University of Latvias
Contribution to Open Science
The University of Latvia began the promotion and support of the Open Access movement in Latvia at the national level when participating in the first stage of the OpenAIRE project. During that time the OpenAIRE NOAD-Latvia contact point was created as a part of knowledge and understanding increasing and learning enhancement mechanism.
The Open Access Policy of the University of Latvia is in action since 2017 and currently, the institutional Open Science Policy is in the preparation stage.
The University staff as the representatives of OpenAIRE NOAD-Latvia and advocates of Open Science in Latvia has participated in developing the National Open Science Strategy in 2021, which, following a public discussion is currently under the approval process in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia
Goals and objectives
- Increase a wider recognition of OpenAIRE NOAD-Latvia among the research communities in Latvia, strengthen the recognition of its name in the Latvian scientific community, and stabilize the center’s authority as the first contact point when looking for the OA, OS related information in Latvia.
- Develop competencies and increase the support-field factor in Open Science various aspects.
- Find the trustable channels to reach out and bring researchers' attention to Open Science so that it fits naturally into their daily work.
Member since2020
Contact Info
Gita Rozenberga
OpenAIRE NOAD-Latvia is an informational support centre in Latvia for the research community members in building a solid awareness of Open Science, its principles, and its benefits. OpenAIRE NOAD-Latvia maintains a website to inform about the current actions in the field, organizes field-related activities, and consults on topics related to Open Access, Research Data Management, Open Science.
OpenAIRE NOAD-Latvia runs several workshops on the following topics:
- “Introduction into Open Science”
- “Scientific publishing and Open Access”
- “Introduction to research data management”
- “Introduction to preparing data management plans”, a.o. upon the request.
Stakeholders: The personnel of higher education institutions and scientific institutes in Latvia, researchers, PhD students, administration, science policy providers in Latvia, local research project managers and coordinators, Horizon Europe program’s project participants, authors, publishers and editors of the scientific journals, repository managers, information and data specialists, librarians, citizen science practitioners.