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University of Cyprus

Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου


Focused to research excellence. Innovative research with local and global impact to society.

Contribution to Open Science

For the last 12 years, the University of Cyprus through its Library is actively supporting the European Commission’s vision for Open Science. Since 2009 the Library is participating in European projects and networks and acting as the only National Open Access Desk (NOAD) of the country and is actively involved to the promotion and transmission of knowledge regarding Open Science aspects.

Goals and objectives

Establishment and implementation of Open Science as the new normal way of doing research.
  • Member since
Contact Info
Sylvia Koukounidou
University officer
Almost every year the University of Cyprus Library is organizing numerous webinarsconferences or other face to face events in order to provide the necessary knowledge to all different stakeholders. Having as one of the main goals to reach and support not only academia but also to engage and involve the local community, the thematic areas covered to the dissemination events varies. The UCY Library is also actively involved to the review of the National policy and to its implementation elements.Additionally, it provides a support helpdesk point to all local researchers and relevant stakeholders regarding all Open Science aspects