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University of Warsaw - Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Modelowania Matematycznego I Komputerowego


The ICM’s mission is:

To create value for the scientific community by building and delivering innovative IT solutions based on interdisciplinary competences, infrastructure and data.

The mission is carried out through:

  1. working with the academic community in the implementation of projects requiring special or advanced professional competences and advanced computer and IT infrastructure;
  2. own research, teaching and training activities;
  3. fostering open science by providing solutions and training;

Contribution to Open Science

The ICM, an interdisciplinary research supercomputing and data centre at the University of Warsaw has over 20 years of experience in large-scale computing, modelling and data analysis. The ICM supports Polish research teams from various disciplines through providing access to its HPC and data infrastructures, its interdisciplinary expertise and support.

In addition, the ICM provides a range of public internet services to both the academic community and the general public. The Open Science paradigm is at the heart of all ICM’s activities.

Goals and objectives

Transforming the research performing, publishing and evaluation into Open Science model.
  • Member since
Contact Info
Wojtek Sylwestrzak
Deputy Director

Sample services provided by ICM include:

  • A precise numerical weather forecast for Poland – available in open access
  • Public output from epidemiological model for Poland, including the COVID-19 pandemic simulation
  • Global aviation model and visualisation based on real-tine global aviation data
  • Access to journals of international scientific publishers for all researchers in Poland, hosted at ICM’s own platform
  • Negotiating consortia licenses for Poland with international publishers for over 25 years, national licenses for over 10 year, and so called transformational agreements with open access components in the recent years
  • Providing open access publishing platform hosting over 1500 Polish research journals
  • Providing disciplinary open research data repositories