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Items tagged with OA TO PUBLICATIONS

OpenAIRE virtual coffee break

OpenAIRE virtual coffee break

Involved in open science training and looking for ways to optimize your online training delivery?

  • Monday, 29 June 2020

A virtual coffee break on Zoom - no presentations, just an informal experience sharing discussion, like you would have at your coffee break. Notes

Transformative agreements in Italy

  • Friday, 26 June 2020

La crisi COVID ha reso ancor più evidente la necessità dell'accesso immediato alla ricerca scientifica.

Sulla spinta delle istanze Open Science e Open Access, anche il mondo della contrattazione per le risorse elettroniche sta cambiando.

I "transformative agreements" sembrano essere lo strumento con il quale gestire in modo efficace la transizione all'accesso aperto e immediato.

Ma cosa sono di preciso i contratti trasformativi? E come si sta muovendo l'Italia?

OpenAIRE organizza un webinar per fare il punto sulla situazione, il 26 giugno, alle 11.

Ne discuteremo con 

- Colleen Campbell, OA2020: Cosa sono i contratti trasformativi e il loro contesto internazionale (30 minuti)

- Nino Grizzuti, coordinatore CARE CRUI: La stagione degli accordi trasformativi. Il contributo CRUI-CARE (15 minuti)

I restanti 15 minuti saranno dedicati alle domande.

Per motivi organizzativi è necessario registrarsi. Il form consente ai partecipanti di anticipare eventuali domande ai relatori.


Transformative agreements: a che punto siamo

Transformative agreements: a che punto siamo

  • Friday, 26 June 2020

La crisi COVID ha reso ancor più evidente la necessità dell'accesso immediato alla ricerca scientifica.

Sulla spinta delle istanze Open Science e Open Access, anche il mondo della contrattazione per le risorse elettroniche sta cambiando.

I "transformative agreements" sembrano essere lo strumento con il quale gestire in modo efficace la transizione all'accesso aperto e immediato.

Ma cosa sono di preciso i contratti trasformativi? E come si sta muovendo l'Italia?

OpenAIRE organizza un webinar per fare il punto sulla situazione, il 26 giugno, alle 11.

Ne discuteremo con 

  • Colleen Campbell, OA2020: Cosa sono i contratti trasformativi e il loro contesto internazionale (30 minuti)
  • Nino Grizzuti, coordinatore CARE CRUI: La stagione degli accordi trasformativi. Il contributo CRUI-CARE (15 minuti)

I restanti 15 minuti saranno dedicati alle domande.

Per motivi organizzativi è necessario registrarsi. Il form consente ai partecipanti di anticipare eventuali domande ai relatori.


Il materiale del webinar verrà reso disponibile su questa pagina alla fine dell'evento.

Plan S: Taking stock of the current situation and new developments

Plan S: Taking stock of the current situation and new developments

  • Wednesday, 27 May 2020

This OpenAIRE Policy and Legal Task Force webinar focuses on recent developments around Plan S. Johan Rooryck, cOAlition S Open Access Champion, talks about cOAlition S and what Research funding organizations in cOAlition S want; research visibility; Plan S: strong principles; implementation guidance: key challenges, routes to compliance, transformative arrangements; implementation: developing a Journal Checker Tool; working with key stakeholders: researchers, early career researchers, publishers, universities; and other activities: transparent pricing and Fair Open Access Alliance (FOAA), non-APC funding models and cOAlition S office. Niamh Brennan, Trinity College Dublin and OpenAIRE NOAD in Ireland, talks about Ireland’s experience with its National Open Science Strategy and Plan S: the scholarly publishing landscape in Ireland, Ireland’s Open Access Repository Network and National Open Access Research Portal, HRB Open Research, National Open Research Forum, mapping national OA Policy to Plan S (1st iteration), National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment – ‘Plan S-friendly’ – but its primary concern is to be more ‘Irish research-friendly, ‘AmeliCA-friendly’ – in terms of its emphasis on academy-based infrastructures and on  alternatives to fee-based publishing and supportive of scholarly communication initiatives in the Global South, stressing equity, bibliodiversity and revisiting the issues of copyright and licences, immediate Open Access & Choice of Open Access Route calling to end publisher embargoes on researchers self-archiving their AAMs, and diamond publishing. The webinar recording also includes questions and discussion.

Accesso aperto nelle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente

Accesso aperto nelle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente

Un seminario sull’Open Science e gli strumenti per aprire la conoscenza

  • Thursday, 14 May 2020

Organizzato da IGG e ISTI attraverso il National Open Access Desk di OpenAIRE, il seminario intende guardare al mondo dell’Open Science dal punto di vista specifico delle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.

Quali sono le ragioni alla base delle politiche europee sull’Open Science e come si declinano nello specifico delle scienze della Terra? Nel seminario in programma per il 14 maggio si parlerà delle motivazioni che spingono ad adottare pratiche per rendere la scienza più aperta e trasparente, con un taglio disciplinare specifico, quello appunto delle discipline della Terra e dell’ambiente. 

Il seminario Open Science: come dare accesso aperto alla conoscenza, Un focus sulle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente affronterà gli aspetti di base e fornirà alcuni strumenti pratici, tra cui:

  • le motivazioni alla base dell’Open Science
  • l’Open Access alla letteratura scientifica
  • la gestione dei dati della ricerca (aspetti legali, dati FAIR e dati open)
  • l’Open Science e le infrastrutture europee per le scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.

Saranno fornite indicazioni su strumenti e buone pratiche utili a inserire la scienza aperta nel ciclo quotidiano della ricerca, mostrandone i vantaggi e le implicazioni etiche. Una parte del seminario sarà dedicata agli obblighi previsti dai finanziamenti della Commissione Europea in H2020 e nel prossimo programma quadro Horizon Europe. Inoltre si getterà uno sguardo ai  passi compiuti in questi anni dalla Commissione Europea a favore della Open Science, anche attraverso la costituzione di Infrastrutture di ricerca dedicata alle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.

Il seminario durerà 1 ora e 30 minuti, seguiti da altri 30 minuti per le domande e la discussione.

Il seminario è pensato per ricercatori afferenti al dipartimento di scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente del CNR e in generale per tutto il personale di ricerca che lavora su progetti finanziati dalla Commissione Europea.

Docenti: Emma Lazzeri (CNR-ISTI, Pisa), Mariasilvia Giamberini (CNR-IGG) e Gina Pavone (CNR-ISTI, Pisa)

Appuntamento al 14 maggio, dalle 11:00 alle 13:00.

Compilando questo form potrete registrarvi e ottenere il link per assistere al webinar 

La registrazione del webinar, le slide e tutto il materiale di supporto saranno resi accessibili attraverso questa pagina.

Cooperative Non-APC Publishing Models

Cooperative Non-APC Publishing Models

Joint AmeliCA/Canadian Research Knowledge Network/Coalition Publica/OpenAIRE webinar

  • Monday, 11 May 2020

Discussion about non-APC strategies, challenges and recommendations and a global collective action. Arianna Becerril-García (Executive Director, Redalyc, Professor, UAEM, Chair, AmeliCA) talks about AmeliCA - a multi-institutional community-driven initiative supported by UNESCO and led by Redalyc and CLACSO aimed to provide a cooperative, sustainable, protected and non-comercial infrastructure for Open Knowledge. Tanja Niemann (Executive Director, Érudit) and Jason Friedman (Manager, Member and Metadata Services, Canadian Research Knowledge Network) talk about Coalition Publica and the Partnership for Open Access: Canada's Cooperative Non APC Publishing Model. Jean-Claude Guédon discusses the current landscape, challenges, collaborations, "inside-out" libraries (Lorcan Dempsey's vocabulary), and provides recommendations about fostering a richer bibliodiversity and ensuring publication and access equality for all. And Iryna Kuchma (EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, OpenAIRE) presents the OpenAIRE report Towards Sustainable Cooperative and Non-APC Publishing Model

Open Access, come e perché

  • Thursday, 06 February 2020

Volete conoscere l'ABC dell'Open Access per districarvi con il Bando VQR 2015-2019, che prevede all'articolo 8 l'Open Access per i prodotti sottoposti a valutazione?
OpenAIRE organizza un webinar introduttivo su Cos'è e come si fa Open Access.
Scopo del webinar non è ancora di dare indicazioni operative sulla VQR ma solo di chiarire le logiche e le modalità dell'Open Access e fornire strumenti utili per esempio alla verifica delle politiche di copyright degli editori. Dalle politiche di copyright infatti dipende la versione che sarà possibile depositare per la VQR.
Il webinar avrà la durata di 30 minuti (+30 minuti di domande).
Docenti: Elena Giglia (Università di Torino) ed Emma Lazzeri (CNR-ISTI Pisa)
Appuntamento al 6 febbraio, dalle 11 alle 12, all'indirizzo
Gradita la registrazione su anche per eventuali contatti/approfondimenti futuri.
Elena Giglia
Emma Lazzeri
Gina Pavone
Citizen Science in Education: Students as researchers who analyze, study, present and publish data

Citizen Science in Education: Students as researchers who analyze, study, present and publish data

  • Monday, 16 December 2019

The National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus are organising a webinar on Citizen Science in Education. This webinar will be the last of the second series of these collaborative OpenAIRE webinars.

OpenAIRE Webinar “Citizen Science in Education: Students as researchers who analyze, study, present and publish data”

When: Monday 16 December 2019

Time: 11.00am - 12.00pm

Language of the presentation: Greek

The OpenAIRE team is happy to welcome as guest speaker to provide information on Citizen Science in Education, Evgenia Kypriotis, a member of the Research and Development Department of Ellinogermaniki Agogi.

During this webinar, Evgenia will talk about the main categories of citizen science projects in education, highlight good practices and inform about the OpenAIRE Citizen Science activity of the Open Schools Journal for Open Science

For years, it was thought that the link between schools and society conceals the essence of learning. In the 21st century, new and exciting opportunities of new technologies, social networking platforms, smartphones, online communities and the Internet of Things, all provide potentials for proceeding with an actual connection between society and education. Citizen science in education exploits the capabilities of today's society aiming at breaking the boundaries of traditional practices. In addition, students involvement in citizen science programs encourages effective STEAM teaching.


OpenAIRE Guidelines V4: OpenAIRE content providers managers Community Call

OpenAIRE infrastructure updates, Guidelines V4: specifications, implementation roadmap and use case

  • Tuesday, 05 November 2019

OpenAIRE infrastructure updates include the following:
  • Provide Public Roadmap:;
  • Guidelines V4 rules have been integrated in the validator tool - check them out in the validator tool available in provide dashboard; and
  • Provide Dashboard User interface improvements: in collection monitor the indexed version of the repository content is now explicitly presented; and there is My datasource in a glance - a new box on the homepage to present the main figures.  
OpenAIRE Guidelines V4: specifications, novelties, implementation roadmap and use cases from RCAAP (Portugal), LAReferencia (Latin America) and University of Huelva repository (Spain).
Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals - what we know so far and where we think we're heading

Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals - what we know so far and where we think we're heading

  • Friday, 25 October 2019

Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals - what we know so far and where we think we're heading by Dominic Mitchell (DOAJ)

In September 2018 when cOAlition S put out their Plan S for making Open Access an immediate reality, there was concern about how journals would become compliant in the short time available and what exactly was required to do that. The guidance mentioned that being indexed in DOAJ is necessary but that is only one criteria of many. There are other, new criteria which are additional to the DOAJ ones. DOAJ, among others, is mentioned as a key player in the certification process so the DOAJ Team have looked very carefully at what is being asked. One of the problems is that the exact data to be captured for those requirements have not yet been set and work by cOAlition S to do that is only slated to start imminently. In this presentation, I will explain what those extra Plan S criteria might be and how we think that they might be measured and captured. I will explain how we think the certification process, at least at DOAJ, might go and what the difference is between DOAJ certification and Plan S certification. 



Horizon 2020 Open Science Policies and beyond

Horizon 2020 Open Science Policies and beyond

  • Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Horizon 2020 Open Science Policies and beyond by Emilie Hermans (OpenAIRE)

The global shift towards making research findings available free of charge and sharing and opening up the research process, so-called 'Open Science’, has been a core strategy in the European Commission to improve knowledge circulation and innovation.

It is illustrated in particular by the Open Science policies for the EC's framework programme. This webinar will talk about the OS policies for open access to scientific publications and the pilot for research data in Horizon 2020, followed by a preview of what to expect for Open Science in the new Horizon Europe programme.

An overview of the polices will be followed by ample time for questions in this "Ask me Anything" session.

OpenAPC - cost transparency of Open Access publishing

  • Monday, 21 October 2019

OpenAPC - cost transparency of Open Access publishing by Christoph Broschinski and Andreas Czerniak (UNIBI)

In 2014 the OpenAPC project was established at Bielefeld University Library and has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2015 - 2018) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (2018 - 2020).

In this webinar we focus on how institutions can become part of the OpenAPC project. We briefly discuss the data format and processing and how the concept of transparency is applied to all steps of the data lifecycle in OpenAPC.

In addition, we also focus on benefits for participating institutions. Finally, the re-use of OpenAPC data in other projects is shown, in particular the integration of the OpenAPC data set into the OpenAIRE research graph.

Webinars: H2020 policies on Open Access and Research Data

Webinars: H2020 policies on Open Access and Research Data

Back 2 Back Webinars on H2020 Open Science Policy

  • Wednesday, 12 June 2019

In this webinar on June 12th, our presenters will give an update of current Open Access and Research Data policies in H2020. 

OpenAIRE Services for Repository Managers

OpenAIRE Services for Repository Managers

  • Tuesday, 16 April 2019

OpenAIRE webinar for Portuguese repository managers highlighting the changes in the content acquisition policy (CAP), novelties in the guidelines and the provide dashboard.

36 participants that are already (almost all) real users of the OpenAIRE Dashboard for content providers and will implement soon the new CAP and guidelines V4.

Webinar in Portuguese
Webinar about transparency of publication fees and the OpenAPC project

Webinar about transparency of publication fees and the OpenAPC project

  • Monday, 25 March 2019

If you want to know more about article processing charges and how they can be processed in a transparent way, this webinar is for you. We will introduce the OpenAPC project and will also showcase how it works in practice, and how your institution can contribute.

The Open APC initiative releases datasets on fees paid for open access journal articles by universities and research insitutions under an open database license. Open APC, which is also supported by the DINI Working Group Electronic Publishing is part of the INTACT project and located at Bielefeld University Library. The datasets demonstrate transparent and reproducible reporting and allow various cost analysis on fee-based open access publishing across institutions and publishers.

Join Christoph Broschinski, member of the DFG funded project INTACT started in 2015, as he shares his knowledge about APC, OpenAPCs, and also about "Gold" Open Access Publishing.