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Zenodo - New and Improved!

zenodo in blue

Upload files of up to 50GB, track releases with improved Github integration, link H2020 research with OpenAIRE automatically, get faster results!

CERN and OpenAIRE are delighted to announce the launch of the new and improved Zenodothe open repository for all research outputs

What’s new?

The Zenodo team is very excited to share this new release, the culmination of more than 10 months of development, which marks a major milestone in enhancing Zenodo’s capabilities to keep pace with the always developing demands of Open Science. Here are just some of the new features:

Faster - when searching, uploading a file or using the REST API, you’ll notice that the new Zenodo is an order of magnitude more responsive.
Better search - accuracy and speed have been significantly improved thanks to the brand new search backend powered by Elasticsearch, coupled with a new search user interface.
Big Data ready - the current 2GB per file limit is removed, in favour of up to 50GB per dataset. All thanks to our new storage backend powered by CERN EOS disk system which hosts more than 100 petabytes of High-Energy Physics data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). (NOTE: For data-sets larger than 50GB, please contact us:
Horizon 2020 grant support - you can now link your research with Horizon 2020 grants and have them automatically exported to OpenAIRE.
Improved GitHub integration - you are now able to track each release - from the moment you click “Publish” in GitHub until the archived and DOI minted release appears in Zenodo.
Powered by Invenio v3 state-of-the-art digital repository - Zenodo is the first site to launch on the upcoming Invenio v3 digital library framework, rebuilt from ground-up to support millions of publications and very large research datasets. Thanks to the new Invenio 3 architecture we will be able to increase our development speed in order to launch more high quality features and improvements in the future.

What’s next?
This major release was just the beginning! Many exciting features are in the pipeline. Here’s a sneak peak:

Extended grant support - we are extending our grants database with 600,000 more grants from funders such as National Science Foundation (US), Wellcome Trust (UK), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) and the Australian Research Council - all thanks to OpenAIRE’s ever growing grants database.
Advanced search syntax - through a rich search syntax you will be able to search on all metadata available in Zenodo.
Extended REST API - search, files, uploads, grants, licenses and communities are some of the REST APIs which we will be launching during the autumn.

For more information, please contact us:!