Items tagged with POLICY
Open Research Europe: Presentation of the open access platform of the European Commission (In Greek)
Thursday, 29 June 2023
OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus are pleased to welcome Dr Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission, DG RESEARCH, on Thursday 29th June 2023 at 11:00 am EEST.
The focus of the webinar is the Open Research Europe platform for peer-reviewed open access publications. The platform allows publishing of original research articles resulting from Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 funding, without charging any fees to the authors, e.g. article processing charges. The platform is supported by the European Commission to help the researchers in meeting their requirements for immediate open access to publications.
The webinar will present in detail the publication model of the platform and the submission and evaluation process, according to which open assessment follows the publication of articles (post-publication open peer-review). It will also present the EC's policies under which the platform was created in 2021 and the future plans to transform it to a publication platform that will be funded by the countries.
OpenAIRE coffee break on e-accessibility
It’s all about the tools!
Wednesday, 07 June 2023
Tim Berners-Lee once said, “The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” Yes, well, but why is much of the data on the web still not accessible to people with disabilities? Some might blame a lack of knowledge by authors of content, which may be compensated by training. But actually, authoring tools turn out to be a major culprit, as long as research data like tables or forms for data collection cannot usually be created accessible with common office tools.
Andreas Jeitler, responsible for Accessibility Services at Klagenfurt University Library, and Susanne Blumesberger, an academic librarian at the University of Vienna, discuss e-accessibility tools.
- Recordings: Here
Progressing Open Science in Greece and Cyprus: local initiatives and next steps (In Greek)
Thursday, 04 May 2023
OpenAIRE representatives in Greece and Cyprus continue to organise webinars on Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud - EOSC.
Athena Research Center and the Library of the University of Cyprus invite you to participate in the webinar that takes place on Thursday 4th May 2023 at 11:00 am EEST. The purpose of the webinar is to inform about the ways in which Open Science has been applied in the Greek and Cypriot research ecosystems, emphasizing on the latest developments and upcoming actions. In these efforts, the contribution of National Initiatives has been significant, namely the Hellenic Open Science Initiative (HOSI) and Informal Consultative Group for Open Science in Cyprus.
OpenAPC - Open minds towards transparent publication fees
Tuesday, 04 April 2023
In 2014 the OpenAPC project was launched at Bielefeld University Library and has received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2015 - 2018), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (2018 - 2020) and the European Commission through the OpenAIRE Nexus project (2021 - 2023).
In this online event, the presentation focused on the benefits of transparent publication fees and on how institutions can become part of the global acting OpenAPC project.
We briefly discussed the data format and processing, how transparency is applied to all steps of the data lifecycle in OpenAPC, and the benefits of participating.
The presentation closed with a brief outlook.
Finally, time for discussions and further explanations after the presentations.
MONITOR – Institutional Dashboard: tailor-made monitoring, made easy
Tuesday, 21 June 2022
The aim of this public webinar was to present the Monitoring Dashboard ( that allows institutions to track research activities, their performance, and ultimately their impact across key dimensions such as Open Science policy uptake, European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), collaborations, reach and visibility, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and so on.
As part of the OpenAIRE Monitor – an on-demand service, built upon the OpenAIRE Research Graph, with the mission to offer reliable and timely monitoring and evaluation of research activities for different types of organizations - The institutional Dashboard aims to assist institutions to turn data into insights, thus revealing weak spots and hidden potential and leading the way to evidence-based decision making.
WHEN: 21 June 2022
TIME: 11h00 CEST
- OpenAIRE Monitor presentation 10'
Ioanna Grypari, Athena Research Center - Institutional Dashboard demo 20'
Leonidas Pispiringas, OpenAIRE - Q&A
OpenAIRE x NI4OS-Europe series: Designing privacy and repository policies with RePol
Monday, 28 March 2022
OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus continue to inform the research and academic community on important aspects related to Open Science, this time through a series of webinars run in collaboration with the NI4OS-Europe project.
March is dedicated to the presentation of the tools developed in the framework of NI4OS-Europe for various groups and individuals interested in Open Science policy implementation and optimal Research Data Management. The purpose is for Universities, Research Infrastructures and Research Services to prepare for the application of Open Science and for its implementation through the European Cloud of Open Science - EOSC. Similarly, researchers will be supported in Optimal Research Data Management, with an emphasis on legal issues pertaining to various types of copyright in data, multimedia, software and derivative content.
The presence of service policies, and privacy and repository policies in particular, is increasingly expected by end-users, mandated by regulators and assessors and required for service certification. They also define a set of rules and practices that the organisational management, repository administrators and the technical staff need to establish and enforce. Here, practical guidance on the use of RePol, an open-source web tool developed within NI4OS-Europe, will be provided. RePol helps the user to create and maintain a comprehensive and clear repository policy or privacy policy for a web-based service. Through a step-by-step wizard and self-explanatory forms, the user shapes a customised policy document formulated in line with the current best practice. With such a policy, the resource owner can more easily align the service with GDPR requirements as well as those for onboarding and participation in open-science infrastructures. The resulting document may be downloaded as an XML file, additionally customized or manually edited before it is integrated into the service or repository. Individual policy elements are provided in a machine-readable format, allowing for an automated interpretation of created policies and metadata extraction.
OpenAIRE x NI4OS-Europe series: Rules of Participation Legal & Ethics Compliance Tool (RoLECT)
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus continue to inform the research and academic community on important aspects related to Open Science, this time through a series of webinars run in collaboration with the NI4OS-Europe project.
March is dedicated to the presentation of the tools developed in the framework of NI4OS-Europe for various groups and individuals interested in Open Science policy implementation and optimal Research Data Management. The purpose is for Universities, Research Infrastructures and Research Services to prepare for the application of Open Science and for its implementation through the European Cloud of Open Science - EOSC. Similarly, researchers will be supported in Optimal Research Data Management, with an emphasis on legal issues pertaining to various types of copyright in data, multimedia, software and derivative content.
Open Research Europe: The EC’s platform for open access publications
Thursday, 08 April 2021
The National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus continue their joint efforts to inform and update the research and academic communities in their countries about important Open Science aspects. This time they partner with the Scholarly Communication Unit of HEAL-Link.
The webinar presents the Open Research Europe platform which has been developed by the European Commission (EC) to support open access publishing for scientific publications of framework programme’s projects. The webinar aims to communicate the model and the ways in which the platform can be used by researchers.
When: Thursday 8 April 2021
Time: 11.00 a.m - 12.00 p.m
Language: Greek
Target audience: Researchers, Academic Staff, Librarians
We are pleased to announce that the webinar will be delivered by Victoria Tsoukala, Policy Officer-Seconded National Expert- Open Access-Science Cloud - European Commission, DG RESEARCH.
Victoria’s presentation is about the new platform for open access peer-reviewed publications that is promoted by the EC as a service for project coordinators of ‘Horizon 2020’ and ‘Europe Horizon’ programmes. In addition, the new Open Science policy framework of ‘Europe Horizon’ that the platform supports compliance with, will be analysed.
For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
- Greece: openaire [at] athenarc [dot] gr
- Cyprus: openaire-cy [at] ucy [dot] ac [dot] cy
OpenAIRE and EOSC: interactions and contribution to Open Science
Thursday, 18 February 2021
For the third consecutive year, the National Open Access Desks for Greece and Cyprus continue their joint efforts to inform and update the research and academic communities in their countries about important Open Science aspects.
This webinar presented the pan-European electronic infrastructure for Open Science - OpenAIRE and the European Open Science Cloud - EOSC. The webinar was supported also by the NI4OS-Europe project.
Lately, there is a rapid change in the field of Research and Innovation (R&I) in Europe. The adoption of the Open Science model by the European Commission has channelled open standards into national research settings. Complementary to new policies that are created, EOSC is being developed aiming to become the European research web which incorporates good practices and interconnects with national R&I ecosystems by design. Research infrastructures are called to support data-driven research and adapt to the new reality that adds value to their services.
The presentation informed about OpenAIRE, its continuous activity in the European Research Area for more than 10 years now and its evolution into a legal entity based in Greece. It also helped to provide a better understanding of EOSC and its operation, and communicated how OpenAIRE and NI4OS-Europe assist its implementation. In addition, it highlighted the changes brought by EOSC in various R&I areas and explained how everyday activities of researchers will be performed as well as what measures are underway to fully support the research process in all its dimensions.
CHIST-ERA Course on Open Science and Research Data Management
A course on Open Science and Research Data Management for CHIST-ERA beneficiaries
Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Friday, 04 December 2020
Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Friday, 11 December 2020
The Course on Open Science and Research Data Management organised in the framework of CHIST-ERA in collaboration with OpenAIRE NOADs is dedicated to CHIST-ERA funding programme beneficiaries and call applicants.
Given the engagement of CHIST-ERA in Open Science, a new Open Science policy will come into effect starting from the next CHIST-ERA Call, with new tools, standards and support.
In collaboration with OpenAIRE, the training course has been tailored to the new CHIST-ERA policy as well as to the needs of CHIST-ERA project participants. It consists of the following 4 modules:
- Module 1 (2nd December): Introduction and motivations
- Module 2 (4th December): Open Access to Publications, Open Data and FAIR Data, Open Software and FAIR software
- Module 3 (9th December): Research Data Management and Data Management Plan
- Module 4 (11th December): Hands-on session with the provided tools
The course covers all modern aspects of Open Science (Publications, Open Data, FAIR principles, DMP, etc.) and familiarise you with the tools and standards now required by the new calls of CHIST-ERA.
You will find all course material linked at the bottom of this page.
Equity and inclusion: open science policies
A joint COAR/EIFL/OpenAIRE panel session
Friday, 23 October 2020
Webinar jointly organised by COAR, EIFL and OpenAIRE on Friday, October
23rd at 12:00 - 13:30 CEST.
This panel addressed equity and inclusion in recent open science policy developments in Asia and Europe.
Moderator: | Iryna Kuchma (EIFL) |
Panelists: |
Open Access Week 2020 programme:
Intellectual Property and Open Science: Legislation - Practices
Thursday, 09 July 2020
The National Open Access Desks in Greece and Cyprus organise the last webinar of the Summer season. NOADs will be back with new webinars with the start of the academic year 2020-2021, in September.
This month the focus is on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for the academic and research community to learn about latest developments at policy level and how they are applied.
OpenAIRE Webinar: “Intellectual Property and Open Science: Legislation - Practices”
When? Thursday, 9 July 2020
Time? 11.00 am - 12.00 pm EEST
Language of the presentation: Greek
Audience: Researchers, Research Performing Organisations, Research Funding Organisations, Librarians
We are pleased to announce that guest speaker of this webinar is legal expert Prodromos Tsiavos, Legal Adviser of "Athena" Research & Innovation Center.
The purpose of the webinar is to provide a brief overview of policies and the European legislation around IPR as well as to show how these might influence the designing of institutional and national Open Science policies. In this regard, emphasis will be given to Directive 2019/790 on intellectual property in the Digital Single Market, Directive 2019/1024 on Open Data, the European Data Policy, the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, and the European Commission's proposal for the EOSC Partnership. All of the aforementioned policy and legislative texts will be discussed in the context of broader European Digital Policies. Finally, it will be examined how they can lead to concrete actions for improving and strengthening policies at institutional and national level.
The webinar will be recorded and all related material (slides, recordings, Q&As) will be shared with everyone afterwards.
For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
- Ελλάδα openaire['at']
- Κύπρος openaire-cy['at']
OpenAIRE virtual coffee break
Involved in open science training and looking for ways to optimize your online training delivery?
Monday, 29 June 2020
A virtual coffee break on Zoom - no presentations, just an informal experience sharing discussion, like you would have at your coffee break. Notes.
RGPD y aspectos legales relacionados con la gestión de datos de investigación
Seminario en español
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología (FECYT), como NOAD para España del proyecto OpenAIRE, organiza este seminario web sobre RGPD y aspectos legales en la gestión de datos de investigación.
En este webinar se proporcionará una perspectiva legal sobre la gestión de datos de investigación, tanto teórica como práctica: ¿Cómo se manejan los datos personales sensibles en investigación? ¿Cuáles son los posibles problemas de privacidad cuando se utilizan datos personales en una investigación? ¿Qué se necesita saber sobre la RGPD y la nueva directiva PSI?
El contenido del seminario será relevante para investigadores, bibliotecarios y administradores de investigación de todos los campos (incluidas las ciencias sociales y las humanidades). Habrá también tiempo para preguntas y respuestas durante la sesión, además de poder enviar preguntas a través de este formulario.
Una vez realizada la inscripción, recibirá el enlace del seminario web en el correo electrónico recordatorio enviado.
Plan S: Taking stock of the current situation and new developments
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
This OpenAIRE Policy and Legal Task Force webinar focuses on recent developments around Plan S. Johan Rooryck, cOAlition S Open Access Champion, talks about cOAlition S and what Research funding organizations in cOAlition S want; research visibility; Plan S: strong principles; implementation guidance: key challenges, routes to compliance, transformative arrangements; implementation: developing a Journal Checker Tool; working with key stakeholders: researchers, early career researchers, publishers, universities; and other activities: transparent pricing and Fair Open Access Alliance (FOAA), non-APC funding models and cOAlition S office. Niamh Brennan, Trinity College Dublin and OpenAIRE NOAD in Ireland, talks about Ireland’s experience with its National Open Science Strategy and Plan S: the scholarly publishing landscape in Ireland, Ireland’s Open Access Repository Network and National Open Access Research Portal, HRB Open Research, National Open Research Forum, mapping national OA Policy to Plan S (1st iteration), National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment – ‘Plan S-friendly’ – but its primary concern is to be more ‘Irish research-friendly, ‘AmeliCA-friendly’ – in terms of its emphasis on academy-based infrastructures and on alternatives to fee-based publishing and supportive of scholarly communication initiatives in the Global South, stressing equity, bibliodiversity and revisiting the issues of copyright and licences, immediate Open Access & Choice of Open Access Route calling to end publisher embargoes on researchers self-archiving their AAMs, and diamond publishing. The webinar recording also includes questions and discussion.