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Items tagged with REPOSITORY

OpenAIRE coffee break on e-accessibility

It’s all about the tools!

  • Wednesday, 07 June 2023

Tim Berners-Lee once said, “The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” Yes, well, but why is much of the data on the web still not accessible to people with disabilities? Some might blame a lack of knowledge by authors of content, which may be compensated by training. But actually, authoring tools turn out to be a major culprit, as long as research data like tables or forms for data collection cannot usually be created accessible with common office tools.

Andreas Jeitler, responsible for Accessibility Services at Klagenfurt University Library, and Susanne Blumesberger, an academic librarian at the University of Vienna,  discuss e-accessibility tools. 

OpenAIRE EXPLORE: Improvements and new information available

  • Tuesday, 23 May 2023

20230523 EXPLORE small


Short description & Agenda

This webinar will focus on the latest improvements of the Explore portal to better facilitate user needs in terms of easy search and best exposure of the metadata of the desired research results.

It will also be presented where the users can find the impact factors, usage counts, and citation scores of the research results in the search pages as well as in the detailed pages.

Zenodo: open digital repository

  • Wednesday, 07 December 2022

20221207 Zenodo Webinar 1

This webinar aimed to present what Zenodo is, why and how to use it, and what future improvements are in the horizon.


  • Why Zenodo?
  • How to use Zenodo
  • Zenodo's features: communities, integrations with other services, etc.
  •  What's in the future?
  • demo

UsageCounts: Complementing traditional scholarly impact indicators with usage activity

  • Wednesday, 13 July 2022

 13072022 UsageCounts webinar


This is an informative and educative webinar, where we will present OpenAIRE's UsageCounts, the OpenAIRE service that contributes towards impact evaluation of usage activity in Open Access Content Providers.

UsageCounts gathers raw usage activity and consolidated usage statistics reports respectively, for OpenAIRE Research Graph products and from the network of OpenAIRE content providers (repositories, e-journals, CRIS, national aggregators, etc.). It builds and deploys usage statistics across the above distributed network and provides significant added value for different stakeholders.

Webinar Learning Outcomes (agenda):

  • UsageCounts service in OpenAIRE infrastructure.
  • UsageCounts service architecture and workflows.
  • UsageCounts service registration, configuration and deployment.
  • Usage Statistics as a tool for scholarly output assessment.
  • COUNTER CoP Standard.
  • UsageCounts service as an EOSC core service.
  • Discussion on engagement with UsageCounts, potential issues and user concerns.

MONITOR – Institutional Dashboard: tailor-made monitoring, made easy

  • Tuesday, 21 June 2022

 21062022 MONITOR Inst Dashboard 01


The aim of this public webinar was to present the Monitoring Dashboard ( that allows institutions to track research activities, their performance, and ultimately their impact across key dimensions such as Open Science policy uptake, European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), collaborations, reach and visibility, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and so on.

As part of the OpenAIRE Monitor – an on-demand service, built upon the OpenAIRE Research Graph, with the mission to offer reliable and timely monitoring and evaluation of research activities for different types of organizations - The institutional Dashboard aims to assist institutions to turn data into insights, thus revealing weak spots and hidden potential and leading the way to evidence-based decision making.

WHEN: 21 June 2022

TIME: 11h00 CEST


  • OpenAIRE Monitor presentation 10'
    Ioanna Grypari, Athena Research Center
  • Institutional Dashboard demo 20'
    Leonidas Pispiringas, OpenAIRE
  • Q&A


OpenAIRE x NI4OS-Europe series: Designing privacy and repository policies with RePol

  • Monday, 28 March 2022

OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus continue to inform the research and academic community on important aspects related to Open Science, this time through a series of webinars run in collaboration with the NI4OS-Europe project.

March is dedicated to the presentation of the tools developed in the framework of NI4OS-Europe for various groups and individuals interested in Open Science policy implementation and optimal Research Data Management. The purpose is for Universities, Research Infrastructures and Research Services to prepare for the application of Open Science and for its implementation through the European Cloud of Open Science - EOSC. Similarly, researchers will be supported in Optimal Research Data Management, with an emphasis on legal issues pertaining to various types of copyright in data, multimedia, software and derivative content.

The presence of service policies, and privacy and repository policies in particular, is increasingly expected by end-users, mandated by regulators and assessors and required for service certification. They also define a set of rules and practices that the organisational management, repository administrators and the technical staff need to establish and enforce. Here, practical guidance on the use of RePol, an open-source web tool developed within NI4OS-Europe, will be provided. RePol helps the user to create and maintain a comprehensive and clear repository policy or privacy policy for a web-based service. Through a step-by-step wizard and self-explanatory forms, the user shapes a customised policy document formulated in line with the current best practice. With such a policy, the resource owner can more easily align the service with GDPR requirements as well as those for onboarding and participation in open-science infrastructures. The resulting document may be downloaded as an XML file, additionally customized or manually edited before it is integrated into the service or repository. Individual policy elements are provided in a machine-readable format, allowing for an automated interpretation of created policies and metadata extraction.

CHIST-ERA Course on Open Science and Research Data Management

A course on Open Science and Research Data Management for CHIST-ERA beneficiaries

  • Wednesday, 02 December 2020

    Friday, 04 December 2020

    Wednesday, 09 December 2020

    Friday, 11 December 2020

The Course on Open Science and Research Data Management organised in the framework of CHIST-ERA in collaboration with OpenAIRE NOADs is dedicated to CHIST-ERA funding programme beneficiaries and call applicants.

Given the engagement of CHIST-ERA in Open Science, a new Open Science policy will come into effect starting from the next CHIST-ERA Call, with new tools, standards and support.

In collaboration with OpenAIRE, the training course has been tailored to the new CHIST-ERA policy as well as to the needs of CHIST-ERA project participants. It consists of the following 4 modules:

The course covers all modern aspects of Open Science (Publications, Open Data, FAIR principles, DMP, etc.) and familiarise you with the tools and standards now required by the new calls of CHIST-ERA.

You will find all course material linked at the bottom of this page.

Research data: accessible infrastructures and innovative tools in Greece

  • Friday, 23 October 2020

Athena Research Center (ARC) together with Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL-link) participate in Open Access Week 2020 in the context of activities for OpenAIRE in Greece. The topic of presentations and discussions to take place is research data management. The event is open to all researchers and to members of research organisations in Greece, both in the public and private sector. 

Title: “Research data: accessible infrastructures and innovative tools in Greece”

When: Friday, 23 October 2020

Time: 13:00 p.m - 14:30 p.m

Language: Greek 

The theme of the International Open Access Week 2020, 19-25 October, is “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion.” The goal is to raise awareness regarding diversity, equity and inclusion of all research communities and forms of knowledge. By reshaping research and creating systems for sharing knowledge we come across with an opportunity for a more equitable, diverse and open framework for all research communities. In particular, Greece is facing important structural changes that will allow open redistribution of research data and will facilitate implementation of Open Science practices. 

ARC and HEAL-link concentrated this year’s presentations on issues around research data management and personal data. The presentations will focus on national research data repositories, highlighting their contribution to paneuropean cloud infrastructures and their role in an Open Science environment. Finallt, to limit discouragement in following open practices when dealing with sensitive and personal data, the Amnesia tool for  data anonymization will be explained. 

Open Access Week: Towards a scholarly commons

Open Access Week: Towards a scholarly commons

Platform interoperability and open access transformation

  • Thursday, 22 October 2020

What does it mean to be a part of the scholarly commons? According to FORCE11, the scholarly commons is an agreement among researchers and other stakeholders in scholarly communication to make research open and participatory for anyoneanywhere. It is not another sharing platform, but a set of principlesconcrete guidance to practice, and actions towards inclusivity of diverse perspectives from around the globe.

In this webinar, we investigate OpenAIRE's role in achieving this scholarly commons, through our work concerning the OpenAIRE Guidelines on metadata interoperability, as well as publication models and services for the Open Access Transformation.
OpenAIRE Week! A user journey in OpenAIRE provide services and interoperability guidelines implementation

OpenAIRE Week! A user journey in OpenAIRE provide services and interoperability guidelines implementation

  • Wednesday, 14 October 2020

A user journey in OpenAIRE provide services and interoperability guidelines implementation

This third day of the OpenAIRE week event purposes to provide the setting for OpenAIRE in European and global stage of Content Providers. This session aims to engage with the OpenAIRE content providers community, showcasing the services and tools available through the provide dashboard and the recent developments from the research graph and sharing use cases from the users community. The OpenAIRE guidelines updates and implementation will be discussed and examples of national and institutional level activities will be presented through same repositories and CRIS use-cases.

 14:00 CEST

The power of the OpenAIRE Research Graph: the largest collection of Open Access research products world-wide

  • OpenAIRE Research Graph and the broker service, Claudio Atzori, CNR-ISTI
  • LA Referencia aggregator OpenAIRE service integration, Lautaro Matas, LAReferencia
  • Q&A
14:40 CEST

OpenAIRE Provide dashboard overview and community use-cases: one-stop-service for content providers

  • Provide dashboard services, Pedro Principe, University of Minho (Provide product manager)
  • Usage Counts, Dimitris Pierrakos, ATHENA RC (OpenAIRE Usage Counts manager)
  • Q&A
15:20 CEST

OpenAIRE interoperability guidelines: updates and use-cases

  • OpenAIRE guidelines, Andreas Czerniak, Bielefeld University
  • Use case 1: Canadian national aggregator supports Literature v4, Gabriela Mircea, McMaster University Library, CA
  • Use case 2: Making Research Information visible in EOSC via OpenAIRE, Jan Dvořák, Charles University, CZ
  • Q&A

Open Science e COVID-19. Collaborare per contrastare la pandemia

Una serie di webinar e tutorial sulla condivisione dei dati su COVID-19

  • Tuesday, 21 July 2020

    Monday, 16 November 2020

    Wednesday, 28 April 2021

    Tuesday, 28 September 2021

L’emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19 ha reso evidente la necessità di collaborare a livello globale. Per trovare soluzioni rapide ed efficaci alla pandemia è doveroso condividere nel modo più aperto possibile dati, pubblicazioni, software e altre tipologie di risultati scientifici. Se ne parlerà in una serie di webinar e tutorial organizzati dai nodi italiani di OpenAIRE, ELIXIR, RDA e EOSC Pillar.

I webinar hanno l'obiettivo di sensibilizzare la comunità scientifica sull’importanza della condivisione dei dati per monitorare l’evoluzione della pandemia Covid-19 e, soprattutto, per la ricerca di una cura efficace. Saranno messe in evidenza disomogeneità e incongruenze nella raccolta dei dati molecolari, epidemiologici e clinici, per poi illustrare strumenti e buone pratiche dell’Open Science e dell’Open Access. 

I tutorial saranno eventi formativi in cui si mostreranno soluzioni specifiche per condividere diversi tipi di dati omici e altri prodotti della ricerca, quali software di analisi e protocolli.

È necessario registrarsi per partecipare e per anticipare eventuali domande ai relatori. Il link per la registrazione si trova di seguito.

Webinar: Disponibilità e uso dei dati epidemiologici in pandemia: difficoltà e opportunità | martedì 28 settembre 2021, 043 15.00 (CEST) | 2 ore

banner webinar dati epidemiologici

Per mesi i dati epidemiologici sono stati osservati e studiati con apprensione. Attesi, discussi ogni giorno da addetti ai lavori e non, usati dal decisore pubblico per calibrare la gestione della pandemia e le misure di emergenza a livello nazionale e regionale. La pandemia da COVID-19 ha evidenziato l’estrema importanza di questi dati per la gestione della salute pubblica. Per questo è diventato urgente capire cosa sono i dati epidemiologici, come vengono raccolti nel nostro paese, quali sono i modelli che sono stati scelti per l’analisi e come essi sono stati diffusi e messi a disposizione. 

L’esperienza maturata dall'Istituto Superiore di Sanità durante l’emergenza è un’ottima occasione per approfondire alcuni aspetti riguardanti i dati epidemiologici, per riflettere sui limiti della gestione attuale e le potenzialità di miglioramento nella condivisione dei dati. 

Se ne parlerà nel webinar “Disponibilità e uso dei dati epidemiologici in pandemia: difficoltà e opportunità”, in programma martedì 28 settembre dalle 15 alle 17, con il contributo di Flavia Riccardo, dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, e Stefano Merler della Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

Flavia Riccardo è un medico infettivologo con un dottorato di ricerca in malattie infettive ed una formazione in epidemiologia di campo. Ricercatrice presso l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, è il Focal Point Nazionale presso il centro europeo delle malattie infettive (ECDC) per le malattie respiratorie virali e per le malattie emergenti e trasmesse da vettore. A livello nazionale, dall’inizio del 2020, si è occupata di situation awareness, pianificazione strategico-operativa, valutazione del rischio epidemico e sorveglianza epidemiologica delle infezioni causate dal virus SARS-CoV-2.

Stefano Merler è un epidemiologo matematico, direttore del Centro Health Emergencies della Fondazione Bruno Kessler di Trento. Si occupa dello studio dei pattern di trasmissione delle malattie infettive, applicando tecniche statistiche o di modellizzazione matematica per comprendere la storia naturale dei patogeni e il decorso clinico delle infezioni e per valutare il potenziale impatto di diverse strategie di mitigazione o contenimento. È autore di circa 140 articoli scientifici.


  • Introduzione - Francesca De Leo (CNR, ELIXIR-IT) - Slide
  • Flavia Riccardo (ISS), Dati epidemiologici e decision-making durante una pandemia: esperienza di 17 mesi di epidemia da virus SARS-CoV-2 in Italia - Slide
  • Stefano Merler (FBK), Il ruolo della matematica come supporto nella risposta ad una pandemia - Slide
  • Discussione

Destinatari: ricercatori e tecnici esperti di raccolta e analisi di dati


Webinar: ll COVID-19 Data Portal italiano: un punto di riferimento nazionale per i dati della pandemia | Mercoledì 28 aprile 2021, ore 15:00 (CEST) | 1,5 ore

È stato presentato il e sono state illustrate le risorse a disposizione per chi produce o lavora con i dati di COVID-19  in Italia. 

Webinar: Covid-19 e condivisione del dati: perché in Italia si fa troppo poco? Seconda edizione. Lunedì 16 novembre 2020, ore 15:00 (CEST) | 2 ore

Nel webinar è stata ribadita la necessità di un cambio di rotta a favore della collaborazione tra i ricercatori. 

Webinar: Covid-19 e condivisione del dati: perché in Italia si fa troppo poco? Prima edizione. Martedì 21 Luglio 2020, ore 17:00 (CEST) | 2 ore

Nel webinar è stata esposta l'urgenza di aderire a un modello di scienza aperto e collaborativo. Sono stati illustrai aspetti specifici dell’Open Science per le ricerche su Covid-19 e le principali iniziative europee per la condivisione di dati e risultati di ricerca all'interno della comunità scientifica.

Webinar: Covid-19 e condivisione dei dati. Risorse e strumenti per i dati clinici.

Data da definire

Come sarebbe opportuno procedere per standardizzare la raccolta e la gestione dei dati clinici sull’epidemia da Covid-19, in modo da rendere più efficace il monitoraggio e dunque le politiche sanitarie pubbliche? In questo webinar si mostreranno alcune incongruenze nella raccolta dei dati clinici e si mostreranno i protocolli e le linee guida proposte  dall’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità, dal COVID19 data portal della Commissione europea e le raccomandazioni della Research Data Alliance.

Relatori e programma: da definire.

Tutorial: Covid-19 e condivisione dei dati. Come gestire i dati omici - prima e seconda parte

Date da definire

Due tutorial saranno dedicati ai diversi tipi di dati “omici” rilevanti per lo studio e l’analisi di SARS-CoV-2 (e.g.: virus/host genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, structural data) e per ciascuno di essi saranno mostrati:

  • i vantaggi della condivisione dei dati
  • raccomandazioni/linee-guida/procedure per il processamento e la condivisione dei dati in archivi pubblici
  • come rendere i dati FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable)
  • sfide e aspetti da tenere in considerazione

Relatori e programma: da definire.

Tutorial: Covid-19 e condivisione del software. Protocolli e altri strumenti per l’analisi di dati.

Data da definire

La ricerca scientifica è spesso possibile grazie ai vari software di analisi dei dati. Questi, tuttavia, non sempre sono sviluppati, manutenuti e condivisi in modo da assicurare qualità e riproducibilità. In questo tutorial saranno esposti in modo pratico e concreto best practices e linee guida per applicare i principi dell’Open Science ai vari strumenti per l’analisi dei dati. 

Relatori e programma: da definire.

Comitato Organizzatore:

Francesca De Leo CNR-IBIOM

Emma Lazzeri CNR-ISTI

Loredana Le Pera CNR-IBIOM (e CNR-IBPM)

Gina Pavone CNR-ISTI

Allegra Via CNR-IBPM

OpenAIRE virtual coffee break

OpenAIRE virtual coffee break

Involved in open science training and looking for ways to optimize your online training delivery?

  • Monday, 29 June 2020

A virtual coffee break on Zoom - no presentations, just an informal experience sharing discussion, like you would have at your coffee break. Notes

Interoperability in EOSC: OpenAIRE Guidelines for repositories

  • Thursday, 11 June 2020

Athena Research Center and University of Cyprus Library, in the context of joint activities performed for OpenAIRE and NI4OS-Europe, organize a webinar to inform about repositories’ interoperability within the EOSC ecosystem. The webinar is part of the regular series of the Greek and Cypriot NOADs that aim to spread awareness to and facilitate adoption of important and relevant Open Science principles by their academic and research communities. 

This month the focus is on best practices for institutional and thematic repositories and on compliance with standards and protocols that enable effective and lossless information exchange between heterogeneous systems.

When? Thursday, 11 June 2020

Time: 11.00 am - 12.00 pm EEST

Language of presentation: Greek

Target audience: Repository managers

We are pleased to announce that guest speakers of this webinar are Antonis Lempesis and Stefania Martziou, Research Associates at Athena Research Center and members of the OpenAIRE technical team. 

Accessing scientific results which are available on digital infrastructures, such as repositories, is an important Open Science practice. Adoption of policies and standards as well as training for using repositories enhance, among other things, accessibility, findability and reusability of scientific outputs. Lately, there is a growing need for research data and services/ infrastructures which produce, share and preserve this data to follow the FAIR principles. However, data heterogeneity could have a negative effect on interoperability of systems. A solution to this challenge is provided by OpenAIRE for over ten years now, through specialised services which are also supported by NI4OS-Europe and EOSC. 

Repository managers will have the opportunity to be informed and explore:

  • the OpenAIRE Guidelines for enhancing interoperability
  • the Validator service for assessing repositories’ interoperability
  • the Repository Dashboard: a web service for content providers
Plan S: Taking stock of the current situation and new developments

Plan S: Taking stock of the current situation and new developments

  • Wednesday, 27 May 2020

This OpenAIRE Policy and Legal Task Force webinar focuses on recent developments around Plan S. Johan Rooryck, cOAlition S Open Access Champion, talks about cOAlition S and what Research funding organizations in cOAlition S want; research visibility; Plan S: strong principles; implementation guidance: key challenges, routes to compliance, transformative arrangements; implementation: developing a Journal Checker Tool; working with key stakeholders: researchers, early career researchers, publishers, universities; and other activities: transparent pricing and Fair Open Access Alliance (FOAA), non-APC funding models and cOAlition S office. Niamh Brennan, Trinity College Dublin and OpenAIRE NOAD in Ireland, talks about Ireland’s experience with its National Open Science Strategy and Plan S: the scholarly publishing landscape in Ireland, Ireland’s Open Access Repository Network and National Open Access Research Portal, HRB Open Research, National Open Research Forum, mapping national OA Policy to Plan S (1st iteration), National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment – ‘Plan S-friendly’ – but its primary concern is to be more ‘Irish research-friendly, ‘AmeliCA-friendly’ – in terms of its emphasis on academy-based infrastructures and on  alternatives to fee-based publishing and supportive of scholarly communication initiatives in the Global South, stressing equity, bibliodiversity and revisiting the issues of copyright and licences, immediate Open Access & Choice of Open Access Route calling to end publisher embargoes on researchers self-archiving their AAMs, and diamond publishing. The webinar recording also includes questions and discussion.

OpenAIRE PROVIDE Dashboard for Turkish repository managers

OpenAIRE PROVIDE Dashboard for Turkish repository managers

  • Wednesday, 20 May 2020

This webinar highlights the functionalities of the PROVIDE Dashboard, new developments and features.
bilingual webinar (English and Turkish)