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This workshop have presented the new OpenAIRE service for Research Communities, showcasing two real use cases from the five pilot communities within OpenAIRE-connect project (i: Neuroinformatics from France Life Imaging national infrastructure; ii: European Marine Science from Pangaea and Atlas community; iii: Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities from the PARTHENOS research infrastructure; iv: Fisheries and aquaculture management from the BlueBridge and MARBEC infrastructures; and v: Environment & Economy from the national/EU node of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network), addressing community based solutions, and also the demonstration of the features available for research initiatives and infrastructures.

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Session introduction and overview of the OpenAIRE service for Research Communities

Session introduction, Pedro Príncipe, University of Minho
OpenAIRE Research Community Dashboard - Demo, Alessia Bardi, CNR-ISTI
OpenAIRE Research Community Dashboard: the challenges, Paolo Manghi, CNR-ISTI
 [Presentation | Video]

OpenAIRE-Connect Research Communities use cases - Open Science Community Experience

European Marine Science, Stéphane Pesant, UniHB - Universität Bremen
 [Presentation | Video]
Neuroinformatics, Sorina Pop, CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
 [Presentation | Video]

Zenodo repository and OpenAIRE Research Communities

Tim Smith, CERN
 [Presentation | Video]

Breakout groups

Researchers, users and community perspectives - Open Science publishing challenges and gaps.

Final remarks and future challenges

Next steps to extend the OpenAIRE Open Science-as-a-Service tools for researchers.

Workshop materials

Workshop photos  social flickr button 24


The workshop was part of the DI4R 2018 conference programme (Digital Infrastructures for Research 2018), in Lisbon, Portugal on 11th October 2018.