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Items tagged with OPEN SCIENCE

Basics of Research Data Management

Basics of Research Data Management

  • Tuesday, 23 October 2018

S. Venkataraman (DCC) talks about the basics of Research Data Management and how to apply this when creating or reviewing a Data Management Plan (DMP). He discusses data formats and metadata standards, persistent identifiers, licensing, controlled vocabularies and data repositories.

OpenAIRE Dashboard for Research Communities

  • Tuesday, 23 October 2018

The OpenAIRE Research Community Dashboard (, facilitates Research Communities adoption of Open Science publishing principles by supporting artefact publishing tools as-a-Service.

Research Community Dashboard is a virtual environment designed for Research Communities to:

  • Implement the latest Open Science trends: FAIR data, open data
  • Share all your research results: publications, data, software, methods
  • Link all your research effectively
  • Gather all your research results in one place
  • Monitor and report your community’s progress
This webinar live demo, presents the Research Community Dashboard and all their functionalities, focusing on how Community managers can use the administration tools to manage and personalize their research community dashboard.
Text and Data Mining and machine readability of Open Access Research

Text and Data Mining and machine readability of Open Access Research

  • Thursday, 18 October 2018

What is Text and Data Mining - TDM?
How does it fit with Open Access and Open Science?
Why librarians, information professionals and research support administrators should care about it?
This webinar describes TDM, explains the importance of machine accessibility to Open Access content and describes how open content can be used for TDM purposes. It also provides examples for TDM readings and courses designed for those who work in libraries or research offices providing research support.
FAIR data and trusted repositories.

FAIR data and trusted repositories.

  • Thursday, 18 October 2018

This video illustrates how certified digital repositories contribute to making and keeping research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). Trustworthy repositories support Open Access to data, as well as Restricted Access when necessary, and they offer support for metadata, sustainable and interoperable file formats, and persistent identifiers for future citation. Presented by Marjan Grootveld (DANS, OpenAIRE).

More Information:
- Core Trust Seal for trustworthy digital repositories:
- EUDAT FAIR checklist:
- European Commission’s Guidelines on FAIR data management:
- FAIR data principles:
- Overview of metadata standards and tools:
Open Access to publications in Horizon 2020

Open Access to publications in Horizon 2020

  • Wednesday, 17 October 2018

This video provides an introduction to the Open Access policies and requirements in Horizon 2020. It explains what the requirements are, how to choice between publishing in an open access journal or depositing in an open access repository and it gives information on costs and journal policies. OpenAIRE is an information infrastructure and network that promotes and facilitates Open Science in Europe.

- Find a list of qualitative OA journals on
- Find information on APCs per journal on the Open APC project:
- Find a repository:,,
- EC’s model amendment to publishing agreements:
- Check publishers policy:
- How to comply with H2020 mandate OA publications:
- For further questions and help, contact us at:
- For further information, check:

Open Science e il mandato Europeo sull’Open Access relativo alle pubblicazioni

Open Science e il mandato Europeo sull’Open Access relativo alle pubblicazioni

  • Wednesday, 17 October 2018

For the Open Access Week Italy, in collaboration with the OpenAIRE NOADs, IOSSG, and the RDA Italian Node, offers webinars series!

More Information about the webinar series


How to manage your data to make them Open and FAIR

How to manage your data to make them Open and FAIR

  • Monday, 14 May 2018

Joint OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub webinar delivered by Marjan Grootveld and Ellen Leenarts (DANS) on May 15, 2018
Open Research Data in Horizon 2020

Open Research Data in Horizon 2020

  • Tuesday, 08 May 2018

Emilie Hermans talks about Open Research Data in Horizon 2020, and how OpenAIRE can help you to manage your data, open it up and link it to your other research output.

Open Access to publications in Horizon 2020

Open Access to publications in Horizon 2020

  • Monday, 07 May 2018

Emilie Hermans talks about Open Access policies and requirements in Horizon 2020, and how OpenAIRE can help you to comply with them.
EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE webinar: national nodes meetup

EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE webinar: national nodes meetup

  • Tuesday, 24 April 2018

The online event took place on April 24th and has been organised by Gergely Sipos, EGI's  Customer and Technical Outreach Manager and part of the EOSC-hub Engagement team, and Najla Rettberg, OpenAIRE Network Manager.
AMNESIA: Data anonymization made easy

AMNESIA: Data anonymization made easy

  • Monday, 23 April 2018

AMNESIA is a flexible data anonymization tool that allows to remove identifying information from data. Amnesia does not only remove direct identifiers like names, SSNs, etc., but also transforms secondary identifiers like birth date and zip code so that individuals cannot be identified in the data. Amnesia supports k-anonymity and km-anonymity. Amnesia is available both as an online service and as a local application.
Géant-OpenAIRE webinar: An introduction to Open Science: Why it’s important

Géant-OpenAIRE webinar: An introduction to Open Science: Why it’s important

  • Thursday, 01 February 2018

This webinar gives an overview of Open Science and explains the OpenAIRE services, mainly for Géant's NRENs.

Topics covered: 

- Introduction to Open Science

- Policy context

- Current services offered to support Open Science

OpenAIRE Webinar: Results survey on H2020 DMP template

OpenAIRE Webinar: Results survey on H2020 DMP template

  • Wednesday, 10 January 2018

This webinar is highly relevant for research support staff, data librarians, researchers, project leaders, research funders and all others who write or review data management plans, or support others to do so.
OpenAIRE metrics service: usage statistics

OpenAIRE metrics service: usage statistics

Webinars series for repository managers - Dec. 2017

  • Wednesday, 06 December 2017

"OpenAIRE metrics service: usage statistics" is the 4th webinar in the series for repository managers that took place on Dec. 7, 2017, with Jochen Schirrwagen from University of Bielefeld and Dimitris Pierrakos from ATHENA, Research and Innovation Center.
Scholix guidelines for data-literature integration: opportunities for OpenAIRE compatible repositories

Scholix guidelines for data-literature integration: opportunities for OpenAIRE compatible repositories

Webinars series for repository managers - Dec. 2017

  • Monday, 04 December 2017

"Scholix guidelines for data-literature integration: opportunities for OpenAIRE compatible repositories" is the 3rd webinar in the webinars series for repository managers that took place in Dec. 5, 2017 – with Paolo Manghi from ISTI-CNR.