Curious about the novelties in Horizon 2020 with regards to Open Access? Did you know that all H2020 projects are obliged to make their publications Open Access and that there is an Open Research Data Pilot? To shed some light on how to comply with the Open Access mandate and the Open Data Pilot, you are invited to our workshop on November 18th in Ghent, Belgium.
All projects receiving Horizon 2020 funding will have the obligation to make sure any peer reviewed journal article they publish is openly accessible, free of charge.
The morning plenary session will be devoted to Open Science in Horizon2020. After an introduction by the EC, the benefits of Open Science will be presented by Lennart Martens. The Open Access mandate and the Open Data Pilot will be clarified with examples of how OpenAIRE services can be of help.
There will be time for discussion and questions, as your input is important for the success of the project.
Expected outcome of the workshop:
- For NCPs and research admins: A checklist of actions on how to support H2020 projects
- Project Coordinators: Information to aid in writing project proposals
- How to meet Open Access and Open Research Data Pilot obligations during the project
- Ideas for future support materials
09.00 | Registration | |
09.30 - 09.35 | Introduction | Room Vermeylen |
09.35 - 10.05 | A funder’s perspective: Welcome from the EC – Caroline Colin |
Room Vermeylen |
10.05 - 10.35 | Benefits of Open Science – Prof. Lennart Martens |
Room Vermeylen |
10.35 - 11.00 | Coffee break | |
11.00 - 11.45 | Overview of the OA mandate and OpenAIRE tools – Pedro Príncipe, Inge Van Nieuwerburgh and Pablo de Castro |
Room Vermeylen |
11.45 - 12.45 | Overview of the data pilot and OpenAIRE tools – Elly Dijk and Marjan Grootveld |
Room Vermeylen |
12.45 - 14.00 | Lunch | |
14.00 - 15.00 | Parallel Group 1 ‘In Practice’:The Open Access Mandate from a project perspective |
Blancquaert/Bibliotheek |
Parallel Group 2 ‘In Practice’:The Data pilot from a project perspective |
Vermeylen/Persconferentiezaal | |
15.00 - 15.20 | Coffee break | |
15.20 - 16.20 | Parallel Group 1‘In Practice’: The Open Access Mandate from a project perspective |
Blancquaert/Bibliotheek |
Parallel Group 2 ‘In Practice’:The Data pilot from a project perspective |
Vermeylen/Persconferentiezaal | |
16.20 - 17.00 | Reporting Back | Room Vermeylen |
17.00 - 18.30 | Networking reception | Het Pand |
18.30 | Self-paid dinner | Het Pand |
The workshop takes place Wednesday 18 November 2015, 09:00am - 05:00pm
You can register for the workshop here: Registration OpenAIRE Workshop
There is no registration fee.
The venue, het Pand, is situated at the center of Ghent, Onderbergen 1 - https://goo.gl/maps/9cWcz
For a list of accommodation in Ghent, click here.For more information contact Inge.VanNieuwerburgh@UGent.be or Emilie.Hermans@UGent.be
open access, horizon 2020, workshop, open data, dmp