Thematic workshops
on various Open Access and Open Science topics
National policy and support actions for research data skills - impact and experiences
This joint workshop by FAIRsFAIR and OpenAIRE aimed to discuss the role of national-level initiatives to advance skills development for research data management.
WHEN - 28th April | 14h00-16h30 CEST
ABOUT - At European level, the emerging European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) provides impetus for skills development. However, the recent report of the EOSC Working Group on Skills & Training finds that national skills policy is usually fragmented or underdeveloped when concerning skills for research data and data-intensive research.
The workshop aimed to take stock of the national initiatives and discuss good practices, impact and ways to forward for such initiatives.
University approaches to Citizen Science in the transition to Open Science Institutional opportunities and challenges for creating an open and inclusive environment for Research (12th OpenAIRE workshop - 2020)
WHEN – December 9th 10:00 - 12:00 CET, December 10th 10-11:30 CET register here.
ABOUT – EUA and OpenAIRE organise a joint online workshop on Citizen Science to discuss understanding of the challenges and opportunities for universities engaging in Citizen Science, and explore how Citizen Science can benefit from and add to the transition to Open Science.
This joint workshop will discuss themes around institutional support for Citizen Science and offers an opportunity to transfer and share knowledge. The aim is to exchange experiences, lessons learnt, and explore common challenges. To support Citizen Science, the online workshop will discuss tools, guidelines and good practices from Open Science experiences as well. Participating universities will have the opportunity to share expertise, coordinate efforts and exchange advice on services, tools and legal and ethical issues.
University approaches to Citizen Science in the transition to Open Science - Institutional strategies for creating an open and inclusive environment for research (12th OpenAIRE workshop - 2020)
POSTPONED due to the Corona-virus (Covid-19) MEASURES
EUA, UOC and OpenAIRE have made the difficult decision, after careful consideration and comprehensive evaluation of currently available information related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, to postpone the workshop “University approaches to Citizen Science in the transition to Open Science - Institutional strategies for creating an open and inclusive environment for research (12th OpenAIRE workshop - 2020)”, originally scheduled for May 8th in Barcelona, Spain. A rescheduled meeting is being planned for later this year. We’ll keep you updated and apologize for any inconvenience. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to everyone impacted by this global health crisis.
Research policy monitoring in the era of Open Science and Big Data - The what (indicators) and the how (infrastructures) (11th OpenAIRE workshop)
WHEN - May 27-28th, 2019
WHERE - Het Pand, the culture and congress centre of Ghent University, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Ghent, Belgium - see map
WHAT - A two day workshop exploring mechanisms for research policy monitoring and indicators: discussing the what 'indicators' and the how: infrastructure. This workshop is in collaboration with Data4Impact, with support of Science Europe.
New: Read about the outcomes and results!
Services to support FAIR data, Vienna (10th openAIRE workshop - 2019)

Sustainable non-APC OA publishing models (9th OpenAIRE workshop - February 2019)
New: Read about the outcomes and results!
In today’s publishing landscape there are several paths to Open Access (OA) publishing. A common and much discussed way of financing OA publishing is through Article Processing Charges (APC). However, over the recent years, several alternatives have been developed that do not rely on APCs. Consortia models, community-driven approaches, funder financed platforms etc. This is a path often overlooked.
Previously OpenAIRE launched two calls to fund non-author fee based open access publishing initiatives. The results of which you can find here for the 1st call and here for the 2nd call.
Under OpenAIRE Advance, we aim to continue this effort and showcase the range of models available (including organizational aspects), assess their relative strengths and weaknesses, conduct cross-disciplinary analyses of their efficacy in different academic contexts ,and carry out knowledge-sharing activities to promote best practice and encourage experimentation. Particular focus is thereby given to consortia models, as well as sustainability models, cost sharing and different disciplinary approaches.
Legal issues in Open Research Data (8th OpenAIRE workshop - April 2017)
The 8th OpenAIRE workshop took place as part of the RDA Ninth Plenary Meeting, Barcelona, and explored legal hindrances and possible solutions to open up research data. With the presentation of legal studies in making data open and interoperable, lessons learnt from the funders and with a critical understanding of issues related to text and data mining, data privacy and licenses, the event was an excellent opportunity to deepen all these issues.
Impact and Measurement of Open Access (7th OpenAIRE workshop - February 2017)
Open Peer Review: Models, Benefits and Limitations (6th OpenAIRE workshop - June 2016)
Few would deny that peer review, as currently practiced, has its drawbacks. It is slow, unaccountable, wasteful of resources, and lacking in incentives yet it is an essential part of the scientific process. A variety of initiatives have set up experiments with different forms of Open Peer Review (OPR) making the process faster and less opaque. But what does it entail and how can it provide better scientific publications? To explore the possibilities of OPR a workshop on “Open Peer Review: Models, Benefits and Limitations”, was held by OpenAIRE in conjunction with The International Conference on Electronic Publishing (Elpub) in Göttingen, June 2016.
Sharing research data and open access to publications in Horizon 2020 (5th OpenAIRE workshop - November 2015)
The OpenAIRE Workshop on “Sharing research data and open access to publications in Horizon 2020” focused on concepts and good practices of managing Research Data and Open Access to scientific publications in Horizon 2020. This workshop took place at Ghent University on the 18th of November and was attended by 102 delegates from 29 different countries.
Legal and Sustainability Issues for Open Access Infrastructures (4th OpenAIRE Workshop - November 2013)
OpenAIRE/LIBER workshop on Dealing with Data. What's the Role for the library? (3rd OpenAIRE Workshop - May 2013)
The purpose of this workshop was to explore where the library sits in the whole data lifecycle, and pinpoint some areas as to what its role might be in the future. The workshop also invited a range of scientists to present their line of research to the audience, with idea about where the library might be able to support them.
OpenAIRE Interoperability Workshop (2nd OpenAIRE Workshop - February 2013)
Linking Open Access publications to data – policy development and implementation (1st OpenAIRE workshop - June 2012)
On June 11, 2012 an OpenAIRE workshop was organized as a pre-Nordbib meeting at the Royal Library in Copenhagen. The workshop was attended by over 80 people and addressed Research Data policy in the context of linking publications to research data, one of the key activity areas in the OpenAIREplus project. In order to support the linking of research output, it is recognized that policies and guidelines have to be in place to support research organisations to manage their research data. It was thus timely that the first public workshop organised by OpenAIRE addressed some of these issues. The workshop was aimed at OpenAIRE participants, library managers, researchers, research funders, and research administrators. The final interactive session enabled participants to talk to the experts, and get to grips with some data management issues. Najla Rettberg – “OpenAIREplus: an overview of activities”,
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