Items tagged with OPEN SCIENCE
Data stewardship e Research Data Management: Prerequisiti fondamentali per la scienza aperta
Friday, 10 May 2019
Third Series of National Webinars on Open Science thanks to a collaboration with the OpenAIRE NOAD and the RDA Italian Node
More Information about the 2019 webinar series.
Abstract: In questo webinar vorrei presentare la mia esperienza come data steward al TU Delft di come abbiamo messo insieme la biblioteca (supporto centrale) e i data steward disciplinary in ciascuna facoltà, per promuovere il cambiamento naturale necessario a diffondere l’open science e il data management tra i ricercatori.
The role and value of data stewards in Universities: a TU Delft case study on data stewardship
Thursday, 09 May 2019
Athena Research Center (ARC), the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL-Link) and the University of Cyprus Library, being the National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus respectively, organised a webinar on Data Stewardship in continuation of their “Open Science webinar series”.
OpenAIRE webinar: “The role and value of data stewards in Universities: a TU Delft case study on data stewardship”
The OpenAIRE team welcomed as guest speakers to present their work at the TU Delft in the Netherlands: Marta Teperek, Data Stewardship project coordinator and Esther Plomp, data steward of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
During the webinar Marta talks about the Data Stewardship project at TU Delft. To comprehensively address disciplinary data management needs around the campus, TU Delft appointed a dedicated Data Steward at every faculty. During this webinar you will find out who are the data stewards, what background do they have, what support do they offer to the research community and how are they funded. In addition, Marta also discusses some key challenges and future plans.
For any questions you may have or for more information, do not hesitate to contact us!
Aspetti Legali dei Dati della Ricerca
Monday, 29 April 2019
More Information about the 2019 webinar series.
OpenAIRE Services for Repository Managers
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
36 participants that are already (almost all) real users of the OpenAIRE Dashboard for content providers and will implement soon the new CAP and guidelines V4.
Webinar in Portuguese
Webinar on Open Science and Personal Data: applying the General Data Protection Regulation in today's digital science (in Greek)
Monday, 08 April 2019
Athena Research Center, the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link and the University of Cyprus Library, being the National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus respectively, are organising yet another webinar on Open Science, this time focused on the General Data Protection Regulation and scientific data.
OpenAIRE Webinar: Open Science and Personal Data: applying the General Data Protection Regulation in today's digital science
With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force from May 2018, the purpose of the webinar is to inform Greek and Cypriot researchers on how to comply with it by adapting to behaviours for proper management of research data that are particularly of personal or sensitive interest. The webinar aims to provide examples of best GDPR compliant practices in a research lifecycle as well as to give advice to everyday issues that researchers are facing on this matter.
For any questions you may have or for more information, do not hesitate to contact us!
OpenAIRE-CYWebinar about transparency of publication fees and the OpenAPC project
Monday, 25 March 2019
If you want to know more about article processing charges and how they can be processed in a transparent way, this webinar is for you. We will introduce the OpenAPC project and will also showcase how it works in practice, and how your institution can contribute.
The Open APC initiative releases datasets on fees paid for open access journal articles by universities and research insitutions under an open database license. Open APC, which is also supported by the DINI Working Group Electronic Publishing is part of the INTACT project and located at Bielefeld University Library. The datasets demonstrate transparent and reproducible reporting and allow various cost analysis on fee-based open access publishing across institutions and publishers.
Join Christoph Broschinski, member of the DFG funded project INTACT started in 2015, as he shares his knowledge about APC, OpenAPCs, and also about "Gold" Open Access Publishing.
- Recordings: Here
- Slides: Presentation 1 | Presentation 2
Data Management Plans
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Know the requirements and conditions of open data in the H2020 and know when and how to prepare a DMP for the project.
(part of FOSTER elearning course)
webinar in portuguese
FOSTER/OpenAIRE Moderated Course on Open Access to Publications in Horizon 2020
A moderated course organised by FOSTER and OpenAIRE
Thursday, 07 February 2019
Are you participating in a H2020 funded project? Would you like to know more on how to comply with the H2020 Open Access mandate?
Join in this moderated FOSTER/OpenAIRE Course on Open Access to Publications in Horizon 2020 from February 4th to 8th, and attend a Webinar on Thursday, February 7th at 12:00 CET.
Target audience: researchers, project managers, librarians and repository managers.
Learn about:
- The context of the H2020 mandate
- Compliance with the H2020 OA Mandate by depositing publications into repositories
- Reporting of deposited publications in Horizon2020
On February 7th at 12:00 CET a 1 hour webinar was organized, providing the course participants the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the compliance issues, and get direct replies to their questions and doubts.
Joint webinar FREYA and OpenAIRE: New developments in the field of Persistent Identifiers
The importance of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) to build stable connections between research entities such as grants, projects, articles, or funders is recognized and addressed by several initiatives and projects.
Thursday, 10 January 2019
When: On January 10, 2019 at 10:00 CET
After all the festivities at the end of the year where family and friends connect, OpenAIRE together with FREYA started off the new year with a webinar on digital connections: the Persistent Identifiers. The Science Europe Data Glossary defines the term Persistent Identifier (PID) as “a long-lasting reference to a digital object — a single file or set of files”. As such, the importance of PIDs to build stable connections between research entities such as grants, projects, articles, or funders is recognized and addressed by several initiatives and projects.
FREYA is a 3-year project funded by the European Commission, aiming to extend the infrastructure for persistent identifiers (PIDs) as a core component of open research, in the EU and globally. FREYA will improve discovery, navigation, retrieval, and access to research resources. In so doing, FREYA has carried out a survey of the current PID landscape, collected a vast amount of user stories in order to identify needs of the community to expand existing and establish new PID services, and is currently working on building a PID Graph.
In the webinar, Ketil Koop-Jakobsen talked about a report on requirements for new PID Services. To identify demands and requirements for emerging PIDs, FREYA collected user stories from their respective communities and networks. More than 70 user stories were compiled, each identifying a specific PID demand from the community. Koop-Jakobsen introduced some of these stories and explained their influence on the development of new and emerging PID types. Amir Aryani, moreover, shed light on FREYA’s work on the PID Graph, talking about the discussion around the concept of the PID Graph itself and how FREYA partners are contributing to the actual setup of such a Graph.
And Iryna Kuchma talked how OpenAIRE uses PIDs for discovery, enrichment, and linking of research results.
- Recordings: Here
- Slides: Presentation 1 | Presentation 2 | Presentation 3 |
OpenAIRE - EOSC-hub webinar “Data Privacy and Sensitive Data Services”
The need for professionally managing sensitive data is growing in science, therefore we invite you to join our webinar on good practices, tips & tricks, as well as cloud-based services for researchers.
Thursday, 06 December 2018
Date: 6 December 2018
Time: 14:00 CET
The webinar provides information for both procedural and technical aspects of sensitive data management. And we walk you through the architecture and capabilities behind CSC’s Pouta Cloud Services and TSD for sensitive data provided by the University of Oslo.
The OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub Horizon-2020 projects collaborate to deliver services and data management support for researchers and providers of the emerging European Open Science Cloud.
OpenAIRE, the pan-European infrastructure for open knowledge, is working towards fostering Open Access and Open Science in Europe. In order to fulfil its mission, OpenAIRE develops services and tools to facilitate research activities as well as provides tailored support to all stakeholders’ “open endeavours” through the National Open Access Desks (NOADs).
EOSC-hub brings together multiple service providers to create the Hub for the European Open Science Cloud: a single contact point for European researchers and innovators and their partners worldwide to discover, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research. Services in the Hub are offered via an online catalogue.
- Recordings: Here
- Slides: Presentation 1 | Presentation 2 | Presentation 3 | Presentation 4
Che cos’è un Data Management Plan: presentazione e casi d’uso
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
More Information about the webinar series.
FAIR DATA e Action Plan
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
More Information about the webinar series
Research Data Management e politiche europee sui dati
Thursday, 15 November 2018
More Information about the webinar series
OpenMinted: services for content providers, researchers and TDM software developers.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Guest webinar: OpenMinted: services for content providers, researchers and TDM software developers
- Recordings: Here
Open Science Policy
What you need to know, how to advise on good policy making, and information/trends on policies in Europe
Thursday, 25 October 2018
- Recordings: HERE