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Items tagged with OPEN SCIENCE

Plan S: Taking stock of the current situation and new developments

Plan S: Taking stock of the current situation and new developments

  • Wednesday, 27 May 2020

This OpenAIRE Policy and Legal Task Force webinar focuses on recent developments around Plan S. Johan Rooryck, cOAlition S Open Access Champion, talks about cOAlition S and what Research funding organizations in cOAlition S want; research visibility; Plan S: strong principles; implementation guidance: key challenges, routes to compliance, transformative arrangements; implementation: developing a Journal Checker Tool; working with key stakeholders: researchers, early career researchers, publishers, universities; and other activities: transparent pricing and Fair Open Access Alliance (FOAA), non-APC funding models and cOAlition S office. Niamh Brennan, Trinity College Dublin and OpenAIRE NOAD in Ireland, talks about Ireland’s experience with its National Open Science Strategy and Plan S: the scholarly publishing landscape in Ireland, Ireland’s Open Access Repository Network and National Open Access Research Portal, HRB Open Research, National Open Research Forum, mapping national OA Policy to Plan S (1st iteration), National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment – ‘Plan S-friendly’ – but its primary concern is to be more ‘Irish research-friendly, ‘AmeliCA-friendly’ – in terms of its emphasis on academy-based infrastructures and on  alternatives to fee-based publishing and supportive of scholarly communication initiatives in the Global South, stressing equity, bibliodiversity and revisiting the issues of copyright and licences, immediate Open Access & Choice of Open Access Route calling to end publisher embargoes on researchers self-archiving their AAMs, and diamond publishing. The webinar recording also includes questions and discussion.

OpenAIRE PROVIDE Dashboard for Turkish repository managers

OpenAIRE PROVIDE Dashboard for Turkish repository managers

  • Wednesday, 20 May 2020

This webinar highlights the functionalities of the PROVIDE Dashboard, new developments and features.
bilingual webinar (English and Turkish)
Accesso aperto nelle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente

Accesso aperto nelle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente

Un seminario sull’Open Science e gli strumenti per aprire la conoscenza

  • Thursday, 14 May 2020

Organizzato da IGG e ISTI attraverso il National Open Access Desk di OpenAIRE, il seminario intende guardare al mondo dell’Open Science dal punto di vista specifico delle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.

Quali sono le ragioni alla base delle politiche europee sull’Open Science e come si declinano nello specifico delle scienze della Terra? Nel seminario in programma per il 14 maggio si parlerà delle motivazioni che spingono ad adottare pratiche per rendere la scienza più aperta e trasparente, con un taglio disciplinare specifico, quello appunto delle discipline della Terra e dell’ambiente. 

Il seminario Open Science: come dare accesso aperto alla conoscenza, Un focus sulle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente affronterà gli aspetti di base e fornirà alcuni strumenti pratici, tra cui:

  • le motivazioni alla base dell’Open Science
  • l’Open Access alla letteratura scientifica
  • la gestione dei dati della ricerca (aspetti legali, dati FAIR e dati open)
  • l’Open Science e le infrastrutture europee per le scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.

Saranno fornite indicazioni su strumenti e buone pratiche utili a inserire la scienza aperta nel ciclo quotidiano della ricerca, mostrandone i vantaggi e le implicazioni etiche. Una parte del seminario sarà dedicata agli obblighi previsti dai finanziamenti della Commissione Europea in H2020 e nel prossimo programma quadro Horizon Europe. Inoltre si getterà uno sguardo ai  passi compiuti in questi anni dalla Commissione Europea a favore della Open Science, anche attraverso la costituzione di Infrastrutture di ricerca dedicata alle scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente.

Il seminario durerà 1 ora e 30 minuti, seguiti da altri 30 minuti per le domande e la discussione.

Il seminario è pensato per ricercatori afferenti al dipartimento di scienze della Terra e dell’ambiente del CNR e in generale per tutto il personale di ricerca che lavora su progetti finanziati dalla Commissione Europea.

Docenti: Emma Lazzeri (CNR-ISTI, Pisa), Mariasilvia Giamberini (CNR-IGG) e Gina Pavone (CNR-ISTI, Pisa)

Appuntamento al 14 maggio, dalle 11:00 alle 13:00.

Compilando questo form potrete registrarvi e ottenere il link per assistere al webinar 

La registrazione del webinar, le slide e tutto il materiale di supporto saranno resi accessibili attraverso questa pagina.

COVID-19: tools, activities, best practices and contact points in Greece

COVID-19: tools, activities, best practices and contact points in Greece

  • Friday, 10 April 2020

Athena Research Centre (ARC), in the context of the OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk and the Greek RDA Node and ELIXIR-GR, is organising a dedicated webinar on “COVID-19: tools, activities, best practices and contact points in Greece”

This webinar is driven by the need to collect and promote to the greek academic and scientific community great national efforts undertaken and knowledge acquired so far by scientific stakeholders working around the management of the crisis pertaining to the COVID outbreak. Those efforts include:

  • research infrastructures and their work on developing specialised services,
  • access to and use of electronic resources, tools and data repositories,
  • specific initiatives in the fields of Health and Bioinformatics. 

Moreover, the importance of Open Science for data sharing, open access to scientific publications, development and management of open research software as well as cooperation between all stakeholders involved in the research lifecycle is emphasized. 

The webinar aims to get to know each other and develop a common perception in order to more effectively respond to research groups’ and individual researchers’ daily enquiries at the national level. That way, scholarly communication is enhanced along with our organisations research support practices. 

The material collected from presentations of this webinar, including discussions that will follow and the outcome of a first landscape review for related sources in Greece collected by ARC, will form a national guide to be openly shared via various emailing lists in research communities and research groups across the country.

The draft agenda of the webinar is presented below:

  • Welcome and introduction (10’)
    • Intro presentation, Elli Papadopoulou, OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk/RDA Greece, Fotis Karayannis RDA Secretariat/RDA Greece
      • Scope of the webinar and explanation of the intended draft national action guide and how this effort fits and gives input to European and global activities such as the OpenAIRE COVID Gateway and RDA COVID WG.
  • Tour de table (10’)
    • Speakers (live) and audience (in the chat)
  • Presentations (7 x ~10’)
    • Natalia Manola: The European ecosystem of infrastructures around EOSC: access to EMBL, ELIXIR, INSTRUCT etc + OpenAIRE
    • Fotis Psomopoulos: ELIXIR-EU, biohackathon, RDA COVID WG
    • Leonidas Pispiringas:  Electronic resources and collections in academic libraries, good practices, accessibility via VPN, etc
    • Thanasis Vergoulis: Bip COVID, Hellenic Data Service "HELIX"
    • Alexandros Dimopoulos: ELIXIR-GR: what are the tools - general picture also about what partners have been doing, e.g. ARIS for HPC, Gnosis + EG-CI etc.
    • Giota Touloumi: General presentation about the Greek research community around health sciences and how Greece participates in COVID clinical trials etc.
    • Kostas Eleftheriadis: Nano research around quality of alternative medical equipment like masks etc.
  • Discussion (~30’)
  • Epilogue - Next steps about the action guide (5’)
The overwhelming response of the academic and research community highlight the need for better communication, more collaborations and continuation of discussions from more perspectives in COVID research that were not covered by the first webinar.
Aiming at fostering scholarly communication and enabling new collaborations, ARC is organising a series of webinars dedicated to COVID research.
Open Science and Open Data in promoting research outputs

Open Science and Open Data in promoting research outputs

  • Thursday, 12 March 2020

The National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus are back with a new series of monthly webinars in the greek language!

We invite you to take part in our first webinar for 2020 that will be about open research data:


OpenAIRE Webinar: “Open Science and Open Data in promoting research outputs”

When? Thursday, March 12 2020

Time? 12.00 - 13.00 EET

Target Audience: Librarians, Academics, Researchers, Students

The OpenAIRE Team is happy to welcome as guest speaker Nancy Pontika, Open Science Aggregation Officer at Core, to talk about open science and open research data. During the webinar, Nancy will analyse the Open Science and Open Data principles as well as highlight the importance and benefits of communicating our research, also known as Scholarly Communication. The fact that Open Science is a priority for the EU, expressed in the recent years as precondition for funding, has resulted in integration of good practices for Open Science in national research ecosystems mostly by redefining workflows and enhancing current research support services. 

By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • comprehend the concepts of Open Science and Open Data
  • know of new resources and education material on both concepts
  • know the latest developments and updates in the fields
  • practice on applying or help others apply these concepts
  • contribute to promoting Open Science and Open Data.



Open Access, come e perché

  • Thursday, 06 February 2020

Volete conoscere l'ABC dell'Open Access per districarvi con il Bando VQR 2015-2019, che prevede all'articolo 8 l'Open Access per i prodotti sottoposti a valutazione?
OpenAIRE organizza un webinar introduttivo su Cos'è e come si fa Open Access.
Scopo del webinar non è ancora di dare indicazioni operative sulla VQR ma solo di chiarire le logiche e le modalità dell'Open Access e fornire strumenti utili per esempio alla verifica delle politiche di copyright degli editori. Dalle politiche di copyright infatti dipende la versione che sarà possibile depositare per la VQR.
Il webinar avrà la durata di 30 minuti (+30 minuti di domande).
Docenti: Elena Giglia (Università di Torino) ed Emma Lazzeri (CNR-ISTI Pisa)
Appuntamento al 6 febbraio, dalle 11 alle 12, all'indirizzo
Gradita la registrazione su anche per eventuali contatti/approfondimenti futuri.
Elena Giglia
Emma Lazzeri
Gina Pavone

Webinar on the OpenAIRE Research Graph

OpenAIRE Research Graph Consultation

  • Thursday, 30 January 2020

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OpenAIRE is pleased to announce the beta release of its Research Graph, a massive collection of metadata and links between scientific products such as articles, datasets, software, and other research products, entities like organisations, funders, funding streams, projects, communities, and data sources. Due to its coverage and cross-discipline nature, the Research Graph will empower the EOSC catalogue of scientific products.

On January 30th, 2020, OpenAIRE is organizing its final webinar in the first consultation series.


UPDATE: there will be a follow-up consultation in Spring 2020, stay tuned!

Open Science and Research Results Exploitation: friends or foes?

Open Data, Open Science and Research Results Exploitation

  • Friday, 29 November 2019

This OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub webinar covers Horizon 2020 rules and good practices approaches to addressing Open Data, Open Science and research results exploitation in Consortium Agreements and in Data Management Plans. It also specifically covers the issues of concern between Open Science and exploitation (patents, spin offs/ outs, confidentiality), business planning and licensing strategies.

Date: Friday, 29 November at 2:00pm CET


This webinar is organised in collaboration with EOSC-Hub eosc hub hz300dpi

Webinar on the OpenAIRE Research Graph

  • Tuesday, 19 November 2019

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OpenAIRE is pleased to announce the beta release of its Research Graph, a massive collection of metadata and links between scientific products such as articles, datasets, software, and other research products, entities like organisations, funders, funding streams, projects, communities, and data sources. Due to its coverage and cross-discipline nature, the Research Graph will empower the EOSC catalogue of scientific products.

We are collecting feedback! Find out more here.

OpenAIRE Guidelines V4: OpenAIRE content providers managers Community Call

OpenAIRE infrastructure updates, Guidelines V4: specifications, implementation roadmap and use case

  • Tuesday, 05 November 2019

OpenAIRE infrastructure updates include the following:
  • Provide Public Roadmap:;
  • Guidelines V4 rules have been integrated in the validator tool - check them out in the validator tool available in provide dashboard; and
  • Provide Dashboard User interface improvements: in collection monitor the indexed version of the repository content is now explicitly presented; and there is My datasource in a glance - a new box on the homepage to present the main figures.  
OpenAIRE Guidelines V4: specifications, novelties, implementation roadmap and use cases from RCAAP (Portugal), LAReferencia (Latin America) and University of Huelva repository (Spain).
From Open Science to Inclusive Science

From Open Science to Inclusive Science

  • Friday, 25 October 2019

From Open Science to Inclusive Science with Paola Masuzzo

Friday, Oct 25, 2019 from 2pm to 3pm (CEST)

A lot is happening in the Open Science world, as everybody realizes more and more the importance of open, transparent and participatory research practices.

However, we tend to forget, in the ongoing conversations, what Open Science means to different audiences, coming from diverse or even underrepresented backgrounds.

In this webinar, we will be talking about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Inclusiveness.

Masuzzo will make the case that these are non-negotiable and they must be built into the foundation of what we are all trying to achieve in the ongoing efforts of democratizing knowledge.



This webinar is organised in collaboration with Open Science MOOC OpenScienceMOOC logo

Hellenic Data Service: Navigating through the national data repository and good practices for analysing data

Hellenic Data Service: Navigating through the national data repository and good practices for analysing data

  • Thursday, 24 October 2019

Το Ερευνητικό Κέντρο «Αθηνά» λαμβάνει φέτος μέρος στην Εβδομάδα Ανοικτής Πρόσβασης και σας προσκαλεί, σε συνεργασία με τον Σύνδεσμο Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών, σε webinar που αφορά στη γνωριμία με την Εθνική Υπηρεσία Δεδομένων “HELIX”. Το διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο διοργανώνεται στο πλαίσιο εκπαιδευτικών και ενημερωτικών δράσεων του Εθνικού Κόμβου του OpenAIRE για την Ανοικτή Πρόσβαση στην Ελλάδα και του Εθνικού Κόμβου της Πρωτοβουλίας για τα Ερευνητικά Δεδομένα (RDA Greek Node) που σκοπό έχουν την ενημέρωση της ερευνητικής, βιβλιοθηκονομικής και ακαδημαϊκής κοινότητας για εθνικές υπηρεσίες που υποστηρίζουν δραστηριότητες Ανοικτής Επιστήμης.

OpenAIRE & RDA Webinar: “Ελληνική Υπηρεσία Δεδομένων: Πλοήγηση στο αποθετήριο δεδομένων και καλές πρακτικές για ανάλυση δεδομένων”

Πότε; Πέμπτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2019
Ώρα; 11:00 πμ -12:00 το μεσημέρι

Θέμα της φετινής εβδομάδας Ανοικτής Πρόσβασης αποτελεί η ισότητα στην πληροφόρηση και στη γνώση, με μότο “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”. Σε αυτό το πνεύμα, θα παρουσιαστεί από τον Γεώργιο Χατζηγεωργακίδη, συνεργάτης του Ερευνητικού Κέντρου “Αθηνά”, η Ελληνική Υπηρεσία Δεδομένων “HELIX”, η οποία έχει αναπτυχθεί με βάση τις αρχές της Ανοικτής Επιστήμης και προωθεί την ελεύθερη, χωρίς κόστος, χρήση των επιμέρους εργαλείων, υπηρεσιών και πληροφοριών/ δεδομένων που αναπτύσσει και διατηρεί σε ερευνητές, εκπαιδευτικούς και λοιπούς ενδιαφερόμενους ανά τη χώρα. 

Το webinar εκτυλίσσεται σε δύο μέρη: α. παρουσίαση του τρόπου λειτουργίας και αλληλεπίδραση με τον κατάλογο δεδομένων (HELIX Data) και, β. παρουσίαση καλών πρακτικών ανάλυσης δεδομένων μέσα από τη χρήση του ψηφιακού εργαστηρίου (HELIX Lab) της πλατφόρμας HELIX. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, θα παρουσιαστεί ο τρόπος δημιουργίας, μεταφόρτωσης (upload), δημοσίευσης και αναζήτησης ανοικτών συνόλων δεδομένων στον κατάλογο, καθώς και παραδείγματα ανάλυσης υπαρχόντων συνόλων δεδομένων με τη χρήση των σημειωματαρίων (notebooks) στο ψηφιακό εργαστήριο.

This year’s Open Access Week motto is “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”, thus placing the principle of equity in knowledge sharing and information access at the epicentre. Following this spirit, Georgios Chatzigeorgakidis, research associate at Athena Research Center, will be talking about the Hellenic Data Service “HELIX”, a national service which has been developed according to Open Science principles. 

The webinar unfolds in two parts: a. introduction to HELIX functionalities and available ways of interacting with the HELIX Data and, b. presentation of good practices for analysing data using the lab service (HELIX Lab). More specifically, the processes of creating, uploading, publishing and searching for open datasets in the HELIX Data will be explained as well as examples of analysing existing datasets using HELIX Lab Jupyter notebooks will be described. 

Webinars: H2020 policies on Open Access and Research Data

Webinars: H2020 policies on Open Access and Research Data

Back 2 Back Webinars on H2020 Open Science Policy

  • Wednesday, 12 June 2019

In this webinar on June 12th, our presenters will give an update of current Open Access and Research Data policies in H2020. 

Four Good Practices for Software Development in Open Science (in Greek)

Four Good Practices for Software Development in Open Science (in Greek)

  • Thursday, 06 June 2019

Athena Research Center (ARC), the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL-Link) and the University of Cyprus Library, being the National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus respectively, are organising a webinar on Open Software in Research as part of their “Open Science webinar series”.

OpenAIRE webinar:

Four Good Practices for Software Development in Open Science

When: Thursday 6 June 2019

Time: 11.00-12.00 EEST

Language of the presentation: Greek

The OpenAIRE team is pleased to welcome guest speaker, Dr Fotis Psomopoulos, bioinformatician and Principal Investigator C' at the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB), Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) to present ELIXIR’s set of principles for software development in open research environments.

The webinar will be about good practices for developing Open Software, which has gained particular attention along with Big Data, and is now an integral part of Science, with a distinctive example of Life Sciences. Recognizing this important role, ELIXIR as the Pan-European Network of Excellence in Bioinformatics, created a working group aiming at specifying good practices for software development, in line with the Open Science principles. During the presentation, the four key practices and their implementation will be presented in a realistic scenario, followed by a discussion about next steps planned in that direction.


For any questions you may have or for more information, do not hesitate to contact us!



Data Management Plan: Uno strumento per un processo di ricerca efficiente, robusto e trasparente

Data Management Plan: Uno strumento per un processo di ricerca efficiente, robusto e trasparente

  • Thursday, 16 May 2019

Third Series of National Webinars on Open Science thanks to a collaboration with the OpenAIRE NOAD and the RDA Italian Node
More Information about the 2019 webinar series.

Abstract: In questo webinar vorrei presentare l'importanza del Data Management Plan (DMP) dal punto di vista di un data steward e di un ricercatore. Illustrerò anche i principali vantaggi e come utilizzare al meglio il DMP durante un progetto di ricerca. Come esempio illustrerò le caratteristiche principali dello strumento DMP più utilizzato chiamato DMPonline.