national accomplishments in clinical studies etc.
- providing guidance to researchers for Open Science best practices’ implementation through the adoption of Horizon 2020 Guidelines for open access to publications, data and other research outputs
- use of services and tools for research data processing and analysis, open source development and management, such as Argos, OpenRefine, Galaxy etc.
The first two informative events will be carried out on Thursday 5 November and Friday 6 November at 12.00 - 14.00 p.m EET. During these webinars, the above mentioned institutions and research infrastructures will present the latest developments regarding their activities.
For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us at .
- Recordings: 06 November, 05 November,
- Slides: Here