Services use cases
University of Belgrade
enhancing research outputs in Serbia
The University of Belgrade Computer Centre (RCUB) collaborated with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (MESTD) on the OpenAIRE Monitor for Serbia. It highlighted that a lot of Serbian content was still in closed access and provided additional evidence for the need of a national open science policy and platform. Recommendations provided by OpenAIRE’s Task Force on Policies and Legal Guidelines were very useful in devising the national and institutional OA policies.
RCUB also developed a scalable and sustainable repository software solution compliant with the OpenAIRE repository guidelines. This solution is currently used by 19 repositories:
- NaRDuS, ie National Repository of Dissertations in Serbia
- CHERRY, ie CHEmistRy RepositorY - Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade
- VinaR, ie Vinca Repository - Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
- RaDAR, ie Repozitorijum Arhiviranih DigitAlnih Radova - Siniša Stanković Institute of Biological Research, University of Belgrade
- DAIS, ie Digital ArchIve of SASA - joint repository of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and institutes under its auspices
- RAUmPlan, ie Repozitorijum Arhitekture Urbanizma i Planiranja - Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade
- RIStocar, ie Repozitorijum Instituta za stočarstvo - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia
- rIFTD, ie Repository of IFDT - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University in Belgrade, Serbia
- CeR, ie Central Repository - Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy at the University of Belgrade
- FarFar, ie Pharmacy Repository - Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
- GraFar, ie Gradjevinski Fakultet Repozitorijum - Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade
- Jakov - Repository of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade
- PlantaRum - Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade
- RAF, ie Repozitorijum Arhitektonskog Fakulteta - Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
- RIK, ie Repozitorijum Instituta za kukuruz - Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, Belgrade
- RhinoSec - Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade
- Veterinar, ie Repository of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade
- SMILE - School of dental Medicine dIgitaL archivE - School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade
- Jewish Digital Library, ie thematic repository dedicated to Jewis heritage
These repositories enriched and updated their records with OpenAIRE Provide service.
Open Science in Serbia
By adopting the Open Science Platform (2018) and the Law on Science and Research (2019), MESTD showed its commitment to implement the principles of Open Science in Serbia. In order to effectively implement OS principles, the Ministry has established the Team for Open Science in Serbia (TONuS) on 16 January 2020. TONuS includes a broad group of experts with the main task to identify and define all improvements, measures and regulations related to Open Science, and to ensure that they are implemented in the local research community as efficiently as possible.
Open Science Timeline
(detailed and could be zoomed)
This use case has demonstrated an efficient national strategy that:
- Increased visibility of Serbian research outputs, especially in the humanities;
- Ensured that 90–100% of deposits in humanities are open access and that there is a fairly high percentage of full-text content in repositories (75% on average);
- Raised awareness in the research community about the potential of repositories to enhance scholarly communication.
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